January 12, 2022Helena Stamatina0

Cloth, Fiber, potions, numerous edibles, and other items are all included in Deepwoken crafting recipes. All of the craftable things have diverse functions — resources allow you to create more complex items, medicines can heal you or be used as explosives, food satisfies Hunger and Thirst, and so on.
Table of Contents
- Crafting System
- How to Make Cloth, Fiber
- Potion Crafting Recipes
- Cooking Recipes
- Important NPC’s
Crafting System
Can be used to craft certain things, pulled up when you open your inventory. Usually requires being near a crafting table of sorts. (Campfire, blacksmith table, etc).

How to Make Cloth, Fiber
Fortunately, the crafting recipes for Cloth and Fiber in Deepwoken are pretty straightforward. We’ve compiled a list for you below.
- Fiber– 2x Bamboo Shoot or 1x Spider Egg
- Cloth– 3x Fiber
- Sack– 2x Cloth
- Wood– 3x Sticks (same goes the other way around)
- Campfire– 3x Sticks or 1x Wood
- Flint– 1x Coal and 1x Rock
- Canteen– 1x Beeswax and 1x Calabash (requires Crafting Bench)
- Glider– 2x Sticks and 2x Cloth(requires Crafting Bench)
- Lumber Axe– 1x Iron and 1x Wood(requires Crafting Bench)
Potion Crafting Recipes
Before we get into the potion making recipes in Deepwoken, it’s important to note that some of them have helpful benefits while others will harm you, thereby turning them into thrown weapons.
- Focus-Enhancing Elixir– 3x Browncap, 2x Gathered Wheat (increases draw from Ether)
- Invigorating Elixir– 2x Gobletto (heals you)
- Heartening Elixir– 1x Bluecap, 1x Calabash, 1x Spider Egg (uncertain, probably heals or boosts Blood Regeneration)
- Icky Bane– 3x Redd (heals you but drains Ether)
- Soothing Salve– 2x Browncap, 1x Dentifillo (effect seemingly random)
- Soothing Potion– 1x Browncap, 1x Gobletto 2x Dentifillo (temporary blindness)
- Soothing Tincture– 3x Dentifillo (stops and holds you in place, causes vomiting which drains Hunger and Thirst)
- Disgusting Bane– 3x Browncap (deals damage)
- Disgusting Blight– 1x Stick, 2x Browncap (deals damage)
- Dulling Blight– 2x Gathered Wheat, 1x Dentifillo (stops and holds you in place, causes vomiting which drains Hunger and Thirst)
Cooking Recipes
When it comes to Deepwoken’s cooking recipes, some of them require a campfire to prepare, while others do not. Food satisfies your hunger and quenches your thirst. While you can achieve this by simply consuming the basic ingredients, preparing and eating substantial meals will fill the meters up faster.
- Candied Fruit– 2x Redd and 1x Sapp
- Chum– 2x Fishmeat
- Fruit Salad– 3 different fruits, one of each kind
- Noodles– 1x Egg and 2x Gathered Wheat
- Redd Juice– 3x Redd
- Bread– 3x Gathered Wheat (requires Campfire)
- Cooked Fishmeat– 1x Fishmeat (requires Campfire)
- Mushroom Soup– 1x Dentifillo and 1x any kind of Mushroom (requires Campfire)
- Mushroom Egg Soup– 1x Dentifillo and 2x Egg (requires Campfire)
- Omelette/Cooked Egg– 2x Eggs, but not Spider Eggs (requires Campfire)
- Plumfruit Muffin– 1x Plumfruit, 1x Gathered Wheat (requires Campfire)
- Sticky Bun– 1x Sap, 3x Gathered Wheat (requires Campfire)
Important NPC’s
- Blacksmith found in Etris & Isle of Vigils.
- Used to craft/repair armor(s) and craft schematics such as the glider.

- Located at the docks in Isle of Vigils.
- Gives the player information and a glider recipe.
- NPC Equivalent of Seraphina.

- Located in the middle of Etris.
- Gives the player a gold ring and information on training gear.
- Teaches you ‘Jus Karita’.

Den Master
- Black Market NPC.
- Sells Crystal Lens, Drift Shards, Cloudstones (10 Notes each).
- Located on Etris, need to have a wall breaking move to access him.

- Can be used to smelt two pieces of equipment into one. The first item retains the attributes, the second retains the visual appearance.
- Found at Summer Isles.

- Located in the Inn in Etris.
- Gives the player 25 Notes and general information.
- NPC Equivalent of: Aristo.

- Allows the player to pay to remove their bounty.
- Located in Etris.

- Located in the Inn in Isle of Vigils.
- Gives the player 25 Notes and general information.
- NPC Equivalent of: Trenti.

Shrine of the Dead
- Technically not a NPC but whatever.
- Used to last wind your dead character. Costs 1000 robux.
- Located in Fragments of Self.

Bookkeeper Andros
- Located in the bookstore in Etris.
- Tells you about the Old World and ‘Lord Regent’ of Etrea.

- Gives glider blueprint.
- In pathfinder’s Respite.

- Located at the docks in Etris.
- Gives the player information and a glider recipe.
- NPC Equivalent of: Bari.

- In Fort Merit.
- Is wearing a Legion Cestus.
- Will beat you up.
Related Guides:
- Roblox – All Error Codes and How to Fix Them
- Roblox

About Helena Stamatina2506 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.
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