The Desert Sun from Palm Springs, California (2024)

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The Desert Suni

Palm Springs, California

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THE DESERT SUN Film Spring Calff-Frlday January 15 1968 iDJliOtthfi "ill Ul Wals INiKattoh Quinta Indian Wells Country Club manned security gates The Tun priadu country dul the Deaert'i host cU tor Bob Hope dearie thh year Wo ore Bihind momed ooc*nty gal Rt due fcr oworts the area Soma of our COMING SOON! DESERTCOVE HOMES 3 and 4 bedroom homes from $79975 Five different custom designed floor plans 1 Low Priced rT contamporay Mm 2 dm 2tk bothi 1 touttors tfraWhoul (My 3259X1 2 New Kitchen with Empen cabinetry new roof 8 now Better carpota 3 hrat aitei central coulyard MU oxchaMi tor 3000 aqtthomt Raduead to reck-tnttom 3250000 3 SUDer Sandpgier an tomy aith mountah wawL 3 berioomo3 bothi (imhed I decorated to the ritantte Santo Fa dacor Fwnftfww it funolied Mgiest qurirty appohtmanta New market butatanrini toy thi cow 3295337 4 Souths Mouitail Views 3 barioonk 3 bath 10ienBwiuPuB DESERT ISLAND OF THE So much for so Sttle! Panoramic views of the mountains golf course lake Palm Desert valey floors abound from this 5th floor 2 bdmt 2 ba FURMSHED unit A large covered terrace with morning sun afternoon shade Mirrors desigier papers double door entry spacious iving rm wfirepbee kitchen wal buit-ins lining area huge master bdrm suite LIVING ROOM" Entertain alot? This is the perfect unit for you! 3 oversized bdrms each wit's own bath Living rm is 336" Also a separate draw area ft super kitchen wal the necessities If vou prefer outdoor entertaining the WT covered terrace waccommodate al your ts The master suite is overly spacious I has a tossing mi a bath 2 wab of closets Fufy furnished ft ready for occupancy UMTS AVALABLE BY APPOINTMENT TO $695000" OASIS REALTY 3400577 EipiriHauaait Opportunity on 17th taewM Lwge kitohenTatiiiy room Ona Brio (tori hr iNtf i quartan Fine funtatonii negotirita New on imM bo thotoittow3395J0a Greet BUY TNi2bedDoni2bonconri)nwiiumhMitdl Lfht and hrfeiL Tastabdy hnriwd Owr 1900 iq It of hi meet Just steps tothepoolindspa Don't moth beauty the pnee to right 3184900FuriBhed Sandpiper Bergheer Fantastic mMitah wew South Western expoan taabouc 2 brrioan 2V4 both den and monwia room A steal at 3252500 Cal today REACH UP AND TOUCH The Santa Rosa Mountains bom thi aiduM hom*o Ttw wew astoresfwig Compete prwacy 3 MnJbotfw vaulted ceint pmate poaTcompletriy bmisned We Also Have 3 new decorator hanwhed homes in Qual Run Cow priced from 31455000 Buiklyoif own on one our 12 custom bti From 3225J100 GEORGE ELKINS COMPANY 340-2977 EquriHoMha Opportunity REALTORS OPEN HOUSE -555 Yucca BgmaftnB red famriy room tannri rinmg room and ummer dust See1 OPEN HOUSE Sat Jan 16 88 l-4pm 43-260 Chapetton Dr Bermuda toes A rioom io avritabto! Fantashc tanray kicihon ifaawt cri da sac street 3 berioom 3 both pool large attached jarago (to go cart storefi Numberous exbaa desgned with you maw $355400 426 OPEN HOUSE Sal Jan 16 14pm 42-945 Cerritos Bermuda Dunes-: STEPS FROM THE CLUBHOUSE Beautiful new home mth apectecu lar mowitain and tanray wews from every room 3 brims 34 baths lanriy room formri rirang room and muca nan more -Gorgeous poof and spa area NAZI OPEN HOUSE Sat Jaa 16 l-4pm 78-710 Martinique Dr Bermuda EXnes Wed butt 3 bdr 2 ba home approa 2170 ott Pool to ra many extras Bemn Dunes Country Ckri 3219400 OPEN HOUSE Sat Jan 16 l-4pm 42-510 Mav Pen BERMUDA DUNES BEAUTY Bemotti kri tk mol rindadby Proud Of These Fine Indian Weis Homes DUCED $30000 Fomw model horpt in The Estates 2 separated suites terge den goumwf kitchen i monwig room targe private yard with but bees 1 South West mount an views coorrinated decor Now just 3297500 DON'T MISS THS ONE M0VE-M READY Ewy- ttvng in fe-top riiap4 Lovriy decor in ttm 3 berioom 4 beth home mth Southern mews Goumet kitchen with monwig room Step-down bug room brae wah-in ctosat in master Smril pmaie neMortiood of nctuave homes New on market Ottered at $349500 MINI-ESTATE With lTOO mnst house Brand new Syour pereonri decor 5400 in mein home 6 beriooms in room fonnri rineig A brikeom-BMd ftec room in pest acre mountain ww site ar gwage Writod tor pmecy Reduced total now 37953)00! GEORGE ELKINS COMPANY 3402977 REALTORS Only 3Vfr years ekL kiwnaciriaten LANDMARK Real Estate EquriHeuangOpportinty HOOVER can au a number stthsao pratt ream unttVartaadBamfllUMta IMUta bcauHMK and tame wHh aatr TdiMaiaaiiM mtRSBEl ar VMM saaen SPLIT LEVEL HOME POOtSPA MOOQOPEN 63555 torn I'd CathaririCity 1 Woch of mi si Taefre MMtormb MODEL PHONE 325-1403 New 2400 Hi ft 3 brink 2Vb bitty fan mom 1 ook i kitchen Fraptere tarit in atom system ncuum I atenave earme Ha uppades Fnriied opener front I uprj MTOurxfm eod qm 2 tames avertable Many toca-txmtochooMham $139300 SECURITY MUTUAL PROFERIKS 3288733 MOUNTAK YEWS room 1 Dam ratltanro an decs mattf Mrtkln nr i 1 rs pulcawi art Excitant ttucSrem ASSUMABLE FJLA Lean ovaHttHe an Mi I year now bavnanv Bata home Boautltudy daearalad in OMert pqttali Flrapked cyromk nia cauntartam handuma maitar auHa aridi private Both WWMl OWNBEY Ire 73470 Pates 346-3903 ANYTIC BIG COVE HOME Tntevri Slwioh style horn on 2 tag lots Aunst the mbit in Catheriri City Cons ftwats pod nnpus room 4 brim 3 bath ceratnc trie I compritaly fenced Play 6 parttni anas are lust some ol the eatraa One si a knd so don't wait Pitted at 3139950 (163) 321-6191 CENTURY 21 LYLE Associates COVE BEAUTY TIM 1 nans 1 Da home raoav to mova to Vadav vdwi Lati of pnvoev at pool and ipa Ov Fvtaita EZ cn vd- AdUnp S1IAMO CM CORAL RIDGE 3463079 5644664 MODEL OPEN 65 68-fflConospaon six xoscoNSTiucnotr OudHv homey luaurv lNMWiaflll4IPiiL mda 1 1 Mary kiurv li with pool laa family rm merared a Dtliaaa Proporhat maa LAF FOOL tdvy iota wa Ha Ml I Dr noon vary Booty ta I Or la 2 Da IFIWA knaa a'b wal ar cooler curl pwntarw Dleck wMH pkn-laraa Lot a-j oem for onaPiar unit FKA MSjSM in a Oackrunp 1)000 waaa MM an offar Open heuM trrangad oaky Mil CalhervM Canyon I-COI7 OPEN HOUSE Set 6 Sun 11-4 Meranrie I Los Cites 3 hr 2 Ine tufts aer (tnrf mm it ets large comer lot tta A 2100 sq tt 324-5546 $86900 DESERT PRINCESS AREA 3 bdrm 2 bo fwriy rm rim rm tented yard landscaped undergmnd uttbes 324-5241 ANTI DREAM HOMES 3 Bdrm 1 ba only $53000 large yard not a fixer $2150 down easy qualifying Spedafizing in Govt Repo's 327-316 TOP OF THE COVE Larie 3 Bdrm 2 Bath hrephee itakan trie bertier carpet vy acre lot 3129500 Low down FHA Cal Lany Klan 3460500 REMAX REALTORS LARGE YARD 3 Bdrm 2 Ba low Ws Govt Repo $2600 down UflQUE PANORAMA HOMES AimoM compMiMy IIOO iq tt nsmta Mn I Da caaw dr man a mm i IOdO-1127-iaJO aatt on urge BsafotoWbMj? OWNEW WdOuMM I mow anynmo NO OCIAUFYINOaOOO lam near flaad I hniM Dear RANCHO MIRAGE COVE ONE DESERT LMNG pom Mrnl tahtodprtaarv wtt Ml lMa MipeocoDia rad-danca I Mm I both loan ftoar Man Dm oacxrtaer Charm comfort Mid mowo In oandt-ttori AK tar Jan 111 FAMLYFEUD toy Ml ndwl In Cava 1 wtamiy wd nh 1 Largo i nd 1 gw vnonwqg fart AM 0NE0F AK1ND $126500 erf vkip in lha toeing cMdnot haoma Hragata 1 Men I ba Baana wad Drltkt panad Mary Mid a half yn-aaen add fa fat Lvpa yvd wnh paal Dan ar tan PAH Ippt finlthad drfaaom Ctotay nd ladpua AtA ta LANDMARK Real Estate 340-3636 utHrei 110 LIVE BETWEEN THESPRMGS AND MORNNGSDE ATAFRACTUN OFIKPRCGS A IdwM of hunt on quW uaidwitlM tfraat In inary P0M1 natWBafiaad Cualaivi Duatidna ym ddaa maaifamad fa partacfiaa Thraa hiMaama or two od a dan a Docktad with poM and IPO Him a varllaDa KV park Ttwry FiklnpPi Pw I view aw ham lung SwZSl R0THERMUND RUDMAN REALTORS 7734400 Rancho Las Palmas Double Fairway and Lake View Quiet cuMeecNw sdrit 100L pnde at swnenhqi 3 ledoom 2 beth Fumahed it 3159000 PINES PALMS REALTY 3465593 72-655 HWY 111 Prim Desert tithe Hew Sitewy Cento OPEN HOUSE SUn 1-4 71543 MragelW COVE STEAL 397J00 Great starta home with beads o4 charm 2 brim 1 2 bath Large comer let with lots el prwacy Room to tspmd Country lut-chen with brtk boors wood cab-nets breikfast bar Lwrmhes used bnck freptacc I catheriri cedngs with bean Seder leav-aig area and wants to ael now LANDMARK Real Estate 340-3636 DESERT HORIZONS 3257 000 lowost price ttw plan Lomriy West mews EVA WELSH company 568-9676 for mtn TOWNHOUSE" One phoFA thi 1 Dadroam I Bath canoe had ta own pn-vote patM and lun dtcB with unparaddd vwwt of maun lain at urt wn stop ta curie Timiib bmmvo catch tt ant tail Juit raduead 1114260 L0BLAND WARING MIT 1111 TahqurtzE 325-1107 RANCHO MRAGE RESORT Desert Hideaway $81500 -Furnished Oorfe rrwu fMt fewppccohBi 3 2 bofh town houtt covrto bnck goto mow bPtMttfUl Kcataom Low mototowncp tot tonfWfc poo! Co Amutvio FHA loon vory flrtt Mto L-7 CLASSIC REALTY 346-5696 LAKE MIRAGE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 12JXM00PM 198 DESERT LAKES DR LMw MTagl Wacquot QuBv raody attar you a truly iwpant takaham uta-aVM Ona of Tha Orlptacda" uporodad with Bw koM or avorythmo lauWwm vtaw priwata poM 4 Boatdprlc on dip pan CALIFORNIA DESERT PROPERTCS 3404777 I StWrelftT tt jm Cm aulln crpet R4 paal ni a oc UNta "as a tlfcs Kings ill TOP LOCATION! LOW PRICE! MOTIVATED OWNERS! fVfcta 1M WW antfiM gin MSlWn 0l MMfli MHMI NOS tWO NOWOI (MOir IS hugt) two MhimvM PONn WMT CON to OOOi A ontftawita cowfe Voul hom*o npoctJty tho tTtrSOO E-J CLASSIC REALTY 346-5696 GREAT VALLEYS VEWS Mropo Cno rm choico Moh eovo Shown MM A 3 jn tocurtty B'r3 0VWBEY he 73470 El Paaeo 346-3903 ANYTIME Casa ot sevlle a rate guest quartern vnth pnvato Ipeto ttjmjjwl 3 to 12 feet bath homaa In ana Mat fa roan paal and ip an a od TDundarWrd IWahW Export-Musty dana to paatalk approxlmolMy MOO la T1 baMaomk as Doth Oraor vtow an ncraa 1750000 Unfum EADE ADAMS REALTOR 3460501 deep best area and peat 8199900 hqr at MISSION PROPERTIES 346-9690 Anytime EQUESTRIAN 0RENTATED ExckiMve Oatev Laa aoorKy poled community 1 Bdrai botti Dupe inaalai' mna wiaima an approx rmotohr I thane you- honey an vote motivated Seder altered at seiMoe Cpo irra-iM7 L0BLAND WARING PULIt llllTrixpitzE 3261107 4 BEDROOMS! muMM homa at Wvitfia tarn pa lacolad In TomvhA vaaThn Wpa hemp MOO an tt ana compirttty daev In po milda moaiar 4 DerFoema wHn DaouNfid OmySZMm GRAK0R properthic 321-9595 NEW CUSTOM HOME 72-411 Rancho Rd Fothanc ocra comer lal Mooted minute from ihogy- and rdelaurant a nv bMh wHh room lo tapand Conte mperyy kd- 4 RUSSEL! WADE 5662632 Ash tor Tony Lannon YOU BEAT THIS ONE tt nmimad im a with praat Me Worn Nyman End unit wit Dm catteOd CWNnai 6 NWW prlCN STfpSoa Cal today Mo wont Ml f14) LANDMARK Real Estate 340-3636 OPEN HOUSE Sat 11a 71-481 Ma Rancho Mrage fraotcM eeredno omereo lot mouth IMhq wm flr oooi ipd much mor VERA KITCHEN realtoiT 340-6617 NEWUSTING Badumul I Bd 1 Ban Ipunad hi a puMt area by famafwk WOO aa tt wHh private pool evape and c-part Thu heme otartd turnlWidd pi only IISMOO GRAK0R PROPERTESlNC 321-9595 Rancho Mirage Cove Lovdty I DaOoom 4 eonvarh MM dan Hama MM in tap Cama Timtav Daoorolor hmwimpi LovMv pool Sacyrlty tyatam CAUF0RNIA DESERT PR0PERTES 3404777 A VEW from EVERY im i not ttw Bata) a- dacor-j hom*o Lot of mama panmereMd 4 mkrorad anfry- pool IM MMV hw nay Bam 3 JUdv Mayor MB-takJ kv raody ta mana ki taat nv MM tar mm By COUNTRY RSSSm OIP-IM-MM ar B3St5hSi m-yeTS'CMS MM aawwi! bCSCFT riLANO CONOd BaM Mcotto1 SB- akpaaya no wn In Mimmar tun artn-tar IBr enttraa 1 Betarn ar anttriik Tarrlttc tarroea OwnarBrakar -l2St COUNTRY CLUB ESTATcj" Mkcad I ML MM aafl rsriTai plan spe pnee its oflomgiKhidB: IbAbbWoIs 103 COULD BE FOUR BEDROOMS! A btflufttui hofiitt on ttnt ol Mtoi WcTft prttttoM Mrtetol Mint condmon from luih cepoting eid Ceram mo to itomudo ShuttorV bodroom wouW mt a por-toct otflco or fowtti rooml Tom of Horog tool ipcrfeHog pool owdrtmg fewpoctioni $917000 Hurrytt R0THERMUND RUDMAN REALTORS 7734400 DESERT HORIZONS COUNTRY CLUB HOME Desert bwng tar the most ris censng executive Over 3300 sq tt Sensebonrih dec oretotf! Three beriooms 6 den mth 4V4 baths tot (scad marble lire place mth dud nwrored wals also marble floors custom carpet writpaper 6 catanets On the Fanny mth beautiful more tan wews 3534500 REMAX Realtors 3464)500 JIM BEASLEY THS Wli PLEASE YOU SPANKLING ntw custom cow itructad homa Boattina SIM Ml tt ot luxury tMnft 1 BMmtk Jty Ba Maanita dm-lgn room a chaff kifctitn winch I a daiignt mornmg ream tha house I perfection! S2VOOOO tarn or can be unurnB CRAYCROFT COTTA REALTORS 73700 DPaseoSute 3 346-0533 TQwiita 70S ESTATES" 55VN0 Omi privacy and a lot tar your mangy You And In thi pedal home 1 Bdrm 2 Doth man you at tm hamt you wM Rod vouriMf In dnoRiar world Vary tint ttorw attar tar tala V-J CLASSIC REALTY 346-5696 BRAND NEW HESOBi a Br a ba tam rm ttreglgcta Hta carpet mgn unmn BukMn Fenced Badiymcl tandteaped Rant yard Drtva by SM5I Herrera ST La Quinta Or tat HQ-170 By NEW CUSTOM HOME Tm 2 br I Bo Cuatam Homa on comer lot ut computed Ovaralnd Mr ago I vg Ma toot antam 4 many alhar cxlrai M2 SOO Saa at corner at Sonora cotnwa 1 ba a mutt nova on tarmM druna Mpraabnataty Rnotacoi SOOSakl aft mi gaN ern-ta ta ISlSiOMi CMi ment 110 245-MSS BELOW MARKET 3 Bdrm Govt Repo 2800 down easy qu mgh The cove a DWrtl I Dotty a Hump wrought OMta taWccped Rant vat Owner wd ttnanca ar leaw ophaa lazoed 245-42B2 NEAR PGA WEST Lorga adaM gauntry homa JacuoL privacy Far fata by owner Shown by irpmnt mint anly t-24k-7k2S SW earner krt 1455 sq ft approved plans 1455 RL 56402 f6r sale a Ddm 1 bottL ouMity mmiy hama cover ad pottoi I cor gvm PLOOK SfrlMI tat toipointtttonf Brim 2 Be 1410 iq ft top! 5640292 2 BA HOUSEMM lqN tanead TiSQOi ExccVanf candltlanl CALL 94-4514 Btt I BA Comer viao 4 Thf origin La Qiil- $575001 iTfrMOf I omreir IN DORADO VliAS OPEN HOUSE Saturday io to Cook Shot bft on faaway Conte these 2 docorator modriq chooto from a 2 txt2 bo or 1 3 b3 ba faca-tmnluirifl! OPEN HOUSE SAT SUN 45-515 Camino Del Rey A new Ptrip Manuel 4 brim 4to bath tom estate 4400 iq ft at best irao of fels 356UOO NEAR NEW LUXURY HOME Drive bj3IO Ftrway Driw Thi 4000 oqlt 3 brim hom*o has a peat deal of StSSm1 0WHR SAYS SOU A bawAM 3 brim 3 bath condo with omr 2100 iq tt done tasteM desert tones Generous wrier to pay one year Hommmues! ELEGANT VILA 75365 Purple an Wei Indan HMaui located Man els and near Thi spKoa jnMte al ttw pit glcoune need to tel war enethr priced beow area hom*os Three berieomt Aui dan with pnrate entrance irfo pool wricomes you end two liriB patios tar your relax ay moments Lae eat-in kit then mi tormal drew area rine by end ttm cal for i pmate shown3269 J00 45605 NAVAJO Just on Fareay a ths REALLY SOMETHNCSPHSAL HOME with a targe beautAJ poof and ape Lmi mom has a ful oral wndows owriookng the most beautdri yard Man Weis kmariate occuwncy Orwe by and am cal tor pmate show-nepncedloiriL THE ESTATES HOME Quet cri da sac with oner 3200 sq ft- FABU0US MEW ot Mt Esanhowar larie spacious feel-mi a ew-esnw you when you step into this home with its Arv zone naigstone firaplace famriy kitchen mtti sub taro refna and abeam 4 bariooms bleached wood catenets make the one of ttw best of Man Weis Cri tor detads! a DORADO Nestled back in the cow with riamatic news bom ril sides Thu chanwng cottage aw arts you A your TLC 2 bed ream beth den (or 3rd bed) my toacxw iww room opens out to pori I qw A mri ctassR Criitardetrib GREAT WESTERN REAL ESTATE 346-7405 GOLF FEVER? Art you MMUnp tar kit tha RKtotT CONDORMNIUMT MMUnp SECURITY OATES? CART INDIAN WELLS COUNTWY CLUB? FUm Mraapy 10 YOU can FLAY GOLF? San thaw CLASSIC SAWDFPlJt SO mVn VWWS 1 bdr 1 Da PrtawM atrium wNOT SNA Many upyaati Too Mir- CMPravM) GOLF CART InckMd SMU04 TWRN MACIER SUITES Hugo 'dki rm OBtBnoa kllchan wbrsfaat EST ENTERTAMING Now roof feaMt draft WsB fur-4 ONLY SITMOOl OPEN HOUSE SAT 1-4PM uJWWW-4 out ancMaid gwapt 4 aoN cart port Ntw mat 4 AC SMT vlow MTNS GAR fJEFOO-TUrnMYtara OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-4PM 46417 Manitou Dr CLASSE COURSE STM FAMWAY Watch tha OOtFEFS Bam But Ma-amriy Bim HOME Ground tar ENTERTAMMG SBtar SW BiL PHI GOURMET kN-ehoa Fan and vrdtar-tad woM cpurtvird anum MAXIMUM Ftth VACYJ FH SM4FLE LAND SEE FOREVER King ef the Casfle Own the OdY hi to Man Web 360 dega newt Ramodd the old Spanah houai Zoned I Keep acme HW tor fahn dewriop-' 3U2SJOO MARGO BELL REALTY 345-1952 Caftoww DESERT HORSQNS BaouttM Bm a Pa on IM tafrwav autMandtna 4 Bmp an imuof UtlM 2444417 tar oppt jwdw Kimw "TIT LEMON-FRESH Uphta Wight wag wpwn Ptcrofem home In fh htvl Mirapt Abwi MW driaml MnicwpMn Ww nfrv skyfegMi in ttw bOTg gM btMwiii floor kon rHn gournwt hWwv and mt Mod badiywM wHh war lUlrw pool ImmoculoW imkdo COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES autlhd ham ki prnl -A- A nogwoniaN i ipmki bowoom hum conyonhonal doa 1 ba 3 car garr prtvalo gaol 4 ga fuwdod pfeit Ottcyrtty oy fowl Oofltt to EMonnowor HOWMIMMOOl THE ULTIMATE twmt la a WiawraM Mr lha nrri Bit fwai a I Thunatfdtrd CM wm unabattucltd vMwi at hi 4 har aid a drr pMca Two punat jutafc ena anett Bi autlhd noon and ttw cuMom himtWdnpi Mr appl L0BLAND WARING 73-350 BPaseo 3404641 COUNTRY CLUB MM fumtihad Ban-My raody to mgya kapa iffeM gvdotg communftv peal 3 gutaa with Botha car oppowwmom 7tH4Ag7lf or afcaWair IN BUIDER SAYS SELL $750000 reduced to $650000 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4PM NDIAN WELLS 75380 PAWTED DESERT 2 Mrnw li Da pool tea tarnny rm laiacranid pourmet kttchari marrani rm patpnetyp urn tmportad mwtaa Me 4 ndr-nr Eatra tape mailer wHh umng room Whan auMHy countil Owner Broker JENSEN INVESTMENTS 324-5955 DESERT HORIZONS COUNTRY CLUB MUST SELL Large 2100 aq ft 3 bd3 ba on doable faaway gong rto rapotsetson non Owner dnparate! Cril for ahowng and REMAX Raritore 346-0500 Im Beasley MAN WELLS CASA ROSA aMOOELHOME Baouttfuly turn 4 dacorotad In torn poach 4 pray 1 DM Datamky room 2111 ft G-lat opm ftoar pkn Domna lacurlty oata an grB(tt avarMokma poM 4 ua Raduead to 122LS00 Job ww conaMBr Mow option V- IS CLASSIC REALTY 346-5696 SANOPPERN MIAN WEILS noon aw potat ot praMMMua tnMan WMai Country Outa and unn evartook yaanBMt and ooM ki mm datwltv Spoeiom aita1 I Ifcaih tuttaa- doth wrih wedi-tn amt woMtod coWng firwpiactt 6 ttuttHm in IMng Lcrpt at prlvaM courtyard 4 dOJwno pvapt Mut pott CM-t madk ntw cxr pan tMMr wW mmo cdpaianca OntyUlMM Cat EkduMyd Brokar im Frapamn Unkmttad 1294777 NOUN MEUi BEST PUY) SALE BY OWNER Bmi Doth IvpB poM 4 Doauhtul yanl Rrutt trot Drtva by Own cod IM IBI 75-415 FaMtad Dpiart Asking $239000 DORADO VUAS prtaata For Sato isnrjg AwHTta adtfe tocurlfv ftvttovn WMBUTfe court oabaegni upgrade wc tttorttv ma jooljtonnn oofegbtf 125660 DORADO VILAS TliundarOkd Flan apdmi 2 both RUSSEL! WADE 568-2632 Ari far Tony Lemon TERRFCSANDPFER BY OWNER wi I ba nawty ca Ddm rm Wdi BaautthiBy In pactacutw if vMr al mounw na parpoouo praan- bait ipatainp pool i IndWi Wadi Country ASIGNG $179500 PRICED TO SO! CALL 3464)636 DESERT HORIZONS uurvTlM la ft fdm 4 Ba naot ta pool On Fair way Radurad StOOOB MJVatti Ownar 240-1102 IN OPEN HOUSE Sun Jan 17 12-3pm 73441 Stov Moon ire! (taka lloyMa ta Mean Trad ta Wear TrJ The omblaica df Mactaup howr tatty I badropm 2 Bath 7 WIPBlta with com dwBkip oautaa on BnpraaahMjnMrtalniiiint OPEN HOUSE Sun Jaa 17 ll-3pm 7M71 Stardust Lm Man Web (he Hwy in Rancha Fcntiera turn Id ta ttaduat Lnj Your prtaid plane magnHIcent ki ttw very foo-ctcua Mvtnp ream at ttda IWO a tt ddMna3b 1 pamrM mat aimrMaklnpa kip poM aid vtawt Raduoad UaitfOO OWNBEY he 73470 Pueo 346-3903 ANYTIME BARGAW BUYA- aoctoud hom*o with tarn dtnmq room and wgadi aon tap poet and ma Find ta WCTnoHd nw i ptacod Jw Ehml LUXURY mar MS apuana dlDath taat 1 Bpp Mlil nr qnwnwnna wm dhdnp room larpa Mdrapa a wdtdn (HIM EVE OWNBEY he Heritor-73470 DPeseo 346-3903 ANYTIME OPEN HOUSE 45-745 Camino Del Rey Sat Sun 12-5pm Ok) Worii charm 3 4-3 Pwete eoirtyird pori me saw many taatwBS 8 extras murt see SALE BY OWNER SACRIFICE Owner rnOOC fnmet OPEN HOUSE Sul 12to5 75-582 Debby Lane (North olFiawiy art WriamaW) NEW BaouttM cuatam butlt hom*o Mcotad tarn wtewa a DaMoom a dkdnp room 4 Mrpa pool 7 ftraptocBta tBp roof ipBt Dad raamta Ptc Owntr motf-vatad luM 117454 OWNBEY he 73470 El Ptsso 346-3903 ANYTIME A DIAMOND in the i BMin 2 Bath partact tataar- kjg voif TLC ta mMM ip A Baautthd tacaltan MMUnp a wotartaP 4 pond 4 prtvdta pdtlt ptrtact tar undaihind A mutvo tarw ptoca avm tha gunkan kv room 4 war Bw Only S3Q5JOO ki tha praMtatauB oammuntty ol Lob Looa CLASSIC REALTY 346-5696 FREE GOLF At thh amesNng Rocca condo 3 brim 2Vt beta 2143 aq1L (taps to pool 8 tarn modal bedi dtagm dacor EVA WELSH company 568-9676 GREAT FAMILY HOME Now latinta 4 bMrm bo an putat culda lac 40 ft pool not vtawt at kata Flak ram a Rvtnp mmm Maturt MndicapBip- 121400 untum RUSSEL! WADE 568 2632 AA lor Tony Lemon HSTWiT Bs 2 0422 340-3636 Inured Drews TW BERMUDA DUNES COUNTRY CLUB -CLASSIC COURSE vary larntudo Duna ante artar a MO-aquorg taM wim a and 2 tai Bath AAonv upgradnl Fool tpa lot at toe wet bar dm A lupar family hamM $12000 Pride Reduction 52871)00 Owner Must Sell DESERT SANDS Realty 73-255 El Paseo 340-4543 l' TM tovhf Sfi famaov homa UNUSUAL BUT TERRIFIC Exciting Santa Fg tioctanda with tockido wtoe tannn caul ad tailing room Tm hgtaoNtta ft Hvtng imTtocMtog ad gaPork Fairway tgca but Own It plenty at artvoev to the private vara and pott and ipa wbm Dana an authentic auth wxltarn oacar thi home It komg ottarad Ol SV7WM LOBLAND WARING atn 73350 BPaseo 3464641 OPEN HOUSE 42650 Honrins PL Sat 1-4 Sun 12-4 Country charm owMH you to Rut ipscm aoN coww hamt dauBM taarwov Feohamp Ranch Boar pavan kra country kitchen A kali km tcsxng A nra hndfer aSO ta ft Of ante S2SOOSL DESERT SANDS Realty 73255 El Paseo 5 340-4543 NEAR-NEW BERMUDA ABtatatMv bnmacutata Only rim man MB lmrb attum-Mdt FHA toon A rata oraMti home wHh tocurtty prW on as window A doer nwdy Mipaca IM 1701 ta Beauty bond put all cttkng iw an Im otto VbaMdanita a Bottia Fkaptaca eUMta R0THERMUND RUDMAN RULT0RS 773-4400 im Desert loff toOTlVATEI jSJSJ! Ctwrt Ratal GATED CONUMUNTTV 'mar ntw taMi kitt HotaL 1 BR 1 BA Mngta duiMiw 4M lv owner S535Waa is SHADOW MOUNT AM GOLF COURSE -llrltaamptatahto I lA 4 na Fh dawn satoiha ar Hemr Watt 2 brim 1 be ctemi good lecaL 379DOO By owner 3453774 OWNER Mmtaray Caumn Ckta a BrI Qa Rm Nev ckthaun Opsn Oaky 24PJI90 Uiaa Waffs 1U THE BEST THAT INDIAN WELLS HAS TO FMxAouf homa with i maitar tuttaji ipocMu dan wnh fkaptact toraita dkwip roam 4 Botha pourmat klf chan pnd chaarnu BraMitaM neck SpBtilMi by dailpn with a ctntrta courtvcrd patio pool Mid Km Baaumupy tad and wMI malm tncludkia hn Pnsd dni at and a ar pwopa talcad Ol 5524004 SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY ON MAGNFICENT HOME FOR SALE! FOR LEASE! FOR LEASE OPTION! Ona lha tki af bi kMMn ttw ruta XAcDarmett DuM wBh ramartwBta wttanttan ta taw Dadroemw four Bath tormal dmma raompuaM with Dm ana prl- BaqutltuPy MMJOd OWNER W4l HELF WITH FMANCMG4 Wa RlMM hawing of ft vary apaOM rly I71UM MILLION DOLLAR VIEW A wry cuttom 4 baWaom 5 wHh unMritnietad fatrwoy (aid mounfMn vtsw wn BBHMy furnrthd fBcurty yv tarn paal ipa ana I Bramattc apanad boor caving Ntducad ta undar 1 LOBLAND WARING 4L1T 73-350 OPaano 3404641 LOS LAGOS THE BEST OF ALL ft INDIAN WELLS 74994 CACHUMA aeparate pest home assumable loan payments 3127S mo 44-190 TAHOE separate nest house location near pool ONLY 3239000 44320 MCHGAN F0RECUT SURE Fabulous bcatioa pneed at 3225400 44315 MCHGAN F0REO0-SURE Grande modal with private yard 44235 ONTARIO Decorator don J234D00rLafO Bonrta model gnat location 44015 SUPERIOR Lago Bonrta BB- J-l 4k ila a mhm wnn ns own imooi Ihtakiw decor 749KHAVASU imstors wd we ttw has i two year tease at 3000 par month generate 36400 income per mar for 2 yen tom at 3259400 AND BEST FOR LAST 44305 0NTARDE1 Grand! decorator dm with tatadous toco bon These homea free sterefry bohed owciwtty gates Only for ttw most riservivnotng buyer CAU FOR TOUR! GREAT WESTERN REAL ESTATE 346-7405 DESERT HORIZONS COUNTRY CLUB EXQUSmiV DESCNED fanny home with beouMirt custom riuttere I taka view $327400 CASUAL ELEGANCE negndt rent 2400 oq ft decorated home mth souttMm eaposut 336540a CONTEMPORARY DECOR owr-tookaig tokos ondtanro spec- tacutor location EVERYTHNGBHERE bio Umy green southern mpoMB ff lakes pool 1 iy)()00 REMAX dou and Realtors 346-0500 IM BEASLEY la Oirinta US R0NW00D COUNTRY CLUB EXECUTIVE HOMES gtau country auo wa ora now offering two cintam Dramatlcanv raduead txauh ita auaaty ad otugn im 2200 to tt homa ptannad with antmolnmant in mtnd Extra urge kvmg room (era with eatv acct to gournwt kitchen mperlotlvt caon atry kvoa matter iuita with -tub tar two1 -Dackoom a bath ot privacy Irom paM and taa but no of vwwt Raduead ta SatObOM tarn Now an market 4200 iq ft a cutom homa one of tha lar gait In IM (action or Iranwood a Bedroom Botha dan farnky and garage Deoutlheiv tar- moftar mlta In dan and two Botha a mutt tag Ottered al S57V100 CLASSIC REALTY 346-5696 DO NOT MISS THIS ONE Santa Rota mountain thU hanmome home aakicant to tha La Quinta Farway aero Rom lha duehouta Only 1 yaw bait Itoer plan In ttw cove with ttra-pwen In Nvtna room bmat-tar taowra Saa fim LOBLAND WARING wan 73-350 UPaseo 340 4641 LA QUINTA Sleeping Beauty SlllOOO On tom home oornor locallaa aacMNnt condmon WMking distance ta thapulng Mm 1 Doth maitar barm Soper rata Roar plan GaH doth wakpoptr Btautitai cwpetlng Priced ter auk G-2 CLASSIC REALTY 346-5696 RICK JOHNSON SAYS: wMit home iMd In La Quinta So we have raduead the priert an Ml air antam hornet RuOdtr lota la kuvar goto knmadKita gccuponcv Or wW hMp you with wcur-Ing lha Hnwiclng It tact your data wd buy non with Rich Johmon RICK JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION ftC 564-2228 HELF YOURSELF to RiTbaM bsgttn In Lo Quinta a Dcn i car garage wood DurntoGdawace le5 See tm Sal or Sun JUST LISTED Nka now 1 bm home with tug tkaMaca LA QUINTA REAL ESTATE 3452111 5644218 IcnretdeDMes 107 BERMUDA DUNES ta- duplex per opt ncwttinf tocoMqgy no $I2MDQl Tha orlgM moPal CLASSIC REALTY 346-5696 A REAL BUY! Over IWO ag In tm charm-tog cuHtr-tac hamt ana btock oft Rw count a DWm 1 dwy Bor lavarr CRAYCROFT REALTORS 73-700 OPiseeSute 3 3464)533 FE met 4 ANUL HOME-BamiWtaOv Mpelntad Bukaan 4 BN avv BA BERMUDA DUNES Ldl1 ajBdagrea view comet Bg toockog aver lioe aa tt pood tarma Cot OwnarAgant aoHSM LOCATti I kMtaav View tad a Br Clean (pVAOd Onrm BtMr)MW)l only Wee -Monta VMla FaM prawkip ara Apenf MuM aeM OWNER nav naar a dr Ba 2-ear pvewd araponM Bum-M ttrapMca Maek wMC many othor custom Mahrea AMumdbM FHA fvy Mon irgeoft nt-rtB ava STBETCH out e4 hr Mima Try 11700 Bawl IMS mo Raa lati ad I lta awonoL EdMT tv as day mawa tn IIHti OivOnCE FOWC 40' tiva rot homa In Cava 2 br 1 Da paai we ioctrav ivm tern apatnat mountakv reduced trunt SIMMS 14100 aae-atet FIXER COVE $89500 PooL wew 3 brim 2 beth CC REALTY 324-9517 CUSTOM HOME toratay oernar MM IB tt a now 3 kMh CTOW6CW4 Rancho Las Palmas Lowest priced 3 berioom unrt evatahte the comptoL Ths 30 heated war peel and Owner metanted and sed-ths unrt conwrietely lured ter the bent mertiet o( S135JXXL Act Feat Ust! MISSION PR0PERTES 346-9690 Anytime CUTE SMALL TfT fprwWnm rtOdwcl few rm von FUN 4 A 64 WN1 IT OF MAKING VOUtt LAND-UMO INCH I Or Sunmh rapa aacoBanf candttMn try IMO dawn SMimn Free net a gag aiWddM MDWEOATE OCCUFANyTI 1 Bd AgaumaMM IdUM BEFO HOME TIM IOTJOOl Owlaa Broker BfBII earn Wta Bttwta latwl.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.