Self Publishing book in India under ₹3,000 with OrangeBooks. Self publish & earn 100% Royalty. (2024)

Self Publishing Services in India

At OrangeBooks Publication, you get the best options for self book publishing related services in India that helps you to self publish your book professionally. Complete set of self publishing services. From designing book covers to publishing, promotion to distribution.

Book Editing & Proof Reading

With editing and proof reading service we ensures that when you self publish your book, it is published and released in a professional language. There are two kind of editing services we provide.

Book Interior Designing

In book interior designing service we ensure that your beautiful manuscript gets converted to a professional & good looking book when it reaches readers. Interior designing service is included in all our packages.

Premium Cover Designing

In premium cover designing, you will require to select an image from and send us its link. You may also provide your own stock photo or clicked images to be used as the cover of the book.

Digital Marketing

Just because you wrote it, doesn't mean people will read it. You have to get the word out and we have a team of marketing experts that make strategies to give you an exceptional package of all the necessary tools to make your book the best seller.

Social Media Promotion

Deciding to go for social media promotion is one of the smartest investments an author can make. Social media helps self published authors to directly connect with their target audience via Instagram,Facebook,Twitter,Youtube and other leading platforms.

Govt.Copyright Registration

Copyright protects you and your content against possible infringement. Copyright registration of your content is done with the Registrar of Copyright, Govt. of India. You will be issued a copyright certificate after authorised verification from government. An Indian Communication Address is required to apply for the copyright.

Video Trailer Launch

YouTube and Vimeo are the biggest platforms for videos and trailers release with large userbase. We will be creating a video teaser based on the theme of the book and it will be released on these sites. Apart from it, the video will be shared in social media as well. The Trailer will reflect the theme of the book with 100% clarity and perfection since we are having professional video developer team.

Author Website

Having an author website for every author is must. It is the platform through which your readers may know about yourself and about your book also. We provide one year of free hosting and domain along with service of author website designing. The service of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is included in author website. Along with Book Promotion Services, you also need to focus on Author Branding and building an author profile of yourself.

International Distribution

For sure, if you are self publishing a book, you want to take your title to a global level. We provide International Distribution directly through in paperback format in US, UK, France, Spain, Germany and Italy . INGRAM is also partner for the same. Here also 100% profit goes to author.

Self Publishing book in India under ₹3,000 with OrangeBooks. Self publish & earn 100% Royalty. (2024)


How much does it cost to self publish a book in India? ›

The average cost of basic package in India is somewhere between 8,000- 20,000 INR. Standard package: This package includes all the basic services and additional features such as advanced editing and book formatting etc. Such packages range from 25,000- 50,000 INR.

How much money can you make if you self-publish a book? ›

So what are the average royalty rates? Self-published authors can make between 40% – 60% royalties on the retail price of a single book while traditionally published authors usually make between 10%-12% royalties.

How much can I earn by publishing a book in India? ›

In India, a debut authors get between 5-7.5% of MRP. The price of book of a debut author in India ranges b/w Rs. 100-200 which is quite low as compared to his US counterpart , which is nearly $10-15, ergo the royalty he gets is Rs 5-7.5 comparing $1-1.5(Rs 60-90).

Can I publish a book for free? ›

KDP allows you to self-publish eBooks, paperbacks, and hardcover books for free. We give you direct access to your book on Amazon, and allow you to create a product detail page for your book.

Do I need to copyright my book before publishing in India? ›

Is copyright automatic in India? Yes, in India, as in many other countries, protection is automatic from the moment of creation of an original literary work. However, formally registering your trademark can provide additional legal benefits.

Can you become a millionaire by publishing a book? ›

While there is no set rule for determining author salary, some writers earn millions of dollars while others struggle to make even $100. Stephen King and J.K. Rowling are both examples of authors that have sold millions of books. Many authors have a more moderate level of success, thanks to the rise of self-publishing.

How much do first time authors get paid? ›

Self-published authors can earn 40% to 60% royalties for the selling price of a book, while traditionally published authors typically earn 10% to 12% royalties. First-time authors willing to publish traditionally will receive a prepayment. This is usually $10,000 (not so much for first-time authors).

How can I publish my book with no money? ›

Voilà, 8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites to Know in 2024
  1. Amazon KDP. If you're familiar with the topic of self-publishing, then you know Amazon KDP is THE place to publish as an indie author or publisher. ...
  2. PublishDrive. ...
  3. Barnes & Noble Press. ...
  4. Apple Books. ...
  5. Google Play Books. ...
  6. IngramSpark. ...
  7. Kobo Writing Life. ...
  8. Dreame.
Jan 19, 2023

Can I publish my book in the USA from India? ›

Absolutely! One thing you should keep in mind when looking to publish internationally is that books have territorial rights. So you can give one publisher rights to publish in US, another one to publish in UK and publish yourself in Australia. There are two main ways you can go about publishing in a country.

How much time does it take to publish a book in India? ›

Traditional Publishing

If you're seeking a book deal with a traditional publisher, you can realistically expect the start-to-finish process to take two to three years.

How can I sell my self-published book in India? ›

Step-wise Guide to Selling Books Online
  1. Step 1 - Register as an Seller. To create your seller account on you will need to submit the following details to: ...
  2. Step 2 - List your products. ...
  3. Step 3 - Deliver to customer. ...
  4. Step 4 - Get paid every 7 days.

Which books are copyright free in India? ›

India Public Domain 2022: Twelve Indian Authors whose Works are Entering the Public Domain in 2022
  • Saralabala sarkar (1866- 1961)
  • Sachindranath Sengupta (1873 – 1961)
  • Chandradhar Barua (1874 – 1961)
  • Bhupendranath Datta (1880 – 1961)
  • Nalam Krishna Rao (1881 – 1961)
  • Charu Chandra Bhattacharya (1883 – 1961)
Feb 18, 2022

Can I publish a book without a publisher in India? ›

Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Notion Press, and Pothi allow you to publish your book digitally and in print without the need for a traditional publisher. Editing and Design: Invest in professional editing and cover design services to ensure your book looks and reads its best.

How much does publishing cost in India? ›

Depending on the amount of money an author spends on editing, cover design, formatting, and other services, publishing a book may cost them anywhere between 45,000/- to 90,000/- (exclusive of 18% GST) in India. Book formatting cost ranges between 10,000/- and 15,000/-.

What's the average cost to self-publish a book? ›

It usually costs between $500 and $5,000 to publish a book in the United States. A lot of that cost comes from hiring an editor, book designer services, and marketing. The average self-published book costs about $2,000 to publish and market.

How hard is it to get a book published in India? ›

The big question: self-publishing or traditional publishing? There are a few traditional publishers in India who accept unsolicited submissions (i.e. book proposals submitted without a literary agent). But the time taken by the big names in the publishing industry is 4–6 months for all book proposals.

How much royalty do authors get in India? ›

Royalty Structure and Copyright

Royalty payment to the authors is made at the rate of 15% of the print price of the book. The Authors have the option to retain Copyright of the book with them or give it to Publications Division.

Is it legal to self-publish a book? ›

Under U.S. copyright law, your self published work is protected as soon as you put the pen to paper. Copyright is based on your creative authorship and is not dependent on any formal agreement with a book publisher or self publishing company, although registration with the U.S. Copyright Office is beneficial.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.