The Logan Daily News from Logan, Ohio (2024)

1942 THE LOGAN DAILY NEWS, LOGAN, OHIO Page Five September 17, Home on a Pacific Isle U. S. Marines on an un-named Pacific such as those pictured above. Below, a ing up on his training regulations. expert builders of these native huts.

Social Calendar Thursday, September 17 Governor Worthington Chapter of D. A. R. will meet at the home of Mrs. Paul Monks, North Mulberry Street, Ladies' Aid of the United Brethren Church will hold a meeting at 7:30 P.

M. ab the church. Ladies Auxiliary, to Sons of Union Veterans will meet at the Pocahontas Hall at 7:30 P. M. At 7:30 P.

M. the Sub Deb club will meet at the home of Mrs. Harding Lemon. Marion Grange will meet at 1 8 for inspection. James Frye, Miller Chapel Grange will be the inspecting officer.

Nondescript will meet at the PK at 7 P. M. Mrs. Charles Notestone will be the hostess. Scott's: Creek Social Club will meet at the Scott's.

Creek -School at 8 P. M. Everyone is. to bring weiners and buns. All members of Eastern Stars are invited to attend the covered dish supper at the Masonic Hall at 6 P.

M. Everyone should bring table service. The Chummy Chat Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Jurgensmier at 8 Friday, September 18 Senior choir of the United Brethren Church will practice at 7:30. The Presbyterian W.

M. S. will meet at the home of William King at 2. P. M.

All members are to be prepared to answer questions on the "Query" corner. The Children's Society of the Methodist Church will meet Thursday afternoon after school. All children of the primary department are asked to attend. The Presbyterian W. M.

S. will hold their meeting at 7 P. M. This change has been made due to the Heine funeral. Les Amies Class will meet at the Methodist Church at 7:30 P.

M. There will be election of officers. Saturday, September 19 The Women's Relief Corps will hold a meeting at 8 P. M. in Pocahontas Hall.

Among shoppers in Logan Tuesday was Mrs. Ed Funk, Logan RFD. Mrs. Benny Bell, South Perry, visited and shopped in Logan Tuesday. New under-arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration ARRID 1.

Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. Does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving.

3. Instantly stops perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Prevents odor. 4. A pure, white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream.

5. Awarded Approval Seal of American Institute of Laundering for being harmless to fabric. Arrid is the deodorant largest selling 394 a jar or Also in 106 and 596 jars Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping DEFECTIVE DE THE ARRID B. B. Club Entertained Mrs.

Edward Bright entertained the members of the B. B. Club: at her home Wednesday evening. Two tables of bridge were in play with high score prize going to Mrs. John Guess, and Mrs.

Kenneth Beery was consoled. Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. George Spang, Mrs. Sam Cole, Mrs. Kenneth Bright, Mrs.

John Bond, Mrs. Arthur Lear, Mrs. Guess and' Mrs. Beery. In two weeks the club will meet with Mrs.

Kenneth Bright, Return from South Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bryan, Logan, and Mr. and Mrs. O.

H. Bryan, Union Furnace, returned Tuesday evening from a vacation trip to Kingsport, Tenn. They were visiting Robert Clark Bryan, of Kingsport, who is employed by the U. S. Government.

Mr. Bryan returned with them for a visit with friends and relatives. Fred Stuart, Rockbridge, was a business visitor in Logan Wednesday. Mrs. D.

W. Mohler, Maxville, was shopping in Logan Foy Blosser, Logan RFD, was a business visitor in Logan Tuesday. PENSION REPRESENTATIVE TO BE IN LOGAN FRIDAY A representative of the social security board, bureau of Old-Age and Survivors insurance, from Nelsonville, will be at the Chamber of Commerce room in Logan, on Friday, September 18, at 10 A. M. The purpose of this visit is to receive applications for retirement payments under the provisions of Title II of the Social Security Act, and to assist employers and employees in other matters pertaining to Social Security.

In the future, these visits will be made regularly on the third Friday of each month at the same time and place. PIE CRUST SURE RESULTS. No more pie- making troubles. No more baking "ups and Flako means the same delicious results every time you bake because the ingredients are precisionmixed. And they're the same good quality ingredients you use.

Get Flako, then just add water, roll and bake. FLAKORN CORN MIX Sure results are also yours with this fine quality, and convenient product. Buy U.S. War Bonds Stamps New Shipment TABLE BOUDOIR LAMPS 6 39 24 to Come in and see our large selection. New Fall Winter Card Table Baby COVERS BONNETS See our large selection of new style headwear for the Assorted Colors baby.

$1.00 39 to MORRIS 5c STORE, 10c TO INC. S1 STUDY OF NUTRITION BEGINS THURSDAY Sarah Rockhold Will Lecture On American Eating Tonight, at 7 o'clock, in the new Red Cross chapter house, Sarah Rockhold, of the department of home economics in the Logan High School, will give the first lecture to the nutrition class that was organized last Thursday under the direction of the chapter committee, with Mrs. M. J. Cole acting chairman.

Miss Rockhold's academic accomplishments, evidenced in the recent granting of her master's degree by Ohio State University, and her teaching experience recommend her as well qualified to serve as one of the instructors selected for the tenweeks course. The topic for this first lesson will concern the national diet and it is expressed in this trese query, "Are Americans Well Fed?" There will be living models present to furnish an illustration of the effects of the right and the wrong kinds of nutrition, and all women attending are asked to be prepared to take notes. In cooperation with this Red Cross war-time activity, Mrs. Hallie Grimes, librarian, is selecting from the library shelves those volumes that contribute valuable information on foods and she will give them table space in one of the rooms so that members of the class may sit there and read, copying, if they wish, pertinent facts from their research. She will also prepare a bibliography of the articles appearing in current literature so that interested students will have the advantage of the latest advice rela- tive to nutrition as it touches the AP ESTABLISHED 1859 SUPER MARKETS OWNED AND OPERATED THE GREAT ATLANTIC PACIFIC TEA CO.

Sunnybrook High Score Roll 48c Daisy or Colby--Mild Cream lb. 33c Cheddar Cheese, 39c Brick Cheese. lb. 29c Vitamin Enriched Nutley Margarine. 17c From Local Dairies Sweet qt.

13c Sunnyfield Cake 44-oz. pkg. 17c Quick or Regular Mothers sm. pkgs. 17c 11-oz.

Pkg. Sunnyfield Corn ...3 for 25c Sweet Potatoes Candied 2 can 17c Uniform Quality Iona No. 2 cans 21c Standard Quality Iona No. 2 cans 21c New Pack Alaska 2 can 11c Veg-All, glass jars 25c Mother Klein's Sweet Pickle oz. jar 25c Semi- Boneless-Armour's Pickled Pigs 28-oz.

jar 38c Armour's Star Potted sm. cans 11c Luncheon Meat 12-oz. can 35c N. B. Fig cello bag 35c N.

B. Ritz pkg. 22c Excell Graham 2-lb. box 19c Battleship--Yellow Mustard. ..1 -quart jar 11c Ann Page Salad Oil.

pint can 27c Pure dexo Shortening 3-lb. can 63c Sunnyfield Pancake pkg. 21c 20-oz. Buckwheat for 19c Standard Quality--Tomato Ketchup. 14-oz.

bots. 21c Clean Sweep Sturdy Brooms. each 29c 9c Four Seasons Table box 7c Plain or lodized Mortons ..2 pkgs. 9c For Jams, Jellies, etc-Paraffine 2 1-lb. pkgs.

25c Cheeze and Sauce Spaghetti 31c Heinz and Clapp's Baby cans 15c Except Chicken, Bean, Consomme Campbell's Soups. 10c Pacific 6 rolls 27c Northern rolls 21c ESCAPED LIFER MAY GO FREE Eighteen years ago Osmund Westgate escaped from Illinois penitentiary where he was serving a life sentence. Recently he made application at a New York war plant for employment and he went through a routine fingerprinting. The F. B.

I. learned his true identity and promptly arrested him. Upon learning that he had lived the intervening 18 years as an honest citizen and was happily married, Governor Dwight Green of Illinois refused to sign the extradition papers and the New York district has stated that no action will be taken unless the governor it. attorney, Westgate is shown with his wife and the priest in whose custody he has been released. (Phonephoto) Services are held regularly in Scandinavia's oldest brick building, the church of Gumiosa in southern Sweden.

It recently served its 750th anniversary, and was dedicated in 1191 by the founder of Copenhagen, Archbishop Absalon. common welfare and aids in the great movement directed toward national defense. America's Yes has the geared to war workers' housewives shop the overtaxing the family ica's most popular food Get All Your "Hansel and Gretel" was the first complete opera to be broadcast from the stage of the Metropolitan Opera. This was in 1931. HOT FLASHES Lydia E.

Pinkham's Compound is famous to help relieve distress due to woman's functional "middle-age" period. Follow label directions. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE Arsenal ammunition you need every day appetites priced within today's sure way at Supers! They funds! Compare the prices Food Needs Under One SAVE -But Don't Sacrifice Quality BAKED GOODS Fresh Daily Jane Parker's Famous Cakes, Rolls end Donuts are made from the finest ingredients, and baked under conditions similar to those in your own home. Yet each is thriftily priced.

Enriched, Thoro-Baked, Sliced MARVEL BREAD loaf 10c Jane Parker -Assorted LAYER CAKES ench 36c Jane Parker--Over 3,000,000 Sold Daily FRESH DONUTS. doz. Frankfurter Rolls or SANDWICH ROLLS pkg. 8 10c Cracked Wheat Bread loaf 20-OZ. 90 Plain Vienna Bread.

20-oz. loaf 9e Sandwich Bread Marvel- Enriched loaf Iced Loaf Cakes Assorted each 25c Iced Cinnamon Rolls pkg. Butterscotch Rolls plug. 19c Slices Halves IONA PEACHES 2 No. cans 41c Ann Page SPARKLE Gelatin DESSERTS pkg.

Good Taste APPLE BUTTER 38 oz. jar 16c Ann Page SALAD DRESSING Jar Quart Ann Page MACARONI and SPAGHETTI 3 pkg. lb. In the British Museum is a gold pomander case which is two inches in diameter and weighs about two and one-half ounces. It dates from the early 16th century.

It is globular in shape and elaborately wrought and chased. It was up by the anchor of a barge years ago on the Surrey side of There is no authentic record of the origin of the office of poet laureate of England. The first known king's poet served in the reign of Henry III, 1216-1272. Amber beads, much like those brought worn today, have been man the Egyptian tombs of the dynasty, dating from the Thames. B.

C. BAKER OR BLUE BLOOD BE THRIFTY WHEN YOU'RE THIRSTY BETTER TASTE. EPSI: OLA QUICK FOOD ENERGY BIGGER DRINK in the big big bottle Pepsi Cola is made only by Pepsi Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y. Authorized Bottler: Athens Bottling Athens, O.

of Nourishment fine, nourishing foods in smaller budgets! No wonder know they'll fill the family compare the quality! You'll see abundance! foods are thousands of thrifty meal quota without why is voted Amer- Roof Save Money, Tires, Gasoline White Sail Washing White Sail Floating 3 bars White Sail--Yellow Laundry bars White Sail Soap lg. pkgs. White Sail Soap lg. pkgs. White Sail Soap lg.

pkgs. White Sail Laundry Starch. 3-lb pkg. Sweetheart cakes A P--Ground Black lb. Ann Page Sandwich jar Ann Page Mayonnaise pint jar Ann Page--Pure Cider Vinegar.

qt. bot. Ann Page Carden Relish qt. jar Ann Page Salad jar Ann. Page Baking can Pure Farina Mello Wheat.

28-oz. pkg. Chocolate or Vanilla Ice Cream Powder pkg. Chocolate Butterscotch Vanilla Pudding. Daily Dog Biscuits.

2 1-lb. pkgs. Daily Kibbled Biscuits. 2-lb pkg. Fine--Granulated Pure Get In Doctors, eat plenty minerals Vital to these good 7c Sunnyfield 13c ROLLED 23c OATS 2 pkgs.

20-oz. 27c 35c -O- American or Brick 27c LOAF 17c CHEESE 21c 2 lb. loaf 59c 19c Maple- Flavored 22c RAJAH 25c SYRUP 11c jar quart 29c 29c Ann Page 8c EGG NOODLES 10c 1-lb. pkg. 14c 13c Asst.

Beverages 5c YUKON 5c CLUB 19c 2 29-oz. bottles 15c 19c Plus-5c bot. dep. the ABC's of Produce nutritionists, even Uncle of fresh fruits and and A. B.

and C. vitamins your health. Fill your things at your joy healthful and really down-to-earth prices. right from field and between costs you low prices. bag 32c Health Department Sam urge you to vegetables the in these foods are market basket with Super Market.

Endelicious 1 foods at We buy direct, often orchard, we avoid inshare in everyday Fine In Salads-Sweet-Tasty-U. S. No. 1 TOKAY GRAPES 2 Ibs. Tasty--Italian-U.

S. No. PRUNE PLUMS 3 lbs. 60-Size-Firm Crisp ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 hds. U.

S. No. 1-Top SWEET POTATOES 4 lbs. No. 1 I Colorado CAULIFLOWER each found in the sixth year 3200 5000 isle are quartered in barracks Leatherneck relaxes by readThe Devil Dogs have become Kitchen-Shires Wedding Set for Friday Evening Relatives have announced the approaching wedding of Dorothy J.

Shires, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shires of Gallipolis, and Benny A. Kitchen, the son of Mrs. Freda Jones, 195 Elm Street, Logan, and Mr.

Emmet E. Kitchen, of Lancaster. Miss Shires, a graduate of Gallipolis High School, '41, is now serving as an usherette at Loew's Ohio Theatre, Columbus. During a recent beauty carnival conducted at Athens by a soft-drink company she was crowned queen. Mr.

Kitchen, a graduate of Lancaster High, 1940, is employed at the Glenn L. Martin airplane factory in Baltimore, Md. The wedding will be solemnized at 7:00 o'clock Friday evening in the pastoral home of Rev. Mr. Sane, South Powell Avenue, Columbus.

Haydenville Hostess Entertains Bridge Club Three guests, Mrs. M. H. Cherrington, Miss Alice Goss and Mrs. Charles Achauer played at the Tuesday Contract Bridge Club when it met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs.

C. S. Matheny in Haydenville. The guest prize was awarded to Miss Goss and the club prizes were won by Mrs. Margaret Webb and Mrs.

Frank Harden. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the three guests and the following members: Mrs. Clarence Schempp, Mrs. 'Webb, Mrs. J.

H. Barker, Mrs. Judson Shriner, Mrs. Clarence Blosser, Mrs. Harden, Mrs.

J. R. Pierce, Mrs. Thomas Bender and Mrs. Roswell Perkins.

Miss Julia Donahue, Columbus, is spending the day with her Mrs. Julia Donahue. Miss Donahue is employed at the Ohio Bell Telephone Company. Yellow--Cooking or Slicing Onions bag 21c U. S.

No. 1-Sweet Spanish ...2 lbs. 15c First of the Season pint box 25c Ohio--U. S. No.

1 Potatoes peck 41c U. S. No. 1-Russets Idaho lbs. 25c Fancy--Kraut Cabbage.

50-lb. bag 69c Fancy Fruit-200-220 Size Calif. doz. 35c For a Cool Refreshing Drink Juicy for 10c Grimes Golden Jonathan and McIntosh lbs. 23c.

The Logan Daily News from Logan, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.