2 THE INDIANAPOLIS Deaths 1 In Memoriam 3 ROBLING -In loving memory of our son, CPL. JAMES E. ROBLING, 3d Marine killed on Iwo Jima Feb. 26, 1945. Dear Son Jim, It's been two years since you sent to meet your Savior.
How our lives went with you. We Never to return the same again: hear your voice and laughter, And see you coming up the steps at evenings: And some day, dear Jim, we will walk the golden steps, And you how we will be will there welcome with that open dar. arms, Mom and Dad. Brothers and Sisters. REINERT- In loving remembrance of our dear parents, Frederick and Clementine Reinert.
Gone, but not forgotten by their children, BATES- Wayne of 628 Lockerbie father of Gurley Bernill, Revis, Robert and Edward Earl Bates, passed away in Los Angeles. Cal. Remains will be flown to Indianapolis. Funeral services at the Hisey Titus Mortuary Thursday, 10 a. m.
Burial Brown Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the mortuary Wednesday. COLLINS- age 77, Plainfied, passed away Monday, February 24. beloved mother of Arthur Pelton. Puneral notice later.
For information call Hall Mortuary, Plainfield. Lizzie age 78, passed A Saturday afternoon the Newman home in Funeral Tuesday, 2 p.m.. at the Baker Funeral Home in Danville. Burial North Cemetery. Friends invited.
Friends may call at the funeral Home any time. FERREND -Michael Lowell, beloved of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Perrend, brother of Sandra Kay, crandson of Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Perrend, of Greenwood: E. H. Bewley, of Rinerville, passed away Sunday. Services Tuesday, 2 p. at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Grose of 599 E. Main Green wood. Burial Green Food Cemetery. Friends invited.
Little Sons service. GIBBERSON- E. husband of Mary E. father of Mrs. Dorothy Cruse, grandfather of Beverly Cruse, aiso survived by one brother and two sisters of Alton, passed Monday m.
at the residence, 910 Villa Ave. Prineds may call at the Tolin Funeral Home, 1308 Prospect after 7 p. m. Tuesday. Services Thursday, 10 a.
from the funeral home. Graveside services at the Roselawn Cemetery, Terre Haute, 2 p. m. Interment Roselawn Cemetery. Friends invited.
(Terre Haute papers please copy.) GRIFFITH-William age 81; 625 Middie Woodruff Place and Putney, died at Putney. Puneral arrangements later. HAGUE- Arthur, husband of Gertrude, brother of Fred. of Indianapolis, and Wildiam Hague, of Terre Haute, passed away Saturday a. m.
at the residence, 1733 E. Tabor. Friends may call at the Tolin Puneral Home. 1308 Prospect, any time. Servlees Tuesday, 2 p.
from the funeral home. Interment Crown Hill. Friends invited. HARTUP- Otto. 73 years, brother of H.
Scott Hartup (deceased), uncle of Prank and the Rev. John Hartup of city, William 0. Hartup, of Columbus. and Lonnie Hartup of California, passed away Saturday. Priends may call at the Jordan Funeral Home, 2428 E.
10th 8t. Puneral Tuesday, February 25, 2 p. m. Friends invited. HOFFMAN- May, sister of Mrs.
Anna L. Miller, of New Augusta, William P. Hoffman. St. Louis, passed away Saturday.
Funeral service Tuesday. Peb. 25, at 10:30 at Zionsville Christian Church. Friends may call at Phillippi Puneral Home, Zionsville. HUFFMAN- Grace Dickey, age 57.
of Monrovia, wife of Prank Huffman, passed away Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Norma Ruby Trusler, 3014 B. Taft 8t. Services the J. C.
Wilson of the Chimes. Prospect 8t. Tuesday, 1:30 p. m. Friends invited.
Burial Crown Hill. Friends may call at the "Chapel of the Chimes." HUFFORD- -Mary age 84. vidow of John A. Hufford, mother of Pearl Moore, of Petosky, sister of Sarah Eggers, Lizton. Nettie Barlow.
of Indianapolis. Henry Gentry. Pittsboro, passed away Saturday, February 22. Funeral service at McConaha Gregor Puneral Home Wednesday, 10:30 A. M.
Friends may call at funeral home after p. m. Tuesday. Interment Abners Creek Cemetery. JAMESON-Oliver age 65, Massachusetts passed away Sunday morning.
husband of Isa, father of Allen Jameson, and brother of Guy E. Jameson. of Guilford, Ind. Services at the J. C.
Wilson "Chapel of the Chimes." 1234 Prospect 8t. Tuesday, 3 p. m. Friends invited. Burdal Floral Park.
Friends may call at the of the Chimes." JAUS Fred. husband of Clara and 18- ther of Lucille, of Marion. brother of Mrs. Theodore Schuller. Mrs.
Marie Leonahrdt. Miss Laura Jaus, of this city and Mrs. Rex Shufflebarger, of Waverly, passed away Saturday morning at his home. Servlees Tuesday, February 25 at 2 p. the chapel of Crown Hill Cemetery.
JONES. John of 1132 N. Denny entered into rest Saturday, age 23 rears, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl B.
Jones, brother of Mrs. Mary Frances Vandergriff. Mrs. Hazel Wheeler, Miss Emma Catherine Jones, Charles 8. and C.
Daniel Jones. Services Tuesday. 3 p. at Peace Chapel. 2050 E.
St. Friends are welcome, Burial Anderson Cemetery. Moore Mortuaries. LEE Oscar Oren, of 1209 W. Ray beloved husband of Myrtle Lee, father of Mamie and Robert Lee, brother of Arthur Lee of Gary, passed away Sunday.
Services Wednedas, 2 p. at the Beanblossom Mortuary, 1321 W. Ray St. Burial Floral Park Cemetery. MADDUX- -Jane Kathryn.
of Millersville, entered into rest Saturday, age 29 years. wife of Gilbert Y. Maddux, mother of Iva Nell, Evelyn Jane, Gilbert Neal and William Gene Maddux, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Coyle, sister of Mrs.
Rolland Castner, Mrs. Charles Henry, Mrs. Arthur Smith. William, Robert and EuRene Coyle. Services Tuesday, 1:30 p.
at residence. Millersville. Friends are welcome. Burial Sutherland Park. Friends may call at residence.
Moore Mortuaries. ORTEL--Thomas Lee. of 1 mile south of New Palestine, passed away Saturday afternoon, ARE 7 years, son of Mr. Mrs. Edward Ortel.
brother of Elmer, Audrey Coleman and Donald Ortel. Funeral Tuesday, 2 p. from residence: 2:30 p. m. at Zion Lutheran Church, rerment Lutheran Cemetery.
Max Herrlich Son services. PEERY- -Mary Ada, age 72, R. 962 Lexington mother of Mrs. J. Zahnen, ChiCaRO; Mrs.
Mary Jo Mrs. Sherman Keeling. Shelbyville; Mrs. Everett Tucker and Bennett, sister of Clifford Newton, Sbelbyville, passed aWAy Sunday. Funeral services Wednesday, at the Farley Funeral Home, 1604 West Morris Burial Floral Park.
Friends may call at the funeral home. -Mrs. Etta Jane, formerly of 867 West 29th passed away Friday in Pontiac, mother of Mrs. Bertha Rector. Detroit.
Mrs. Irene Hadden, Pontiac. Mr. Randall Christy, Martinaville, Paul Christy, sister of Mrs. Carrie McCoun, Indianapolis: Mrs.
Lennie Wright, North Salem. Lillie Smith and Mr. Ora Hunt, of Contesville. and Joe Hunt, Hadley, Services Planner Buchanan Mortuary Tuesday, p. m.
Friends invited. Interment New Winchester, Ind. Friends may call at mortuary. SAUTER- 90 years, beloved mother of John Hubert (Hoop), George W. and William (Dutch) Sauter, passed AWAY Saturday m.
Funeral Tuesday, 9 a. at the G. H. Herrmann Funeral Home, 1505 South East 9:30 a. m.
at Sacred Heart. Burial St. Joseph's. Friends may call at the funeral home, SCHAKEL-William Frederick Andrew, of 51 S. Summitt entered into rest Sunday evening.
ace 60 years. husband of Clara Schakel, father of Mrs. Wilma Tual Beineke and Paul G. Schakel: brother of Mrs. Minnie Steinecker, Mrs.
Lillian Shumway. Mrs. Else Kicepper, Mrs. Flora Pennyeuff. Mrs.
Clara Pritchard, Miss Madena ices Bottin, Wednesday, Walter and Frank Schakel Serv2 p. at Peace Chapel. 2050 E. Michigan St. Friends may call 51 S.
Summitt, until 10 a. m. Burial Concordia Cemetery. Moore Mortuaries. WASHBURN-Albert Raymond.
age 56. passed away at Peoria. Friday, husband of Belle, father of Dale, Leroy, Leo and Lester Washburn. Mrs. Anna Bender and Lyman Folger, son of Franklin burn.
brother of Lester and Leroy Washburn. Services at the J. C. Wilson Chapel of the Chimes." 1234 Prospect Wednesday, 1:30 Crown. p.
m. Friends Invited. Burial Friends call at the of the after Tuesday noon. WISE William Nelson, father of Curtis Wise, of Fishers; Raymond Wise, of Cincinnati. O.
and Clifton Wise (deceased), grandfather of Mrs. Eva Lou Tews, of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Kathryn Lue Minnich. of Huntington, W. passed away Sunday morning.
Funeral services at White Chapel. Tuesday, 2 p. m. Friends mAS call at the home of the son in Fishers. ANY time.
YAGER- Peter age 84, beloved father of Brunsone Mary Tuttle, Clara Anna Beeker, Pauline Poulter, Laura Davis, Frieda Jines. William and Fred Yager. brother of Margaret Marquis. Ida Thorne and John Yager, passed Saturday m. Funeral Tuesday.
8:30 at the home of his daughter, 959 N. Bosart, and 9 m. at the Church of the Little Flower. Burial North Madison. Ind.
Friends may call at 959 Bosart. G. H. Herrmann Service, (Madison (Ind.) papers please copy. Cards of Thanks ENSSLIN- -We wish to thank our relatives.
friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses, sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received during the illness and at the death of our beloved mother and grandmother. Mrs. Minnie Ensslin. We especially wish to thank the Rev. Harold Fraker, the singers pallbearers, and the Hamilton Funeral Home.
Children and Grandchildren. PASSWAITER- wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends. club members and relatives for their lets of kindness. expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received at the death of our mother and grandmother. Mary Passwalter, We especially wish to thank the Rev.
B. B. Miller for his comforting words. Mrs. M.
Patterson for her beautiful songs and the entire staff of the G. H. Herrmann Funeral Home. Children and Grandchfidren. NEWS, In Memoriam 3 DUCKETT- in loving memory of Pearl E.
Duckett who passed away three years ago today, February 24. 1944: There is a link death can not sever, Love and Remembrance last forever. Her Family. -In loving remembrance of Hadley Ferguson who passed away February 24, 1939: And while he lies in peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep. Wife, Daughter and Grandchildren.
Funeral Directors 5 Est. MORTUARY- -1900 JOHN F. REYNOLDS Rectal specialist; Injection methoa 13t Wash. Indpla No. 519 LA.
6064 RHEUMATISM, neuritis or lumbago pains quickly relieved with WINTEREX tablets or Jour money back. Keene Drug Stores, Indianapolis. THE WELCOME Wagon hostess welcomes new residents to Indianapolis; presents tokens of good will and gives helpful information at no charge. TA. 2796.
NATURES MINERALS NAT. COMP. Vitamins as a team will accomplish wonders in your case or your money back. N. M.
P. 139 E. Ohio St. WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself after Feb. 21.
'47. Homer L. Johnson. 2634 Carrollton. I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself after Feb.
24. '47. Leon E. Shelton, 414 S. Meridian.
WELL known concert violinist and wife available for concerts, church, college, school, clubs. Box 6131, News. YOUR lost of hidden articles underground can be located. All replies immediate and confidential. Box 5956, News.
INVESTIGATIONS Mutual sation Bureau. InvestiAnywhere, anytime. TA. 6175, TRANSPORTATION needed, from 32d and Central. 8:30 a.
m. to 4:30 p. m. WA. 9351, after 6 p.
m. and Sun. IT TAKES only 30 minutes to foam clean 8 9x12 rug with odorless Fina Foam. Standard Super Markets. IP YOUR driver's license has been revoked see us.
C. A. Boyd. Ins. 405 Security Trust Bldg PR.
3674. Tired of your hats? I can make them new to you. Reasonable price. CH. 5493-W after 6 p.
m. CONFIDENTIAL detective investigation by former police officer. Any place. FR. 0300.
IR. 1176. SAVE on Beauty Service- work vised INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY School 342 Wash. Ma. 7131 STOP with a tear gas shooting device.
BR. 3011. 1415 N. PENN. LL.
7639 Hisey Titus MORTUARY 951 N. DELAWARE 3828 FLANNER BUCHANAN L. Fall Creek Pkwy. TA. 3377.
Transportation Rent Ner: Car Business, vacation pleasure travel. Bonnell Drive Yourself Co. LI. 1122. WOMAN and son, going to Denver, will take passengers.
Leave next BE. 3262-R after 5:30 p. m. Personals THE DODD INVESTIGATION BUREAU Wishes to announce that due to an increase in skilled personnel we are in a position to accept a limited number of additional cases: covering the fields of civil, criminal or select domestic investigation. For 8p- pointment call LI.
2233 or BR. 7154. FIT AS A FIDDLE Put a hot-bath cabinet in your home for health and body contour, positive reducins. We give complete information and instruction. National Clinics Co.
WA. 4835, or HU. 3925. or MA. 5995.
M. B. MORRIS. 202 ODD FELLOWS BLDG. $10 REWARD paid ladies for names interested of in Beauty Culture you submit to us and we enroll.
Pile Sufferers. Also recommended dressing for Abscesses. and all Skin Eruptions. Send 50 cents to EVERTS DRUG STORE, Knox. Indiana.
7509. Dr. H. L. Sunderland, D.
O. Cabinet Baths 8A SPANISH baths and massages. 2631 N. Capitol 2d floor. Stephanie in charge.
TA. 9374. VAPOR baths and massage. 9 m. to 8 p.
m. 727 E. 22nd. WA. 9485.
Lost, Strayed, Found 9 $25 Reward Black, since long Jan. haired 14th. female dog, one side of face white. throat. chest white.
Finder or information for same, reward immediately. 8927. LOST. small white male dog, answers to name "Snowball." smooth hair; strayed from 118 N. DeQuincy.
Last seen vicinity Irvington. Child's pet. Reward. IR. 5236.
WILL PARTY who found lady's gold Bulova watch at Star Store. Saturday, Feb. 22d. please return to Miss Leher. Star Store, second floor.
Reward. STRAYED, black cocker spaniel with white marking on throat, from 3150 Broadway. Name "Smoky, collar. '46 tag and owner's tas. Reward.
TA. 4131. LOST: Boston bull, female; white face and paws: broken chain around neck; name Saturday. Reward. CH.
7547-W. LOST: Parker 51 pen. in dntn. "Wac Basketball Champs" engraved on top. BL.
1079 after 6 p. m. Reward. LOST; black purse: State Library. Keep money.
Please return to enclosed address or call BE. 4123-M. PERSON finding brown handbag in Loew's Thurs. night keep money. return reading classes.
TA. 7214. LOST, black billfold: keepsake: in or near Berry's Restaurant. Ohio St. Reward.
WA. 7728. LI. 8488. LOST -Pekinese dog.
reddish brown, strayed from 1602 E. Perry: reward. GA. 9462. FOUND, TERRIER brown white spots.
with HI. 2639. LOST--Pair pillowcases. lace edge, on Fairgrounds car, Friday. Reward.
GA. 7995. BLACK mare pony: strayed from 3002 Bethel Ave. Reward. GA.
4377. GA. 3395. LOST. lady's black cloth purse on National Rd.
of Indianapolis. Reward. CH. 0195. LOST- black billfold.
Vic. Irvington to town. Reward. IR. 1048.
LOST: Boston bull dos. female. spayed: child's pet. Reward. BR.
3929. LOST. Sheaffer pen: name Post engraved. Reward. HU.
6185 after 6 p. m. LOST- Shell rimmed glasses. painted red and green. Reward.
PR. 6588. LOST: silver link friendship bracelet. Reward. BR.
0347. FOUND, male Cocker Spaniel, red. FR. 0859. LOST.
bank books: reward. RI. 7071. Business Services 10 ACCOUNTING TAX RETURNS of kinds prepared: bookkeeping system installed and serviced for individuals and small businesses. LI.
7800. 426 Merchants Bank bids, ALTERATIONS LADIES, bring us a man's suit will tailor you one from it. Supreme Tailors, 157 N. Ill. (upstairs) ALTERATIONS: men's.
garments. Cohen, 1415 E. Wash. PR. 3709.
EXCLUSIVE fur-cloth stylist. Gertrude Free, 620 S. Lynburst Dr. BE. 2777-R.
AUTO RADIATORS AUTO RADIATOR TROUBLES? Let the oldest shop in the Middle Wes: test 1913) cure them. Acme Radiator 623 N. AUTO SERVICE HAVE an exp. mechanic work on your car, We guarantee all our work. Brakes relined.
motors overhauled. complete tuneup. O.K. GARAGE N. Ala.
(rear). Open till 9 p. HI. 4494. BILL'S GARAGE- First class auto repairs.
brakes. clutches. querhauls. motors changed. 1021 N.
Jefferson. CH. 4361. AUTO SPRINGS WE SPECIALIZE Frost End Repairing and Aligning AUTO AND TRUCKS (ALL MAKES) SPITZNAGEL SPRING AXLE SERVICE 525 W. PEARL BLOCK WORK Block Work ness, Garages, cement fountains, chim- Veterans.
CH. 0769. BRICK WORK CHIMNEY REPAIR porches. Foundations, Pointing a specialty, LI. 0302.
LI. 7291. BRICK POINTING Foundation, chimGuaranteed work. Free estimates. BL.
4467. BUILDING CONTRACTOR CONTRACTING Reliable contractor specializing in remodeling. No Job too large or too small. Anywhere in state. WA.
2460. CABINETS CABINETS built to order; all kinds of repair work. BE. 0542 after 5:30 p. m.
CABINETS built to order; all kinds of repair work. BE. 0542 after 5:30 p. m. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, Business Services 10 CARPENTERY General Contracting ing.
and remodel- ceilings lowered. Dream kitchen and Pu archways a specialty. 1396 Painting, roofing. floor Carpenter sanding and finishing. Rice, WA.
1615. CARPENTRY repair, painting and roofing, metal tile setting our specialty. Free estimates. RI. 5712 or J.
Barrett, GA. 8731. REPAIR, roofing remodeling. repair. building BE.
4036 BUILDING AND REMODELING. BINDHAMER BROS. BE 2770-W. CARPENTER, repair work; flue and brick pointing: all work guaranteed. BR.
1229. JOBBER. repair and contract work, in the carpenter line. BE. 2024-M.
CEMENT WORK BRICK WORK Cement drives, porches, garages, fireplaces. Terms up to 36 months. off BL. 4527: BL. 4167.
CEMENT porches. driveways, sidewalks and block and brick work. TA. 8290 and HI. 1314.
CEMENT work, basements. driveways, porches, blocks: 25 yrs. exp. IR. 0756.
CEMENT: repair and carpentry work. W. A. KAMP. FR.
4954. CINDERS CINDERS. sand, gravel, crushed rock for driveways. Fugate. BE.
2461. CONTRACTING GENERAL contracting, carpenter work: plumbing and roofing: brick, block. concrete work. Furnaces. All work guaranted.
L. B. Allen Son, 748 Lexington Ave. PR. 3165.
BASEMENT and street excavating. cement buildings, cement driveways, floors, curb and gutter. Free estimate. MA. 4120.
CONSTRUCTION The Farrow Co. builders. Engineers and We build everything. TA. 3902.
HI. 2689. CRUSHED STONE CRUSHED ROCK, washed and pit gravel for drivewass. for fertilizer. LOWELL FRANCIS GA.
4134 CRUSHED STONE Crushed gravel. rock. cinders spread. Call Bob. GA.
3472. ELECTRIC SWEEPERS Vacuum Cleaner Repairing Vogel Bros. 1314 Wash Ma 6351 ELECTRIC WIRING ELECTRIC wiring: receptacles installed: bome repairs and construction: licensed. bonded. BL.
4156, 6 to 8 p. m. ELECTRICAL WIRING All types. Licensed. CH.
2368-J. EXTERMINATING Free inspection. United Termites Termite Virginia Control. Fr. 1424.
630 ave. FENCING FENCING We Ing and specialize also in lawn fencfarm fencing erected CO 2360 FORD FENCE CO. BR. 5441; 6542 Winthrop, BR. 4003.
FENCE Lawn, farm, factory complete erection. SUPERIOR FENCE. 1818 E. 12th. CH.
5157. FLOOR REFINISHING "DON'T CALL US" Unless you want the best in floor sanding and refinishing. GA. 8370. J.
D. Powell Co. HI. 0205. OLD FLOORS MADE NEW.
Our electric sanders finish beautifully Dustless, economical Easy to use. PHOENIX LUMBER 1319 N. Capitoi FENCING SANDING and refinishing floors Work guaranteed. GA. 8471.
FURNACE REPAIRING FUEL OIL STOVES SERVICED Day or night. Guar, work. CH. 8317-M. REFINISHING and repairing: old furniture made like new.
Don's Furniture Shop, TA. 4121. Furnace vacuum Reasonable. cleaned. $3.
Work Repairguar- anteed. CH. 6981. FURNACES; new, used. installed: 3 yrS.
to pay. Cleaning, repair: all makes. WA. 3063. FURNACES, pipe vacuum cleaned, repairs.
CH. 8374-W FURNITURE FURNITURE AND FLY RUG CLEANING CO Specialists 10 upholstered furn. cleaning rebuilding 10 yr. guaranteed mothproofing 2328 BROOKSIDE AVE CH. 2211 Paint UpholsterCarve-Polish.
Any kind of furniture Quick depend expert service MA. 3668. UPHOLSTERING, springs repaired. cushions rebuilt. CH.
6937. 2170 N. Tacoma. GRADING GRADING, excavating. plowing, light tractor work.
Bob Cooley, CH. 2231. GUTTERING NEW GALVANIZED gutters and downspouts: roofing: new furnaces. Prompt service. 3 yrs.
to pay. Frank Sturgeon, 3602 E. 10th. CH. 5249.
NEW GALVANIZED guttering and downspouting. Lawrence Tinning and Roofing. Prompt service. Up to 36 mos. to pay.
H. C. Bea. CH. 9246.
GENERAL repair work, roofing, guttering. repairing. TA. 7834. MAULING Moving- -Light Hauling WE SPECIALIZE in furniture moving and baggage.
CH. 1997 Light Hauling trash. Ashes, FR. 3781 Specializing cleaning up from attic to basement. Day or night.
White. CRUSHED WHITE LIMESTONE For Jour ariveway delivered prompty spread Geo. Kopesky, Ga. 3530 Light Hauling, Reasonable Covered truck Safe delivery guar. HU.
2127, Hauling fill Cinders, and top crushed soil. rock, Kenneth gravel. James, GA. 0553. BOYD'S Serv.
Gen. hauling. ashes. trash, anything: reas. WA.
9030. CH. 9444-J. LIGHT HAULING, moving. day or night.
White. FR. 8289. FR. 3089.
till 9 p. m. GENERAL HAULING, trash: basement cleaning, Veteran. WA. 5837.
GENERAL HAULING FR. 7296. GENERAL hauling: trash. dirt, $3.75 and up per load. LI.
9250. INSURANCE Insurance Provided When Required for Canceled Auto License Direct Daily Service to the Department Transportation Underwriter Inc 510 Illinois bldg Li 3453 LINOLEUM LAYING LINOLEUM cabinet tops repaired and replaced. All types floor covering service Free estimates. H. A.
Baker. FR. 1813 MATTRESS REPAIRING BURKLE We East. mattresses buy RI. 6695.
over. feathers, make PAINTING Monarch Modernization Co. Painting, interior and exterior: 20 years exp. Fully insured. cleaned and painted.
We have the paint on hands. BR. 9368. AVOID spring rush; kitchen and bathrooms painted: breakfast. lawn.
porch furniture and other small items refinished in any color Pick up and delivery: 48 br. service. GA. 7944. Interior and exterior, 30 PAINTING years exp.
Best references. R. Ramage. Insured workmen. CH.
7059. EXTERIOR and int. Reasonable now Free estimates. Work guar. White.
CH. 2121-R Painting en Interior, and wall bathrooms, washing, kitch- paper cleaning. wallpaper steaming. BL. 2889.
PAINTING. interior and exterior: wall washing: all work guaranteed. Cash or small monthly payments. LI. 7240.
VETERAN going back into business. Inter. and exter. painting, wall washing and paper cleaning. CH.
7036-W. PAINTING Kitchen, refinishing. bath 1st class work. floor C. Bennett, 24 N.
Walcott. PAINTING: KemTone: wall wash: paper clean. WA. 1906 INTERIOR. exterior painting and decoratine CH.
6430-M and TA. 4678. Kem- Toning and Interior painting white. MA. 3761 Painting Kitchen, suar.
bath. CH. 5454-J Painting Cooney, Interior GA. and 1044. exterior.
PAINTING wanted. interior and exterior work cuaranteed. MA. 7740. PAPER CLEANING Paper Hanging Steaming.
refinishing painting, Immediate service, CA. 1084. PAPER cleaning. wall washing. painting MA.
3790. PAPER CLEANING, wall washing. Everett Cox Son. 525 N. Keystone.
CH. 3325 PAPER BANGING Paper Hanging, Painting Interior decorating. Bonderized steel tile. lifetime guarantee. Cabinets.
wood or steel. Linoleum laying. Free estimatee, John L. Tidd LI. 8970 PAPER HANGING.
Latest samples. CH. 7310-M. PAPERHANGING. steaming.
work guar. north white. Wa. 8743 Cleghorn PAPER HANGING. steaming: prompt terse ice.
latest samples. Sheppard. Cb. 0545-J PAPER hanging: first class work only: trmediate service. 4289.
Marion Garrett PAPER HANGING. Reasonable. Guaranteed. Steaming paper and cleaning. CH.
5714-W. PAPER HANGING, painting, done at once: 26 years experience. BE. 3746. 1947 Business Services 10 PAPER HANGING side painting.
Immed. serv. PAPER hanging, steaming. In- CH. 8708 PAPER HANGING, 30 1947 samples.
RI. 6034. Steampainting. exp. PAPER HANGING priced right; immediate service: work guaranteed.
CH. 0687. PAPER HANGING, painting. Prompt service. 1947 samples.
Condiff. TA. 6042, Plastering, carpentery. Steaming HU. 5381.
IF YOU want the best in paper hanging, call C. A. Bradford. BE. 5056-J.
STEAMING. Reasonable. Careful. Also work for decorators. LI.
2940. Paper banging. steaming, WA. 6360 plastering, arches. WA.
6360 Paper plastering, hanging, arches. steaming. PAPEH HANGING, steaming; 26 sears perience E. Shepard, Ch. 0639.
PAPER HANGING; 25c per roll. Immed serv. Wk. gar. CH.
8041. PAPER banging, painting. plastering: to 01 out of city Be. 5820-3. PAPER hanging.
1947 samples. Avoid spring rush. BE. 3533-J. A-1 PAPER HANGING; immediate service: 20c roll.
BE. 0831-W. PAPERHANGING. steaming. Free estimates.
GA. 6846. STEAMING and paperhanging. Cohee. CH.
9289-W. PAPER STEAMING Steaming, Paper Hanging Painting. Reas. CH. 1488-W.
CH. 2637-R PLASTERING PLASTERING, GA. 0890 White. PLASTER Clean PATCHING. after job.
GA. 4182 up EX-VETERAN wants plastering, new and repair jobs. Free estimates. GA. 9866.
Work guar. White. Patch Plastering W. 9461. Mr.
Johns PLASTERING, new and patchwork: waterproofing. Free estimates. Jones. TA. 1375.
Patch Plastering Free Est. FR. 4830 New or patch work. PLASTERING BL. 4225.
PLUMBING PLUMBING- New Repair, Guar Service CRIST PLUMBING 1176 ODELL. TA. 8342 PLUMBING, heating. repairing a specialty. Dick's Plumbing Shop.
BE. 5032-J or BE 4826-W. RADIO SERVICE Pickup and delivery service; RADIO work 15 exp. Lightning Elec. 249 N.
Jefferson. MA. 2868. BRING in your radio for repairs Free estimate Lane Radio 2828 10th Ch. 0218 REFRIGERATOR SERVICE Expert Refrigerator Serv.
Trained men. Years of experience Reasonable rates. 24-hour service. Hines Sons. CH.
7658 or CH. 1050-M. REFRIGERATOR SERVICE guar. 15 exp. 249 N.
Jefferson. MA. 2868 RE REMODELING REMODELING All kinds, free estimates. Prompt service. Indianapolis Remodeling Co.
RI. 5511. REPAIRING GUTTERING and sheet metal; roofing: new and repairing work. BE. 5032-J.
ROOFING NEW ROOFS, roof repairs, built ups, siding. guttering and down spouts. CALL MILLS, MA. 2806. ROOP repair, low as guttering, siding, insulation.
Dependable service. Jones Roofers. CH. 7951. ROOFING.
siding, insulation. carpenter work. Free estimates. No down payment. Roy A.
Smith. CH. 8102. roof: ROOP repair: guaranteed all work. kinds new Ri.
2928 ROOFING siding free est. Sheriff-Goslip Co. est. in 1906. Ma 7227.
Hi 0632 BROWN Roofing Co. Latest blends: easy terms. applied or unapplied. MA. 4687.
RUG CLEANING FURNITURE AND FLY RUG CLEANING CO Specialists in rug cleaning, repairing 10 yrs. guaranteed Berlou mothproofing. 2328 BROOKSIDE AVE. CH. 2211 SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANK Dry wells and outside toilets cleaned and pumped Immed.
and out-of-town servica FR. 8742 VAULTS. septic tanks, dry well cleaned. repaired: in. outside city: prompt service by ex-service man; reas.
price. FR. 7069. C. A.
CO. DAY OR NIGHT. FR. 9310. We clean septic tanks.
vaults and dry welis. Reliable service. SEPTIC TANKS RELIABLE dry well, septic tanks and vault cleaning. We specialize in building and repair service. All trouble guaranteed eliminated.
Bradford, 2224 Howard. CA. 1311. toilets cleaned. Septic Tanks, BE.
5623-M. SEWER CLEANING SEWER CLOGGED? THE THESE PATENTED KNIVES that cut the stoppage 10 your SEWER SINKLINE or DOWNSPOUTS No digging No mess Sewer guaranteed 2 SEWER SERVICE co. MA. 3073 SEWERS drains Sinks, OPENED Roots and stoppage cut out. most mod elec mach Do digging: sewers guar 2 years on homes Reaservice prices.
est Quick IR. 9108 CLOGGED SEWERS OPENED RI 8814 Night Guarantee. or day Electric 2-Year Machines. Est Free CLOGGED sewers, pipes, drains cleaned basements pumped. electric machines guaranteed Ch 3344 SEWER DIGGING SEWER digging; septic tank cleaning; dry wells; quick service.
C. Wells, TA. 0216. GENERAL sewer work. sewer repair and water service.
(Bonded.) LI. 9758. SEWER DIGGING, dry wells. septic tanks Repair work a specialty. HI.
3117. SIDING Brick and Stone Siding Immediate Application No money down. 3 years to pay. Call RI. 2928.
950 Ft. Wayne. TREE TRIMMING TREE REMOVING Fully Insured. Power Bouipment M. F.
Brown, BL. 1018 TREE TRIMMING SHEPLEY BROS. Tree trimming, removing. Insured vets. Power equip.
MA. 4964. ALL KINDS of tree trimming, surgery and removing: reasonable A. Hack. FR.
3749 SPRAYING, trimming trees. Gen. yd. wk Free estimate, CH. 3583.
CA. 7748. VENETIAN BLINDS Keith Shade Co. WA. 6591 2168 N.
Ill. WALL WASHING WALL WASHING. paper cleaning: inside and outside painting. Quick service CH. 1521-J.
WALLS washed. Painting and cleaning. Ex perienced. Contracting. TA.
1939. WASHER SERVICE WASHER REPAIR AVENUE APPLIANCE SHOP. Guaranteed IF. Any place Work in done Marion in coun- your home. Save Write 840 Mass.
RI. 3886. Washer Repair home. Work Free done in estimates your GUARANTEED Service. 24-Hour LI.
9764 Hines Sons Washer by service: trained guar. men. New used washers, refrigerators. part. rolls and motors.
CH. 7668 or CH. 1050-M. Washing Machine Repair One day service guaranteed. Done in your home.
GA. 5468. Washer Service All able. parts Free now estimates availGUARANTEED GA. 2548 WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING 0454 repairing.
BE WATER well driller. 4 inch well on up. John Dean. GA 3056. WINDOW SHADES PATTERSON SHADE and FLOOR COVERING 113 S.
PENN. RI. 1496 Rooms Without Board 12 WALKING DISTANCE 229 E. 11TH clean. pleasant rm.
for centleman over 35. Positively no drinking. Plenty hot water. 919 N. No.
8: large room, connecting bath: private home. Reference. Gentleman. After 4:30 p. m.
HOTELS Hotel Westpoint 31 clean: W. Ohio; moderate very rates. Friendly atmosphere. Stubbins Hotel Illinois Rooms and $1 Georgi up. NORTH 2449 N.
CARROLLTON: large rm. next bath. 'Constant hot water. Suitable for gentlemen. TA.
8533. CENTRAL. 3028: pleasant front room. good heat: large closet: innerspring. Garage.
Gentleman only. No drinking. Rooms Without Board 12 3553; pleasant room for employed couple. No drinking. WA.
3603. DELAWARE, 1919: large front room. living room and bedroom furnishings. No cooking. 2119 N.
DELAWARE: warm double room. next to bath; 2 employed ladies. ILL. AND 9TH: lovely warm room for emp. couple or 2 girls.
WA. 2908. NEW JERSEY, 1903: sleeping room; gentlemen only. Positively no drinking. PARK.
1514-Front, private bath, for 2 gentlemen of good character. PARK. 1019: 2 girls or 2 gents; references. No drinking. WARM room, twin beds, near bath.
gentlemen preferred, on Butler carline. HU. 1957, 302 W. Maple Rd. WARM.
clean room for gentleman. Private home of 2 adults. HU. 3137. DOUBLE room; young man; day no drinking; best trans.
WA. 4264. SLEEPING room for employed couple. References. 2424 N.
Talbot St. WA. 4612. ROOM, employed lady. Private home.
HI. 1575. EAST LASALLE, 220 N. -Nice comfortable room for girl: near R. C.
A. and Mallory's. COMFORTABLE next bath. large closet, laundry privileges; no smokers. MA.
4627. TWO employed gentlemen; sober; twin beds. LI. 2898. SOUTH BEECH GROVE, lovely room, next bath; priv.
home; suitable 1 or 2. GA. 9583. WEST DIVISION. 902: large front room.
Private entrance. Emp. couple. MA. 8350.
Rooms With Board 13 WILL room and board girl in my home from Monday to Friday. $8 week. HI. 3085. BOARD FOR CHILDREN HAVE room for mother will give room.
board and care for child, while mother works days. FR. 1915. WANTED. TO permanently old.
BL. care 3650. for or adopt. girl. 2-4 years WILL care for 1-2 children in my home.
Mother's care. WA. 2218. WILL care for children 2 yrs. or older by week.
CH. 3541-J. MOTHERS care for children in private home BR. 9612. NORTH PRIVATE room and bath, meals and small salary in exchange for household duties; want white girl, 18-25.
I interested write 6133 N. Meridian. EAST Permanent Home for women. elderly IR. men 2882.
WEST Sanitarium ing 24-hr. care. nurs- LiLynhurst censed by state. BE. 3926.
WANT elderly lady to do light housework for exchange room and board. BE. 2441-W. after 4 p. m.
SOUTH ROOM. board and laundry for employed girl. $12 weekly. GA. 6476.
Housekeeping Rooms 14 ONE ROOM, kitchenette. for mother or employed couple. Day care for child. CH. 9576.
NORTH CARROLLTON. 1816; front 1 room innersp.it employed couple: phone. NEW JERSEY, 1469; nicely furnished apt. Couple employed days. EAST HARRISON, 1010; one small furnished room.
for man or woman, private entrance. PR. 3757. WEST BELMONT. 742: 2 nice furn.
rooms. Private entrance. BE. 2963-M. Wanted to Rent 15 MY grandparents reared my Mamma, now Daddy and Mamma want to rear me.
in an apartment or house of our own: please help us. Baby Montgomery. TA. 1108. NEEDED April 1st, two or three-bedroom house or prefer Orchard School section; two adults and daughter 10: best of refs.
GA. 0466. LILLY EMPLOYEE (Chemist). Veteran, wife, child desire furn. or unfurn.
apt. or house. HU. 8217. -NAVAL officer (R.
C. A. Engineer) and bride 1-2 bedrm. apt. Best of refs.
Call Mr. Speck, CH. 4800 Ext. 227 or HI. 4206 after 5 p.
m. PHYSICIAN, wife. 3 months old daughter, need unfurnished 2-bedroom house or apartment, by April 1st. Call Dr. Boyer, CH.
7676. ROOM and board in nice private home: east. between Emerson and Sherman emp. vet. and wife.
BE. 1334-R. after 6 p. m. R.
O. T. C. instructor at Broad Ripple High, wishes an apt. for myself, wife.
18 mo daughter. Prefer north. Sgt. Miller. FR.
9623 wife desire furn. apt. Veteran and house. No drinking or pets. CV.
1137-R. FAMILY, three adult women, all employed, urgently need unfurnished house or apartment, Mar. 15. East pref. IR.
6168 after 5:30, p. m. ELDERLY lady wants room and board with a small family, in a small town or will rent an unfurnished room. Box 6034. News.
EMP. COUPLE need furn. or unfurn. apt. or house: no drinking, smoking; no children.
wife and 2 yr. old son. desperately need small house in or near Indpis. Good references. Ga.
2382 eves. DRUGGIST and wife. desire 4-5-room house: quiet refined couple. No children or pets. North or west preferred.
BE, 2295, ARMY stationed in city and wife, baby in May, desire 3-4 rm. furnished apt. Clean. MA. 5325, days.
BR. 0102, eves. THREE or four room furnished house or apartment by HU. employed 1181, couple, no chilpets. after 6 p.
m. YOUNG couple expecting in May, need 2-3 rm. furn. or unfurn. apt.
Prefer south side. FR. 4912, any time. ELDERLY couple desire small turn. or 3 rm.
unfurn. mod. apt. LI. 4942 before 10:30 a.
m. or after 7:30 p. m. 3 adults, employed, reliable and -permanent. Single.
double or suburban or unfurn. CH. 3699 after 5 p. m. VET.
AND WIFE desire 2 or 3 rm. furn. or unfurn. No drinking, smoking. pets or children.
MA. 8798. VETERAN and wife. both employed days, want 2-3 furn. private bath, no children or pets.
BR. 4625. "HOME is a man's castle!" Newly married couple must have apartment. A place to study and cook. IR.
9157. VETERAN and bride to want 3 room furnished apartment. preferably east by April 1st. BL. 0366.
VETERAN and wife without home need apartment or house furnished or unfurnished. Phone GA. 2291. SCHOOL Urgently OF RELIGION Butler University. needs apts.
and houses isterial couples. HU. 5154. CHEMICAL wife 7 weeks old baby, need house or apt. No drinking or smoking.
Ref. Ir. 5398. VETERAN and bride-to-be want efficiency or bedroom apartment, furnished or unfurnished. HU.
7352. MEDICAL student wants rm. to rent or exchange for even. wk. RI.
3648 after 7 p. m. June Leedy. NAVY Lilly employee. and wife want unfurn.
house or apt. No children or pets: please call, GA. 6157. VETERAN and bride to be. need 2-4 rm.
furn. apt. No pets. MA. 5471.
8 a. m. Miss Mason. BEING evicted. Want to rent unfurnished house or apartment by two reliable adults References.
LI. 0355. wife and son, VETERAN, desperately need apt. or house. CH.
6996-M. wife expecting. son 2 need 3 or more rm. house or apt. Living apart now.
CH. 5277 WIDOW. employed. needs unfurn. apt.
or duplex. Refined, good refs. IR. 3025 after 6:30 p. m.
FAMILY of three need two bedroom house or apt. References. Pay up to $60. Box 6123. News.
ELDERLY gentleman desires steeping rm. Prefer Christian home. Near carline. Box 6101, News. MIDDLE-AGED emp.
couple. need 2. 3 or 4 unfurn. rooms. Call GA.
8565 before 2 m. EMPLOYED business women desire or 3-room furn. or unfurn. apt. CH.
5813-W. NEWLY married Christian couple desire 1 furnished room with kitchenette. CA. 1693. WILL lease 6 mos, to 1 up to $50 mo.
rent for 5-6-rm. home, 2108 Singleton. GA 1945. BUSINESS woman rants unfurnished bedroom apartment. 1R.
2075. 9 to 3. VETERAN, 2 mo. old baby. desire 4-5 rm.
house or unfurn. CH. 5421. DESIRE unfurn. apt.
prefer northeast: both no children. Box 5838, News. EX-ARMY officer, wife, son 2 $75 Apt. or house. furn.
or unfurn. HI. 2295. EMPLOYED couple desire furn. or unfurn.
apartment or double. MA. 3837. VETERAN and wife. no children, for both destre furn.
apt. BL. 1796. PHYSICIAN, wife. boy 3, infant.
need bedroom unfurnished house. IR. 1390. 4 OR 5 ROOM house unfurnished. for adults.
Construction foreman. RI. 9758. WOULD like to rent small storeroom with living quarters. Box 6122, News.
wife and 3-month-old baby desperately need small apt. CH. 6127-W. VETERAN. wife, infant, urgently need 3-4 rm.
unfurn, apt. or house. Refs. FR. 8913.
HIRAM apt. Wife, son, Desperate. need CH. furn. 0793.
or unfurn. to VETERAN and wife desire 2 or 3 room apt. 1-2 Call GA. 7683. SINGLE, employed girl, wants small apartment.
GA. 1523. VETERAN and wife want furn, or unfurn. apt. or house, references.
BE. 4363-2. 1T Sale, Houses 24 Wanted to Rent 15 Must Vacate March 1st wife, 1-year-old son ately need unfurnished house or apt. References. CH.
4494-J UNFURNISHED HOUSE OR APT. Desperately needed by ex-naval officer and wife; both employed. No children or pets. A-1 references. BR.
5193 UP TO $125 PER MONTH for unfurn. 5-6-room mod. house. east or north. Business executive.
Can supply best of refs. Call Mrs. McCormick at RI. 6351 between 9 a. p.
m. Up to $125 Per Month Permanently employed toolmaker urgently needs living quarters for self. wife and year-old daughter. If you have anything vacant now or soon call BR. 8038.
JORDAN CONSERVATORY Piano instructor and husband need 3-4 room apt. or house, furn. or unfurn. No children. drinking or pets.
Prefer north. TA. 9500. FORMER university professor, now on research staff Naval Ordnance Plant, and wife desire unfurn. or furn.
apt. or house N. or quiet, refined, reliable cpl. Dr. J.
F. Heyda. IR. 4503, days; IR. 4929, eves.
I WOULD like to rent a 5 or 6 rm. apt. or house, unfurn. so I can have my wife and daughter, one with me in my new work. I'm a veteran, emp.
by G. C. Murphy Co. Box 6126. News.
LILLY EMPLOYEE Veteran and bride-to-be, desire 2-3, room apt. or house, by March 10. CH. 1389-J after 4 p. m.
MARRIED couple desires apartment or house: furnished or unfurnished; no drinking. no children or pets; best references. Box 5880, News. Case Clothes. wife.
infant Manager immediately need furn. or unfurn. house. Veteran. Guar.
care. RI. 3633. $75 Per Month 2-bedroom house or apt. in or near Indianapolis.
Upkeep guaranteed. Ref. G. M. engineer.
HU. 1105. working at Allison's. wife Engineer want apt. or small house; prefer furnished northwest or suburban west.
Zishka, BE. 0487-1. MAN AND WIFE need house or apt. by April 1: will consider anything. Please call Mrs.
Prather. WA. 2381. after 6 p. m.
5555 CHICAGO FOR INDIANAPOLIS Will exchange 5-room unfurnished 2-bedroom apartment, in Oak Park, for similar or 1-bedrm. apartment or house in north Indianapolis. RI. 6541 days, 8-5 p. m.
RI. 3809 after 5 p. m. ask for G. Towey.
GENERAL APTS. NO VACANCIES 22 W. VERMONT LI. 2439 EXCHANGE 4 rm. steam heat: Woodruff PL: for larger modern house.
CH. 9371. WILL exchange 5 rm. flat in Milwaukee for a place in Indpis. Box 6110, News.
MOD. BASEMENT apt. in exchange for work: white couple. 1616 N. New Jersey.
Moving, Storage Local Long Distance Moving CH. 3800 YORK PER STORAGE CO YON APPRECIATE RENT A 1946 TRUCK MOVE YOURSELF -SAVE HALF Long trips a specialty costa: CINCINNATI, OHIO, $35 DETROIT, $47.10 NASHVILLE $54.33 24-Hr. Drive It Co. Ohio Als Service R1 6016. N.
CLYDE MAY FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. Ask about Separate compartments. Low MA. rents. crating or moving.
4200. VETERANS Want distance local moving. and Immedi- long ate service. Reasonable rates. CH.
5321-R. LOCAL and long distance moving. Ed Sherman Moving Co. GA 5462. Houses, Unfurnished 18 MR.
LANDLORD Our econcmical and experience handling of your rental property make It much mare profitable for vou Talk with Mr Bushong THE INDIANA TRUST CO. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT By men who know now We collect rents Prompt remittances JACK C. CARR 130,4 2374. Market 2 rm. unfurn.
Middle-aged couple only. HI. 2264. Houses, Furn. 19 TENTH, 1304; nice 3-rm.
upper emp, couple: no smoking or drinking. Call at side door. Detroit for Indianapolis 3 bedroom single house in University of Detroit district, in exchange for 2-3-bedroom single house on upper north side of Indianapolis. CH. 3030-M.
COL. Will lease for 6 mos. 4 rm. house. fully inc.
light, gas, water, heat. telephone. to emp. couple. Vet.
mo. Toilet and water out. Poss. April 1st. 1116 E.
North. WIDOW will share new home at 5538 Haverford with business woman with car. Rent, Business Places 22 ON SWITCH; 1 room 47x230; vacant March 12. Also room with approximately 20.000 feet now vacant. Call BL.
2409. SALES lot for rent at 1440 W. Washington: 93 front, 120 ft. deep. FR.
Owner. Harry Howard, 1258 W. Washington. FIVE-CAR repair garage east. $35 per month.
Apply at 1225 W. McCarty. Ask for John or Stephenson. WEST FOURTEENTH STREET 2 Spaces of approximately 5.000 feet each: adjoining. BL.
2409. Office Space 22-A WANTED to erably share with office space, attorney in downtown area. Box 5951, News. FURNISHED OFFICE, downtown reasonable rent. MA.
2121. Industrial, Warehses. 22-B For Lease, 8,000 Sq. Ft. 1-Story Building, N.
Meridian St. Display room. tile floor, heating plant; drive in rear: available now. Reasonable rent. A.
EDW. MANTEL CO. 108 E. Wash. Room 1402.
MA. 7358. STORAGE SPACE 3,500 sq. It. for lease.
Very reasonable. Apply Indiana Trust Rental Dept. Resorts, Cottages 23 BY OWNER Big Chatman Lake. Island Park. Ground equivalent to 3 lots in all.
Ideal location for motor and boat rental. FR. 9044. Sale, Houses 24 GOOD INVESTMENT FOR COLORED 810-16 N. West; storerooms, living quarters and cannery; monthly income $335.
Down payment $2.000, monthly payment $150. HAPPY HOMES, INC. SPRENGER. 136 N. Delaware, Room 1009.
MA. 5501. 4 VACANT HOUSES FOR SALE Modern Brick, Fine Home, North of 38th on N. Penn. 6-room modern on N.
State, close to side Park; 1-100m modern, southwest: house in Mars Hill, Terms. CH. 3770. WANTED Property to sell 10 colored neighborhood JOHN WELCH SONS Sale, Houses, North 24-A 2246 CARROLLTON AVE. TO SETTLE ESTATE Large roomy 4 bedroom home, with good kitchen, dandy closet space, hardwood floors, stoker heat.
House is in good condition. Immediate possession. Priced to Holland. MA. 2274 or DRISCOLL REALTY CO.
2446. 5800 BLOCK NORTH MERIDIAN New brick: 2 bedrooms; tile bath and stall shower: den: large living room: dining room: breakfast nook; nice kitchen: utility room: all beat: carpets included in living room, dining room and two bedrooms. L. L. Banford, WA.
8230. American Estates Co. MA, 1376 332 CIRCLE TOWER BLDG, 1806 N. NEW JERSEY $1,300 Down: 5 rooms, modern, DeW roof. one car garage: see anytime.
Call R. J. Battleson. CH. 0739-M or REALTY SERVICE CO.
MA. 4383 Sale, Houses HAVE BUYERS FOR NORTH $12,500 for 2-bedroom bungalow. 3-bedroom, close to trans. EAST $8,500 4-bedroom: to vicinity of 10th Emerson. $10,500 for 2-becroom bungalow.
DOUBLES 4 6-rm. or 5-rm. side north; up to $15,000. a side, east of Rural. Prices Are STILL GOOD But Sussest ACT TODAY For additional information call M.
L. Withrow, HU. 8995. HALL-HOTTEL COMPANY MA. 8581 Sale, Houses, North Sale, Houses, North 24-A 6135 N.
PENNSYLVANIA ST. Meridian Hills district. True Georgian colonial. Extra living room, marble fireplace, banquet size dining room, lovely large kitchen, also charming entry tile hall. This home has 4 bedrooms, master, den; baths, social room with fireplace in shrubbed basement, tile floor, G-E oil heat.
Extra large lot. Beautiful grounds. Outdoor fireplace. This home is only 7 years old. Call Gil Carter for appointment.
BR. 3355. GIL CARTER CO. 6202 College BR. 3355 1919 N.
SUGAR GROVE 6 Rooms side modern double: excellent condition, good paint, nicely decorated: school block: immediate possession. This is a real buy. Call R. J. Battleson.
CH. 0739-M or REALTY SERVICE CO. MA. 4383 331 E. 10TH: 8 nicely decorated semi $1,500 bal.
$30 mo. Mr. Morrison, LI. 8016, eves. MA.
6511. days. West 33d Street In a dandy "homey" location: extra enclosed porch; all modern, nice bath and kitchen: nice-size rooms: insulated. Mr. Clark, BE.
3683-R. FORD WOODS CO. MA. 1528 33 E. 37TH ST.
Brick veneer, six-room strictly modern home; excellent condition. Priced to sell: $11.000. Owner will show evenings. W. O.
YAGERLINE. MA. 3536. 134 N. Del.
Eves. IR. 0529. W. R.
HUNTER INC. REALTORS. FRENCH BRICK VENEER WYNDALE, $35,000 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS Grounds 160 to 200. Trees, shrubs, evergreens aplenty. Metal windows with storm sash.
Slate roof. Attached garage. Screened porch. Fireplace in large living room. Sunroom and lavatory room down.
Front and rear stairs. Oil fired furnace with blower. Electric water heater and softener. Finished attic. Many other refinements.
NORTH MERIDIAN ST. TRUE BRICK COLONIAL 6 YEARS Among trees; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, lovely living room with colonial fireplace, knotty pine den. all white woodwork. breezeway connecting garage, automatic heat. many quality refinements and details we should tell you about.
KENNETH P. FRY, REALTOR. MA. 5408. An exceptionally fine home in choice location.
This English type brick home has 5 4 baths, 50- cial den, powder rm. Automatic heat. The construction and materials in this home are the very best. The price, $40,000, includes carpets and drapries. Owner wishes to deal with principals only.
Box 5984, News. ATTENTION DOCTORS 5 room mod. long living room. fireplace, full size dining room with built-ins: large kitchen, many built-ins: breakfast room; full basement; furnace heat: 2-car large back yard. Do not disturb tenants.
DAYS. FR. 4661. CH. 8556.
C. C. HARMON REALTOR WANT TO REDUCE? If you 4 or 5-bedroom home with library, north of 46th. but prefer cash and a homey colonial bungalow with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, oil heat, screened porch, terraced yard, located on side street north of 50th we can arrange this exchange. Please call to talk over this and other similar trades.
H. W. Pieber, HU. 4915. FIEBER REILLY 3-Bedroom, Forest Manor 3712 E.
35TH an ultra modern home, 5 years old: full basement; nice landscaped yard. Drive by then call for pointment. CH. 8581 evenings. Ingram GA: 1366 1725 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, $8,500 Owner offers year old 3 bedroom home, fenced yard.
hardwood floors, completely insulated, new furnace with thermostatic control. In excellent condition throughout: convenient to stores and schools. Located 1440 Udeli off Riverside Dr. For appointment to see call. Ta.
6013. BRICK BUNGALOW Lovely 3-bedroom home, 5400 northeast: large liv. rm. with picture window and mirrored brick fireplace, dining cheerful kitchen with cabinets, storm windows, bdwd. insulated, large screened front porch, concrete drive: immediate poss.
JOE BERGER, Realtor BR. BR. 6442. 8772. BUTLER DISTRICT VACANT Fine colonial brick; 141 Buckingham center type, large liv.
rm. with firepl. nice din. new fixtures, kitchen with brkist. Venetion blinds: newly stoker heat, 2.
car front dr. Open weekdays; Sundays 2-5. Terms. Call owner, RI. 1533.
BR. 7232. URGENT Prominent businessman wants 3 or 4-bedroom, 2-bath, brick, north of 38th. Also need 1 or 2 bedrooms down and 1 OT 2 2 baths. BR.
4476. Realtor Edgar Brodbeck Fr. 2528 A LOVELY HOME in Christ the King parish: mod. 5-rm. frame bung.
in Broad Ripple shopping center: owner occupied: paved street and sidewalks: large screened porch; gar. side dr. Priced to sell. $10,500. JOE BERGER, Realtor BR.
BR. 6442. 8772. DOUBLE, $10,500 1800 Block N. Talbot: excellent mod.
double; 6 large fireplaces, garages each side. Poss. south side soon. Appt. only.
Mrs. Moore MU. 8383 UPTOWN REALTY- 3115 4500 NORTH room frame bungalow in St. Joan of Arc parish. Lovely front porch.
Insulated. Venetian blinds. Basement with laundry tubs. Good furnace. Good garage.
$9,800. JOE BERGER, Realtor BR. 8772. 6442. SEMI-MOD.
4 rm. cottage, double, $2,750, $1.250 cash dn. pay. balance by mo. 601 N.
Dorman. office; 6,000 north; perfect auto. oil heat; hdwd. floors; 2 car servants quarters. Perfect location.
Frame and Stone Bungalow Immaculate 5 rm. bungalow built by owner 1941; lovely living room with brick fireplace, full size dining room. 2 large bedrooms. kitchen with built-ins, full basement with shower and laundry tubs: garage; close to schools and transp. Ranch Type Stucco Double 4 rooms and bath on each side.
stairs leading to unfinished 2d floor; separate basements and furnaces. JOE BERGER, Realtor BR. 6442. 8772, ATTENTION DOCTORS AND DENTISTS CENTRAL NEAR 38TH ST. Fine brick; 4 bedrooms, tile bath up; large living room, fireplace, dining room, breakfast nook, nice kitchen with tile floor: lavatory and shower in basement; gas heating unit; automatic gas hot water; laundry room.
playroom; 3-car garage; carpeted living room and stairs; deepfreeze included. By appointment. L. Banford. WA.
8230. American Estates Co. MA. 1376 332 Circle Tower Bldg. NEW LISTING 4263 GUILFORD POSSESSION SOON 5 room mod.
long living room. fireplace, 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 30-Day possession: 854 Berkley 6 yrs. old, good repair, newly decorated. carpeted floors. firepiace, social room.
oil heat: $12.500. Shown by appointment. FRED T. HILL PR. 3182, REALTOR.
HU, 8370. PRICE REDUCED 5 rm. mod. long living dining breakfast fireplace, full ment: fenced yard. quick possession.
TA. 2502. J. Kremple. FR.
1223. THOS. F. CARSON CO. $600 DOWN Seventy-nine new F.H.A.
homes now being completed. Two bedrooms on ground floor. full basement, Insulated. Beautifully decorated. On bus line.
AdjoinIng Marcy Village, 1603 E. 46th st. For G.I's only. List Your Home With Bridges Graves Go. Realtor.
243 N. Delaware. RI. 3477. Call BR.
0131. HV. 3912, BR. 1426, IMMEDIATE 4900 NORTH Rooms a side modern double: nearly new, in excellent neighborhood, corner lot. 500.
Call R. J. Battleson. CH. 0739-M REALTY SERVICE CO.
MA. 4383 $14,000, Vacant N. 2 Tacoma: baths, Calif. colonial home, oil heat. 2-C.
gar. terms. Near Kessler Blvd. and Keystone, Christ King Parish, Out city limits. Very low taxes.
HI. 1133 BE. 5128). Immediate Possession Newly decorated throughout: 3. years old.
$8,750. $2.000 down. 323 W. 43rd. GA.
7944. EXTRA nice colonial home almost new on Norwaldo near 50th 5, rooms. closets, unfinished room above with stairway. Quick possession. F.
L. PALMER. RI. 4432. BR.
3009. 3 house: built-ins center hall type, Kellastone in kitchen: Rybolt furnace and blower; new roof: interlocking metal weather stripping: corner lot. 730 E. 46th. HU.
1954 eves. Days. FR. 1116. EXCELLENT 10 room house, West 33d near Illinois.
Upper 5 rooms all rented. Owner lives in downstairs. Fine home and investment. F. L.
PALMER. RI. 4432. BR. 3009.
NEAR Golden Hill: 4 room modern: large living room: in-a-door bed: full basement: playroom: screened porch: nice shade. Make offer. Early possession. WA. 5385.
PERSONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE HORVATH REALTY CO. Pr RI. 2371. 3406, Frederick B. Cline, Realtor PR 3174 1313 CIRCLE TOWER BR 4334.
3600 NORTH: near Watson room: corner: auto. heat: 2-car garage. SCHOEN-MORGAN. BR. 9137, 7 RM.
HOUSE, 2 upper furn. 83 private apt. 2709 N. Dearborn. CH.
9293-M. Sale, Houses, East 24-B Sale, Houses, East 24-B 4720 CHARNEY AVE. IN LAWRENCE. Completely furnished 2-bedrm. inod.
buns. Quick occupancy. Price $8,500. EVES. CALL LEE HARGON.
IR. 6370. L. D. MAZUR 108 E.
REALTORS. Wash. MA. 3425. 48 N.
CHESTER: 5 room modern: buy like rent: small down payment. Move in today, 24 N. Chester. 810 N. COLORADO; 6 fireplace; carpeted floors: mod.
kitchen, 3 bedrms. tile bath: 3 car gar. $4,000 down. Immed. pos.
See occupants 3-5 any day. 1619 N. GLADSTONE Lovely 5-room bungalow; bit. 1 gar. This offer includes 5 rooms of very nice furniture: real buy; $5.800.
POSSESSION IN 10 DAYS. 1630 SHELBY MA. 9443 BAKER REAL 5309 EAST 9TH 6-rm. brick veneer; fireplace, full basement with nicely finished social room. bik.
from Ellenberge: Park. Shown by appointment only. BL. 4527. 1656 SPENCER DeW 3 bedroom stone bungalow, oil heat.
built-ins. double lot; nearly finished. 325 Lemcke Bldg. MA. 6625.
3100 E. 10th; Poss. at Once Attractive 2-bedroom bungalow, gas heat, A-1 condition. A home to be proud of. Price $9,000, $4.500 down.
BL. 0835 for appointment. 4001 E. 31st; 5-rm. mod.
inLOOK sulated bungalow: heat; sleeping and sun porches; auto. stoker: 2-car garage: $9,500. R. J. DEARBORN, GA.
5438. 2102-2104 VALLEY 8 rm. house; $800 $40 per mo. See anytime. WOODRUFF PLACE Fine 2 story home, ideal for 2 families or high class rooming house; complete bath up and down: forced hot air heat with stoker.
WIll trade equity for cheaper property. SPECIALIZE Jack Duncan, 621 Lemeke BI. OFFICE. MA. 7236.
LI. 3697, NEW VACANT $8.750. bdrm. Cape Cod thoroughly mod. Peerless blower type furnace in utility room: attached car garage, overhead door; fully insulated; combination stormscreen sash.
Prewar redwood siding over J. M. sheathing. No green lumber used. Approx.
acre fenced; excell, bus service, 20 min. to Circle. 1214 S. Grant. (4000 Southeastern and 1 elk, south).
Shown between 3 and 9 daily. Available 30 Days 2730 Forest Manor. Good 6 room house. 7 fenced-in lots: 60 fine, hardy, bearing fruit trees; other fruits, vegetables and flowers. Call H.
C. Cutsinger, LI. 6546, for price and terms. Russe H. Hartman, 132 N.
Realtors. Unusually OWNER good WILL 3-bedroom VACATE single. A-1 condition over all. See 417 N. Arsenal Ave, Call BL.
2284 or IR. 0141. E. J. NICOLAI N.
MA. 6411. Bungalow 5 2823 Brookside auto. heat, Pkwy, lovely 8.: tile kitchen. beautiful yard.
$8.750. Appt. only. C. B.
Campbell BL. Uptown 0052. HU. Realty 3775. Overlooking Christian Park Attrac 5 F00m mod.
brick and frame: bulit 1940; large living room, tile bath, finished staircase to 2d floor. Full basement. Large fenced rear yard. IR. 9285.
IRVINGTON MODERN DOUBLE 6 Rm. side: fireplace; insulated: how. built-ins: full basement: rent $90: price $12.500. Terms; by appointment only, 18- 20 Bolton. WM.
SOLTAU. 202 INLAND. MA. 6833. GOOD mod.
double: convenient location. Price. $8.000: $3.200 cash. WALTER FOLKERTH. REALTOR 4200 E.
WASH. IR. 4200. Immediate Possession Keystone, N. of 6 rooms, modern, lovely yard, garage, good steel furnace, one bedroom down.
2 up. CH. 6998. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 360 S. Downey 4-bedroom modern; full basement: 2-car garage: $10.500.
IR. 3231. PRICE $2,000 5-Rm. on Springdale in Holy Cross Parish, Darlington. RI.
7691-CH. 8734. COLORED VETERANS: new 4 rm. $200 down. bal.
G. I. Joan. BL. 1680.
Sale, Houses, South 24-C CHURCH ST. 1010: 7-rm. stoker. $4.700. Darlington.
RI. 7691. VACANT- -NEW BUNGALOW rooms and utility room; mod. parquet hardwood floors: large rooms; built-in kitchen: auto. gas furnace: close to school.
transp. Call Quinian. FR. 2129. GA.