Study handbook and schedule (2024)

Study Handbook

The Study Handbook provides students with official information about BSc and MSc programmes of the university. Here you can find information about study programmes, minors and courses. The Study Handbook is published in English. You can find the Study Handbook of each year on the right.

Course Schedules

The course schedules of period 1 and the resits of the academic year 2024/2025 are been published in the tool TimeEdit. For information about a specific course, scheduled lectures of exams, go to Course schedule / TimeEdit on the right side of this page (Course schedule). Team scheduling has created schedule guidelines including useful links see guidelines for students 2024-2025 Period 1 and 2 or guidelines for students 2024-2025 Period 3-6.

Study places for students

It is possible for students to book a study place on campus. Via TimeEdit you can book a study place 24-36 hours in advance. Minimum booking time is 30 minutes, maximum is 3 hours. You can book a total of 8 hours a day divided over maximum 5 bookings. Note: Your reservation is automatically cancelled if the study place is not used for 20 minutes (no show).

Do you want to book a study place in Forum Library?

The study places on the 4th floor of the Library need to be reserved. Only during self-study and exam weeks the study places on the 3rd floor are bookable. The second floor is open acess and therefore not bookable.

Study places are NOT suitable for online exams since places are located in rooms with multiple seats.

Read the FAQ below for more information on TimeEdit:

What are the advantages of TimeEdit?

You can use TimeEdit to search for course or programme schedules, to filter by relevant groups, to import schedules to your agenda, and to subscribe to updates. You can also save your preferred layout and settings, share links with others, and download schedules.

Does this change the scheduling process for me as a lecturer?

No, it just gives you more options for customising the schedule. You can create separate schedules for groups and easily add information about (excursion) locations. The schedule also includes more information than before and searching for, sharing, and exporting data is much faster. The scheduling team can also use links to discuss scheduling issues with lecturers.

How do I find my schedule?

Watch the instructional video: ‘How to find my schedule’:

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How do I save the schedule in my agenda?

Watch the instructional video: ‘How to subscribe to schedule’:

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Please note: in Outlook you have to add the TimeEdit URL. You can do this by:

  • right-clicking on ‘My agenda’
  • clicking ‘Add agenda via Internet’
  • pasting the URL in the window and confirming the questions. Outlook will create a new agenda that you can overlay on another agenda. To do this, right-click on the new agenda and select ‘overlay’.

How can I book a study place on campus?

Via the studententrance on TimeEdit you can select ‘Study Place Booking’. Watch this short instructionclip on how to book a study place:

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Do you have any questions? Please contact us by using the contact form on the top (right) of this page.

The Search results do not show the course code or course title that I’ve typed in in the Search box. Why not?

In order to avoid textual repetitions TimeEdit shows search results without showing the search term, in this case the course code or course title. This is particularly convenient for tablets or mobile phones, which have a smaller display. By clicking a search result the course code or course title that you typed in will reappear in the results. If your search includes several courses TimeEdit includes the course codes in the information about the various courses, so that you can distinguish between them.

More information about the planning of the academic year

Any questions?

Other useful information for students can be found here. You can also contact us using the contact form on the top of the page.

Study handbook and schedule (2024)


Is 2 days enough to study for an exam? ›

In general, plan to start about 7-10 days in advance to make sure you maximize your study time. Remember, it is better to space your studying out over a period of days rather than clustering your studying just before the exam. Ten hours of studying over 5 days is better than 10 hours of studying over 2 days!

Is 3 days enough to study for an exam? ›

As you can see, 3 days is enough time to prepare for the exam, even if it's your first exam week. The main thing is to organize your work, not be lazy, not worry.

What is the best study schedule for a test? ›

Start Early:

Thus you will perform better on an exam if you spend one hour studying each day for 20 days than if you spend 10 hours studying for two days before an exam. Adjust your studying according to difficulty or amount of content to be covered or reviewed.

What is the best way to study a study guide? ›

Start by dividing the information into sections based on lecture, common themes, or types of tasks. Then, write down important topics, key words & definitions, as well as any formulas or diagrams that can help you with the material. Highlight key words & phrases.

What is the 1 3 5 7 study method? ›

What is the 2357 study method? When using the 2357 technique, you revise your notes and study materials over and over again, following a set schedule. In simplest terms, you revise your initial set of notes on day one, take a second look on day two and day three, then revisit them on day five and day seven.

Is it better to study for a test at night or in the morning? ›

Benefits of Studying in the Night

Night studies are associated with a quieter and more peaceful environment. There are fewer distractions at night since most family members are asleep, and electronic devices such as the TV are not in use. Less distraction facilitates creativity and better concentration.

What time of day do I study best? ›

Scientists have found the best time for study! According to scientists, the brain is most alert and teachable at 10 am–2 pm and 4 pm–10 pm. (Source: Amber Student). If you would like to optimise your attention span and practise deep learning, then science advises you to study between the hours of 4 am and 7 am.

Is it good to study at night? ›

Studying at night offers a serene, distraction-free environment, fostering better focus and improved information absorption.

What is the best study technique? ›

One of the most impactful learning strategies is “distributed practice”—spacing out your studying over several short periods of time over several days and weeks (Newport, 2007). The most effective practice is to work a short time on each class every day.

Is 2 hours enough to study for an exam? ›

As a student, colleges recommend studying 2-3 hours for every credit hour. So, you'll need to commit 24-36 hours for 12 credit hours weekly. Therefore, studying for two hours every day is not enough. Two hours of study time may be sufficient if you're preparing for a professional certificate.

How many days should you spend studying for a test? ›

Preparing study material for an exam is an active process.

Staring this five days before your exam helps solidify the material, plus it gives you time to identify what you still don't understand so you can get your questions answered.

Is one day study enough for exam? ›

The first thing you need to realize is that you can't possibly study everything in the course in one day. That's simply impossible and would require way more time than you have. Think of your study session as a type of "triage," where you only concentrate on the most important concepts, terms, and ideas in the course.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.