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- The Washington Posti
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- Washington, District of Columbia
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SmiPS 5 tm MIMi i a i i Mi 1 iMi jt i trf jv4ii Ji yf ii MEmoRmoFmNmmmwummmHWB JV mm am nnnniinnvTrn iffniTrfi ttomzMMwrm tJrt4RZ2 tssavSr tsss a rt ii iiIV IAB ISS mms WK i iaV HVxKkd mm 1kaVAr3ndr 1vsr si5w i ia I FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE ABSTRACTS ANDTITtE IX8UIIANCE DISTRICT TITLE WASHINGTON TITLE INS O07 1013tl nw lAWraRSTrTLB GUAR IW3 OCX 413 6th nw REAL EST COL TITLE INS CO COO Eth aw ACCOUNTANT PUBHO CERTIFIED BATES WashtngtonLosa and Truat Bldg BIXKS AND TRUST COMPANIES AMER SBCt TRUST CO 15th and Pa era COLTJMBIA NATIONAL BANK MX nw COMJTEHCIALr NATIONAL BANK 14th and nw DISTRICT NATIONAL BANK 16 0 nw HOME SAVINGS BANK tt Bitttn XJNCOLN NAnONAL BANK 7th nd nw NAT BANK OF WASHINGTON nw NATIONAL CAPITAL BANK Pa ate ee NATIONAL METRO BANK S13 th nw REAL ESTATE TRUST CO 1414 nw SECOND NATIONAL BANK 509 Tin at SECURITY SAV AND COVL BANK 7M 9th nw SEVENTH STJ SAVINGS BANK 7th and nw VNION SAVINGS BANK 710 14th nw WASH LOANAND TRUST CO 9th and nw WASHINGTON AND 80CTH BANK 14H nw BONDS AND STOCKS JAJtESB COLGATE ft CO 123 J8th nw HARRIMAN 4 ca Colorado Bldg LEWIS JOHNSON 4k CO 1505 Pa are nw A Qy PLANT i CO 141S nw BtJII blNO ANDto AJT ASSOCIATIONS EQUITABLE COOPERATIVE BLDG ASSO 9U GERMAN AMERICAN BLDG ASSO J00 sa COLUMBIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION 61T nw HOMBIIUT BLTXT LOAN ASSO 6S Pa aT NORTH UB GER AMER BLDG ASSO ill 7th PERPETUAL BLDG ASSO 11th and nw WASH SIX PER CENT PER BLDG ASSO FIRE INSURANCE CO LOCAL ARLINGTON FIRE INSCa U05 Pa ava nw COMMERCIAL FIRE INS CO Southern Bid rANKLIN INSURANCE CO 418 10th at FIREMENS INSURANCE CO 7th and La ave POTOMAC INS CO Wuh Loan and Truat Bid FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES AACHEN MUNICH FIRE INS CO 6S4 nw INSURANCE A BAKER 4 CO Jnc 710 14th St nw RALPH LEE Commercial Banh Bldg DUVALL 4 CO 721 Uth at nw ALEX FiriLLirSrWaah Loan and Truit Bids THE WEST CO 1410 ave nw THE WELLER INS AGENCT S20 nw WOLF 4 COHEN 6th floor Woodward Bldf TrnnTii4TTr ptdxth CANDY JIANUFACTUREBS GEORGE MUELLER S3 Pa tre nw 1H CARRIAGES WAGONS HARNESS PROBET CARRTAOBXX 118 Md CIGAR MANURACTURER HENRY OFFTERDINGER 60J tKaT COAT AND TOWEL SUPPLIES COAT AND TOWEL SUPPLY CO 1233 Kd nw COAL JOHV AGNEW CO S40 Woodward Bldf COCA COLA GINGER ALE AC WASH COCA COLA BOTTLING WKS S21 rw CRACKERS CAKES AND BISCUITS HAVENNER BAKING CO 460 47 at nw CROCKERY AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS ADAMS 4 CQ4 1 Pa are nw COFFEE IMPORTERS ROASTERS BROWNING 4 BRO at 10th at nw CONFECTIONERY AND FOUNTAIN SYRUPS STEIN BROS 62 Pa ave nw CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CHARLES A LANOLEY 810 02th at nw DENTAL SUPPLIES SOUTHERN DENTAL SUPPLY 1225 DISINFECTANTS SANITARY APPLIANCES WEST DISINFECTING CO 1226 St nw DRUGS AND SURGICAL SUPPLIES GILMAN 627 Pa are DYEING AND CLEANING ANTON FISHERS tM at nw fwrijiyt JSrJ Vi Tl JJSI 1J2 11 JTJC J1 a74 a AfIUNDBJESiyjjj rates and parml poet booklet tnmlshedr FRAZEE POTOMAC LAUNDRYCO 18th bw STAR LAUNDRY Ctt U16 14th nw 1 1 fc LIME STEELCEMENT HiAlSTKBLf KOSSUTN SUPPLY COSFhone 4ZS ROaelTKiYJ LITHOGRAPHKRSAND PRINTERS ANDREW RiGRAH AM CttiHth and nw ssr LUMBEK AND BITLLWORK BUBBEYT 301S1C itaw WASH WOODWORKING CO 12th and tOT ASMOOT ft CO Alexanana Va LUMBER rif TIES ANDpiIJNG A CLARKE 4 SONUOthchnd Water stg aw MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS ALLEN MITCHELL 4 CO loth and Ohio nw Anto repalra eleTatorjboUen 4c MACHINE BOILER AND FOUNDRY WORKS FORSBERG Sth andWater tta MACHINIST AND MODEL MAKERS DOREMUS MACinNB CO300 lSthJW METAL CORNICES SKYLIGHTSAC HULSE CO IDC 306 308 Uth nw METAL CEILINGS CORRUGATED IRON HENRY BAADER A SONS Alexandria Va MILK AND CREAM 1 GREGG 612 18 0 at nw Cltrlfled tad Pasteurized MONUMENTS MAUSOLEUMS ACV FALVET and Uth nw MOTOR TRUCKS LITTLE GIANT TRUCK Chicago Pnewnatlo Tool Co tactorr branch 234 14th at nw ELECTRIC AND GAS LAMPS A MUDDIMAN 4 CO 1204 at nw ELECTRICAL CARROLL ELECTRIC CO SUPPLIES S14 12th st nw LITE INSURANCE COMPANIES NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INS CO Union Truat Bldf MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INS CO 15th and a MASS MUTUAL LIFE INS CO Evans Bid PATENTS TRADE MARKS AC VICTOR EVANS 4 CO Victor Bldf SAFE DEPOSIT AND STORAGE WASH SAFE DEPOSIT CO Inc 816 Pa are SURETY BOND COMPANIES FIDEL 4 GUARANTY CO 327 South Bldg NATIONAL SURETY CO 401 Colorado Bldf WHOLESALE FIRMS ADDING MACHINES BURROUOHSADDING MACHINE CO 1018 14th AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS SEEDS AC BOLQXANO CO 1000 nw MAY 4 SON Alexandria Va VANDBUSEN 4 Ctt 2287 nw 1 WOOLF 4 CO Ina 1005 aw ARCHITECT AND DRAFTING SUPPLIES TIED A SCHMIDT T1J 721 Uth nw OACHITEOTURAL AND STRUCTTJRAI IRON WORKS CA SCHNEIDER 8 SONS 242 Uth BW ARTIFICIAL LIMBS HANGER 221 at nw ARTIST AND DRAFTING MATERIAL GEO MUT5 4 CO 413 7th nw AUTOMOBILES anLLBR BROS Ford oar 1107 14th at service dept 61 Pierce et fTVERLAND WASH MOTOR CO 823 14th et nw Ii LEARY Jr Maxwell MltoheU Rambler 1321 14th at COOK 4 STODDARD CO CadlHas and Baker Electric 113 Conn ELECTROTYPERS POTOMAC ELECTRO FOUNDRY 606 Uth St nw ENGRAVERS PHOTOENGRAVERS NATIONAL ENGRAVING COMPANY 506 14th nw FERTILIZER MANUFACTURERS ALEXANDRIA FERTILIZER AND CHEMICAL CO Alexandria Va THE BRYANT FERTILIZER CO Alexandria Va FERTILIZERS AND MILL FEED RICHARD WATTLES Alexandria Va FISH OYSTERS CLAMS AC QHIVELL 11th at wharf FISH POULTRY GAME OYSTERS CLAXTON M0 La ave nw FLORIST FLORAL DESIGNS BLACKISTONE 14th and eta nw SMALL 4 SONS 13th and ets FLOUR FEED GRAIN LUMBER ROSSLYN MHJJNG COR Rosalia East Falls Ch Va FRUIT AND PRODUCE ADAMS 4 CO 907 St nw OOLDEN 4 CO 122 928 Louisiana ave CHAS HEITMULLER 923 at nw HARRI80N 905 St nw NICHOLS 983 St nw FRUIT POULTRY BUTTER EGGS ABELL 812 Louisiana ave CROVO Jr 801 Louisiana ave A Lawrence A CO 323 La are HT SIMON8 CARTER CO 10th st nw ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS NBJIB HEKIMIAN lilS a nw OSTRICH FEATHERS PClJJrriB OSTRICHiFEATHEB WTKS 1832 0 nw OYSTERS CLAMS AND CRABS CHAS Hi WESER 42712th st nw a HAMMOND 4 CO Uth at fit PACKING SHIPPING FURNITURE UTTLEFIELD ALVORD 4 CQ 60714th atw PAINTS OltS AND GLASS THE BUTLER CO 607 StBW HUGH REILLY CCv 1334 ave Vv5sJ WILL HELP CHIIIREN r4i IVV il7FiUl 4 OLTmTEEESTtoiBEpS0TrGBT BituafItitimiOfricrsA ATc SiXoxoughIan pWbrfc5fWell in rMaay VJ itj 1 JK SHsl 4 OT rfVAB 4 Lj i rv 3SiTEi at is rr I Tr i err eL 7 111 ItwillpayfvoutoYdoSpt rPhereareniany things that i lls04ypcan pfeupafearlow pnceadwrtised in this column stSW0 uayQtxonrenioacrnr inings Ducinany real I 1 iim i saslsVVSkBaasssssBssV 5ahtiqueslgWhynotVw atfeCi Tv jvt fl aVS i i Jraf s1Vaii VrT Xwipnciriiiiiiiicuirfit COOK First fCliJis tnrhtfh ttlaa boardlnf house neiICslt81foodwaffesreia209NtJ are CpOK WJdTwUer iMaaanlrtieieUx aijftt3vl30 EXPERIENCED dcmonstratara tor eanvasii 0 per cfrtutonmiijsiQnABK tor1 Mr i vana uat nw waiter 430 nmf Uf hjt4 MANandwlfeeoJoredto occupy baaement tor assisting ianouseworB iw Fat aw 1 A REUAKTEDJMALE cil jgsr At FIRST 6LASSA presser wanted Steadr Job to 4rihtnAaitlE Connavcorner Northampton SJ SV5 rf ft ttlV AMATEURS rtor4larfelocar production Ute toll particulars iAddrasa Bos US ihla ofDe i6 At FHWfoodiihaa needed atonceftoibefln oar coTirsei ofrepslrlnf and driving call today whe onlr The National Automobile College 9t and0 eta nwtVopea until 4 PAPER STOCK WASTE iPAPER THOMAS OCONNOR 614 08 Ta ave aw PAPER AND STATIONERY ANDREWS PAPER CO 13th at nw THE MORRISON PAPER CO 1009 Pa ave BW CHAS STOTT A CO 10 Ni ave PAPER BQ3t MANUFACTURERS GEORGE KILLIANOO 463 Pa ave ow COLUUBUPAPER BOX CO Haaover St nw THE MONAHAN CO 18th and stanw PEANUT DEALERS AND ROASTERS KEPPLER 4 BRO 819 4H8W PHOTO LITHOGRAPHING WEBB 4 BQCORSELSKIanoAH4 8th nW PIANOS BRADBURYPfANOS ltilFet nw a DROOP 4 BONSCO 1300 Gat nw FREDERICK HANa CO 1212 st nw PIE BAKERY CONNECTICUT PIBCO Wisconsin ave and nw PLAYER PIANOS FREPERICKPrANO CO llltO llW FURNACES HOT WATER HEATING THE A OLIVER CO 3100 nw FURS JACOB WEBSTER 1224 nw GLASS PLATE WINDOW AND ART HUGH REILLY CO 1334 ave GLASS PLATE WINDOW A MIRROR HIRES TURNER GLASS CO Roselyn Va AUTO BUILDERS AND REPAIRS McRSYN0LDS4 SONS 1423 at nw AUTOMOBILEELECTRIC DPT ELECTRIC EMERSON 4 ORME 1407 nw AUTOMOBILE THiES FIRESTONE MEELEY RUBBER CO 1731 lth st BAKERIES THB CORBY BAKERY Oa ave and Trumholl it Phones North 1770 177L JUVENNER BAKING CO 480 478 st nw HOLMES MODERN BAKERY 107 at nw JOHN ME1NBERQ 714 718 Uth at se BARREL DEALERS JOHN BEAVER Bil tK Hew STONE Jr Water tew het Uth 12th BEEF PRO VISIONS BUTTER EGGS HOOVER A DENHAM 529 31 nw GROCERS tJ CORNWELL 4 SON INC 1418 17 nw BROWNING A MIDDLETON INC 608 Pa ave S1 HARPER INC Alexandria Va LIEBMAN BROS 474 Pa ave nw SHEEHY CO 7th st and Fla ave nw TERRETT 950 La ave nw BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES AND SUPPLIES JUVERFORD CYCLE CO 427i0th nw BILLIARD TABLES AND SUPPLIES BRCNSWICK BALKE COLLENDER CO 712 13th BOOKS MAGAZINES STATIONERY THB WASHINQTON NEWS COMPANY 313 th nw SOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURERS 8AFF SHOE COiJPANY Alexandria Va BOTTLE MFG WINE AND LIQUOR OLD DOMINION GLASS CO Alexandria BOTTLERS SODA AND MINERAL WATERS lURUrOTON BOTTLINOCa sad ITth sU aw A HERRMANN 750 754 10th at se CAMUBLia PALMER CO 1088 Wla ave BOWLING ALLEYS AND SUPPLIES SRUNSWICK BALKE OOLLENDER CO 718 13th GLASSWARE BOTTLES BREWERS SUPPLIES 6AMITE1 a BAUB 31 3188th nw GROCEBJES HOME DRESSED POULTRY JOSEPH ROTH 934 Louisiana ave GROCERIES AND LIQUORS SHEA 631 Pa ave nw DYER 4 CO 3330 st nw DflFUTT CO 3209 at nw IURRY TALBERT 1219 Uth st nw GROCERS AND BAKERS SUPPLIES a BARNSHAW A BRO 1103 Uth et ee no consumer supplied GROCERS AND SHIP CHANDLERS KIRK 4 SONS Alexandria Va GROCERIES LIQUORS FRUITS POULTRY CHACONAS 4 CO 900 Louisiana ave PLOWING AND HEATING SHEDU 15RO CO 432 9th nw PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES JOHN MITCHBtU JR CO 1000 Pa ve TB09 8UMMERVILLE CO 312 to 322 13th at nw PORK LARD SAUSAQE AC AUTH PROVCQ62S at aw THE A LQFFLBR gAySApEAND PROV CO 3S30 Georfia ave THE ROSSLYN PACKING CO Center audi Western Markets A SCHROTH 4 SONS 474 Center Market AIOTRTISINGmen wanteaon anew weekly publication large coinmisonland a gffod salaryt to the rigKt men Room 720 Riggs Bldgf 3 ATTEND to turnace Boy 1219 at aw 4 BARBER Good white tor steady Job good futo an tee apply at once 3428A Uth at nw BARBER First class steady Job 1431 ne i ft 4 BARBER First class start Monday nod salary 43irkiave i 3 BARBIBl olojed tor white trade ateady 33 ftrf JSatnrday 334 I2th st nw BARBER For SatHrdayi 34 fuaranteed sty aw 807 7th 3 Big brother8iandt 1rtgf8i3terB soon willbfet orgaaixed fortbe children of Washington underHhe nreiofRthjuve belplrtff handi ndjthefltTlendly Jntreotyf an elder vto jrventjthciitlpcdniinB con flrmedoffenders1 Thls i theplaajof rudgoJVWnmerlAtiifier tfl Badi organizations axtafiX work in many cltipa and nviKlTacooTnpliplieciiat great deal in the conservatlon tofi boyhood and ghoodTUatatej Judge atinier has discussed the matter with a numbef of men and women1 interested in child wl tTtU and Indications are ithat a strong organization wlKionbeiforied rrM wiune volunteer rooauon uincers Big brotherjuand sisters Judge JJati mer explain Cre In Ieci volanteerro DanQn omcers jDuttior special personal wdr Theycatxnot take the placed ofithe regular employed probation Officers who devote thetrfSwholetlmetothe4wori1but they can perhapsteYen mprjeTaiuable work after the caseB3iayf reached a certaincertain stage i i After aboyor girlrisputon probation there must be a certain petiod oft official upervi8ion bythe regularrofficers MEater the hildrenneeroonl5r advid5 and klhdly cotnpazilonship frpm some one who takes a nersonal interest 3 in Uhem ThereguIarprobaioniofticerhaBnt the tinjetij deyotfrq such cases Each can taltef dnechlidfis aistiecial xhargedglVeSavllUleiflhlsOrihertime KKtltetSsk of Oielpinff him bVera crisis in the childs lif Aperisonwhov cafek who will 4dyisassistvliip6uringiaiJ6b or schbolihg Heethat itfiqreAI a occa BionaPbit of wholesome recreation such as a trip to asebillamef or the-theater mayoften betJielnstrnmetjfprthe making of a usefulidtittVoArofWpo tential criminal 4 Durlhghis feceritV trip Of Inspection to the Juvenile courtandf a3 riumberof EJast ern and middle Westerji Tcitiesr Judf Itlmer formdln batioh AsspclaUanJbf Brooklyn whatiha cbnlslders an dealimdelf orihe formation of such anfWgaadoh in Washington VaribasiFait TTsentje oiiBfdi niywotp uyi Bnpro merei HOusawoKK Jlan call betureens and7 imve i iwsoculuoq goyerneaoyfa noara of fifteen direitorsrSot twbomtflve are Krotpsttht9yeith6icsdinveJeiK UndertMsbbaralstivJrme Xo fakeCharge foif jchiidrenrof thelf own religlont TMs eysteja rkawtthouti tfie eliglitestfrlctlon COhtect witKthe TOurt means of pai secretajyiwho has a desk 1 the robitlon6fficeof the court and keeritlw records ofthfe TOlunteer jjtobaUonpnTcers The necessary fundi BlC AaoVYA UjrlAiClAlLSCXgiaUJ i tjtJi Jf i ij fjELPWAKTE0FEWALEi HELft llh haiisawm Rallied worotnr Vhonse smal irtfea G0t 3th at aw food 4 HELP with sewing WhUe flrI i7l71a sfc tcp I floor i Jr tv fjV ii 4J ELP with housework WhH ftrl food i home iu cinroni acTiw rii i HOqSEKEBPER Good reliahle whtvWomanr tn small lamuyy rataasmHQt aw tt a HOUSEWORK Girt trios refa 409 A at ae HOUSEWORK Experienced wontanretsl853 Parte rd vi 6 HOUSEWORK Girt troaioountiy taj inlghta HOUSSWORK 01rlU a month renv34U HOUSEWORK Girl 1101 Delaileia plaea aw HOUSEWORK Glrli t7M Uth at VK 9 SOU3EWORK Reliahlecaomaaimuit coolc and brlarreli 1014 Uth at nw tool HOOBEWORK Colored tlrLv lTlS 2d etnw I HOUSEWORK GirL 120 I eU HOUSEWORK Womanftnnst he food cook brlnf Tefa 114 14th aL HW t1 HOUSEWORK and waitress Competent rtliatle wonianj 1913 Iat nw 3 Ke i st ra uA DOUBLB rope filigree ohaln neeklase with pend ttilfifatare eet la pearlsbetweea 34thBt and MasvTe and Conn ave andM at or oa Georcetown carletweea2Zd and ati vLlberal tewards If returned Kto 334 Mass9 are phone North VmiX gLT6 6 BRKASTPIN Pearl ieU ifiaturday eTeatnr oa 1th sC letween Lihriry and or oa Fla ave arrVHewara5Ulretamaaxoiiiu bubw pN jThnrsdty evening preantnably oa Church st between 14th and Itthatar a hatrpls studded with rhinestonesvRewardUreturned to 1113 Fair montvvtv fff i LOST On Paavetbttween MdandHth ata or la i Afrlcuttural fiwmdateavelope containing off clal letter receipts te finder please return to LoBAliJrlchSmlthsoaUn inatltutlon Re wardws Wis irf tf IIABABOU feather acart about 3 yards lonson 13th at between and or at or In Wood TardjfcLothropsf reward it returned to 1013 13th st 4 HUNTING CASE WATCH with lonj crest chain anjtharm red stone with coat anna en kame Liberal reward Apt 11 The savoyUth andOIrard aul Ji DOG Female eollle months old dark face its collar brown neck white tip on tall Saturday evening oclock Uberal reward returned toUM 7th at nw 4 BARTENDER Eori inlied trader sUte where last emnlyd gainst be well reeoramahdaO nar sii lthlsvofflca 8 CHAUFFEUR Must be competent mechanic with WaahlngtonTeteTnceav Phone Clev 3317 5 DBIVBRr Steady wlirk with board to reliable nan 1jsCnipbell Farm Bradley Hlir Electric IJnejJJojalnfalde Station or 1414 mbTT vv Jf pou Theater Oot 31 nuUnee Gold bracelet ill si nw tK menorran IT nn klt HOUSEWORK Girt permanent position to rtfht ward 1T at nw 4 wi nnoijimny Mit i 1k tall white paws no collar wandered from premises about 7 a in Return to 1635 Conn ave reward 6 H0USEWORK Glrls 1211 OlrardaC HOUSEWORK la small family Rets calUbefore oclock 1710 st nw required 8 HOUSEWORK Settled whltecouple for two alee bright sunny buement rooms in exchange for woffcrSlSSd sj nw 4 HOUSEWORK Colored girt family of three llthet nw 3E43 4 HOUSEWORK Girl no washing or Ironing 1923 17th at nw 4 HOUSEWpRK Clrlr small family 3313 at nw 4 HOUSEWORK Woman refa250iWla ave nw4 H6USEW0RK ColoredrgirL 017thati nw4 HOUSEWORK Colored woman st nw second floors no wsshlag 4SS A HOUSEWORK Middle aged woman refi 1319 KHrard st ENEROETIC young man quick and accurate at flguree knowledge of idoubie entry bookkeeping in offlceVof large corporation moderate salary AppIyj lasownvhandwrftini ataUng quallflcatlbna andjage to B6a Siov this offlee 3 EJioIHfBER fojoperatr guollne road roller nsir vConfreasiHeightswaes35c ir hoarr eiperl encedmy need apply iFhone Lincoln 139 2 ENGINEER Thirdclasshandyman fa rvSchatt 20240 st aw Call a ESPERIENCEP bread salesman must have reference Address Ber 643 this offlce 4 HOUSEBOr 8i 15th at nw HOUSEMAN Colored man family of three tay nights 8 Grafton at Chevy Chue Fhons HOUgEMAK or bpyf or housework refa OU 203015th 3 142 jLiavB Jaw4 MAW Oolorediyountorua furaaeeuand help in house one with experience refs till 13th it tNTGHT CLERK for hofW rapartment house long uSJWhrtriBalarjr tlStpeirJ month room and kivd aivetaxsland three references JWa Qoi 347 tWaibf FAFERHANGERtonce Lepreux 307 Pi at nw POTJlrTRY EGGS tASIB VEAL AC WALKR8TEiN BR03 2Uioth st nw ANDKBTW ft OO 937 LouUlana ave BALLINGER 925 LottlsUnaave COLLINS CO 213 10th at JXW JOHNSON JESSE 203 10th etnw MILLER ft ROLLER 927 29 Louisiana aye I POriTKY EGGS COUNTRVPBO lnroE 8PICER 938 Louisiana eve PBEVTEBS BTROM 8 ADAMS 512 Uth st JUDDA DETWILER ISC420 Ilth Jt RAGS RUBBER SCRAP IRON DRIEFUS ft SONS Alexandria Va RANGE STOVE PURN ACE REPAIRS FRIES1 BEALL SHARP CO 623 lOthaw1 ROOriWG AND WAlTERPROJlNG ROSB BROTHERS CO InCi 1809 14thlBW HARDWARE MAT HARDWARE CO 634 Pa ave HARDWOOD AND PARQUET FLOORS ADAMS 1124 Connecticut ave HARDWARE BAR IRON STEEL CARUN HULFTSH CO Inc Alexandria Va BREWERIES UBNER DRUBX BREWING CO 25th and aw ISLINGTON BREWING CO Roaslyn Vs HEUSER BUSCHBREW ASSN Del ave ft 3HRHEURICH BREWING CO 2th and nw fONtrMENTALBREW CO I ave 7th ne ABSTBREWINO CO 70S Capitol at ne BRICK FACE AND COMMON tWPST BROS BRICK CO ltthft ave a SS bllOOMS WRAPPING PAPER WOOD EHWAKE AV 6 FREEDMAN ft SONS 11 nw sjiimimi ii ii BUTTER EGGS AND CHEESE a OOBITRN at nw SAMES OTST7JR 968 90S Pa eve nw RATIONAL CITY DAIRY CO Center Market ABUTTER EGGS AND POULTRY COLDBN ft CO 923 328 LouUlana ave HAY GRAIN AND FEED WM JAMES ft SON 941 st nw MORAN 3253 st nw DICKEY BROS 1447 49 Md ave ne THEO MICHAEL 25 New Tork ave ne RITTER ft SON 706 st nw SIMPSON CO 3342 tt aw PIU5BURT 64 68 st ne FORBES BROS Alexandria Va i HEATING STEAM A HOT WATER THE BIGGS HBATDMG CO 817 at nw ALEX ST JOHN ft SON 1245 Wis ave ZELLERS ft CO 1331 14th st nw HIDES FURS TALLOW AC LEWIS H0PFENMAD2R 10th and aw HORSE AUCTION STABLE MAGRATH ft KBNNELLY 205 11th at nw RELIABLE HORSE AND MULE CO 213 Uth nw RUBBER GOODS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS WASHINGTON RUBBER CO 10th and nw SASBV DOORS BLINDS CARET KING 37 New York ave ne SCRAP IRON METALS A RUBBEBS EDWARD MULLIN llM 9 flaw COOK BERNHEIMER ft CO 19 Patterson et ne BEN EINSTEIN 301 10th at nw STORAGE AND TRANSFER MERCHANTS TRANSFER ft STG CO 920 nw STRUCTURAL IRON AND STEEL WORKS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS SOPER ft MeDONALD 3 Me ave TALKING MACHINES GEO KENNEDY 1337 Fatnw TIN PLATESHEET METAL MITCHELLcaInc 8237KBW TOYS NOTIONS NOVELTIES SCHROT BROS1 3U La ave hw TRUSSES ELASTIC HOSIERY SICK ROOM SUPPLIES MoKBS SURGICAL INST Ca 1004 at BW iu aw vmmGirgmmJmlrT sv sxcar TT i PARKBR BRIDGETAft CO want a colored boji porter ineir Jnoe aeparunenu nrlag refer eacea jind appjy toxmanager of thedepartmenty TI1rOiE 0N WOMENsS tSUIJES i MSB BE EXPERI ENGEB THE LOtjRE 1115 mS A aii i The stars incline butrdQ tcompelr JMOND AY NpVEMEBR rSv IMSi Venoaj srndamaaT an III To women with fsternvHll WANTEDAAfbarteadenBmairwagee good home not ver80iyesrijOd give iuf place employed Box487 fhls fOfflceA WALL PAPER FRANK FOER 272413th nW HOSIERY UNDERWEAR NOTIONS ttC COHEN 322 Fa ave nw PERLMAN 608 La ave nw IRON STEEL HEAVY HARDWARE KENDALL CO 4S5 Missouri ave JEWELRY MANUFACTURER CHARLES HERRMANN9th and Pa ave JEWELRY OPTICAL GOODS AO ALFHER ft KUR 403 9th st aw WASHINGTON DRESSED BEEF KEANB COMPANY Inc 1 nw WINES AND LICJUORS A BEITfcElS 1309 7h at JAMES CLARK DISTILLING CO 610 Pa ave THE ELDORADO iWINE CO Pa ave and Uth at W1M MUEHLEISEN CO SISjIS 6th BW THB GARRICK CO Inc 825 at nw EUGENE BODS Alexandria Va MARYLANDtWINE ft LIQUOR Ca Kron helmiS216M st nw JMOLLOY3243iM aw KARL XANDER 1530 32 7th aw ANDBR ft PLUGGE 431T 7tn St aw 0FFEBS TO CARRY MAILS 3000 MILES ACROSS ALASKAS FROZEN MOUNTAINS Qnly White Man in Point Barrow the Most Northern Postoffice on the Continent Sends Bid to Department Letter Two Months in Getting Here A bid for carrying the malls 3000 miles la ihe depth of an arctic winter over the mountains of northern Alaska when the1 enow lies a score of feet deep has Been received by the PoBtofflce Depart ment The bid came from Charles JBrower of Pojnt Barrow Alaska the most northern postofflce on the continent I tod a close rival for northern honors withnany in the world Brower wants to carry the mall from appoint Barrow to Kotxbu Sound 60d miles southward The man who gets ftheicohtrat miistmake three round trips each winter when the seas are frozen and transportation by dogs and sled overland alone is possible In that region His bid was sent tov Commandant Berl holf of the revenue cutter service whom he knew in the arctic and forwarded to the Postofflce Department BrowerX letter was more than two months In getting to Washington from Point Barrow Brower has lived In the arctio 80 years and is the pnly white man who Inhabits that far northern community He is employed by anAmerican fur company 5 yA PROTEST made to gbeeoe Iyltaly and Austria tOomplain of Inter 81 ierence With Albania IAflicns 6v Itad Austria have a collective not to Greece inviniatntmf hatthft illtltn41n rt AT l5wiaiby tlia international commission is StSirhamyeredty the attitude of the jTOPulatlbhiunder Greek Incitement 0giMfi is Sriformed that both Italy Isenrives oij ihe commission to regard a5AbliJai 4tt XjUages where opposition Tsrn ak D1YA HITS ABElJPT ZISSEE i Mme Whit Embraced by Stranger Wields Her Parasol Special to The Washington Posfc Philadelphla Nov 2 Art unidentified man rushed to Mme Carolina JWhiteUje opera singer as she Was entering the Metropolitan Opera House here yesterday and after throwing his arms around her necKsls3ed hejr fthree times 7 tmer AYblte responded by pounding the man on the head with her parasol arid as he turned frtmerifthe ginger PEESN0 BAFIS UPHELD Masters Report Declares Him Rightful Claimant to 500000 Estate Cambridge Mass Nov 2 IYesno Dan the Calif ornlan seeker for a share in the 500000 estate of the late Daniel RussellOf Melrose is declared the rightful claimant in the report filed in the supremecourt by Gilbert APevey master in the case1 who listened or eleven months to the testimony Fresno Dan says the report Is undoubtedly Daniel Blake Russell long lost son of vDanlel Russell Dakota Dan the rival claimant from Dickinson is declared to oe JamesDelbert Russell Hehas neither the merital moral nor physical characteristics of the Russell family saysMrPevey The report of the master Bettless the case so far as the factsare concerned and any appeal must be based on Quesupn3 or law The Russell wlircase has been before the Massachusetts courts for four years MARBLE POE THE HONUUENT struck her admirer across the ahouldefsi I stinging Colorado Block Bearinr States Arms to Bt Pufia Place Todayt Colorados memorial for the Washing ton Honumentftartbe form a block of maruie jwjh oetpiaceaioaay0ia tae foot landing vf the great Washington me morial The tone bearstheState coat of arms Irf The tstonewlllf be veiled after belng placed 5iniositidn toFawait1 dedicatory exeitlses to be arranged bySenator Shaf iv vi jrr Astrolosrera read todan niama friendly Jtb menwioyar engaigedlh ittisc eMjryriaeo ii is an auspicipus tfme toseekrthe xooperaUoniof persons with powerto advinceVflnahcial oraoV cialinterests The iruiei howeyerls inbt fortunate forf womenor forideallhgs wlththe VfeHUsaianaestttWWVtol ipif UcutaTjyithreatehlnfbrbusiheB8 ven tures Weddings and aUjstfcial entertainments are under avgovernmtwiicn is not lucky Persons bdrn betwieen September 23 andOctobr23 af sup posea ta be peciinatlyiaUBcepttble to these unfavorableinfluences There is a sign said to be7eBpeelaUy bad forrpefsdns addicted to drinking orT any other excess since the ihflu i encesttendto produce overindulgence The stars are notencpuragingto those wbotest their fortunes in any amusem*nt enterprises UnderUhlB configuration thateTs arid other places wherethe i public seeks recreation are subject to ianunluckyrsway The ftStfaiigoyirnmentjis iausjplcious for all menVin positions of authority A happy auguryia announced f6rthe President of theIhlted Btatesij who will see a severe Jdlsappblntmerit changedfto adfstlrict succeksJthe seeraj declared -There iaaipfomlstagBlgnifdripersons lookliigif or emBlpyent TheCfday is lucky also f6r those who seek positions Again the death of a prominent woman is foreshadowed The end of a 11 teTary career fs also foretold There is a prophecy Mhat the plane tary i aspects read as conducive to loss otxnodesty VllL cease toj exercise their arbltrarystandardsof dress aiid conduct laprophcsled Persons whose lolrthiaate ltls are warned of dangers from fires and thieves In business and domestic life the year should berjHjoduqtive or little anxiety The prognostications promise peace ana contentment Chllijrenboniontthlsjday are under a lucky rule of the stars Boys have the augury of success ln business and girw wiuJinarFriiiUMwiBouowi ad a subjeefor SeorplotHeyshould guard asaliAL impuislvenesBAhd lacfcof aeli tontroL Coprricbt 1BJ3 or ths xccion nswepaper srn TdlcaU asiajaMBjajBjBBjaajaajajsBaasaaaaaajawaaajWBja WniFASTFOEfEOHIBrTION yrC ur toPray atNev Yeafsfor A Constitutional Amendment AsburyPark NV Nov2NewTear8 day 191 rwas set asideby the National Womens Christian Temperance Union in annual convention here as a dayof fasting and jptBtytr jln behalf 4 of a koon stltutlonal amendment for country wide prohibition TlMrconVentionselected January sis next as National Constitutional Prohibition day Mrs Lillian Stevepsr ofvPortlandMe the national president was authorized to caHaTVCTUmass meeting in WasWngtonDCiitobrlng the subject of tliquor traffic evils before Congress iv fefiS MrsEHzabettPrAnder8onrinational retordlngecretaryrreported that acom mittee hadvbeen appointedZta investigate statements that there is a lackoftem perance educationof Indians byt the government Mrs Anderson said the governmentgovernment appropriates ftflOOO annuallyrfot sutiDresslbnlor viceamong Indians but WAUKWaiiirhouaaniaa te I aTe 5 WAITiairjWhita atin vtr etperlehced 810 12th 3 rWAKTED Plrst elas tallorr bn woznena coats rotr Warft JulluaQarflnWa Co iniiiaaar nxx 38tt HbvtSEWOEK iApt plain A coot In small family Tha Alendalc HOUSEWORK Colorea yroman S1J Cth at nw 4 HODSEfWOpK OlrL ll IBth at nw White HORSBTTOBK HarTarast ilrl small lamll 133T i HOUSEVORIC Oiri refi1 ttaulrad toilnsUrBt sn Waat it TOPAZ RINOaolag from 11th at aadWTiava tothaadDsta nw Return to lIMace AnareaPair Co rawart vyj F17RSE ConuiolBt keys an4mallsuniot money Klnfllyraturn to Box Offlee 1 National Theater RIVG Laayr turquoise and llampbd bflt 10th aal ata mr and ConTsntlon Halt 323 at nv I UMBRELLA Black silk clack carredJ crooaea onrawrKii on steam car reacninj union station aboit 148 from Qarrttt Park SnnSaj afternoon Oct6ler Please return to 3331 11th atnwBe wara MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MUra ana stole New astrakhan 31 alw tiro flue roita alia 3f cheap 4U Oolaatla stf nir 5 SENITire AnUaua tnahonny rBceDtloa chair lam ana small valnut chains work uble and other pieces 734 Uth at hw 6 VICTROLA and records Practically new with doors outllt cost 40 1 wia sell lor 320 The Vernon Apt 3 1774 atrV 4 FURMTURE Oak dlntog table and chain othet amali Ubles Apt 41 The Blnaer 1403 Olrafi 4 OVERCOATS Two black and brown striped I1H4 wwj frf nMAui eiu ikL tj C95iT ay blaciibroadolothr alia Apt 14 Mass aTa nw JL COAT ana two aressea 137a Kenjoa at Phtrna iSi TIMTORM Hlgh hool eaaetj alia Sir firtt claia condition Phone Col 2553 4 OAS OVEN Portahle new JOWO aUB 4 TELEPHONB eztenalon arni 31 oak hall rat mgig iron DeaiwiOiiatntatne RESS Olrla serge 13 to jeus hat au uw tJ 2707 4 TWO parlor suttee and other foraltBre See Janitor 1433 Hit 4 BABY CARRIAGE Wlth hooa cost HI Wirt JS tooa condition 333 Capitol at 4 BABY CARRUGE Large wicker ajood clt tlon reasonatila also co cart IS Spring road VICTOR VICTROIA Mahogany raoorda 3250 sell for 313 eashil afnev cost 4 OVERCOAT Oenllpmn lIhf irrT lrt sen lar nt man 150 or 17 paunda 111 Adam at -y SHOTGUN New Jenwy are Smithy Sheets ae i barrels 444 4 ri PHONOGRAPHEdlson cyllnderrithoth atylet is of reproaucers in good condition 13B tt nw a 4 I RING Ladys diamond dinner platinum setting Initiate Fon Pa ave Saturday eTentng Rewart Room 443 Wlllard Hotel 5 LOCKET Ladys diamond center 0 tSBOB back Return to Bradley 0 Dept Re ward POCRETBOOK Silver SnsdJay afternoottUn Lin colp park Return to 326 Capat Y5 GLOVlfS Palt tanat Keiths Saturday tnatlnie Return to BOi Office at Keltha 6 HOCSEWORK Competent reliahle womaa amall fantflyt goodaalary refa whltaor colored 1834 Columbia roaa 4 HbOSEWORK Mddle aged colored woman fwfth or without experience refa 11 i3th st nwJ 4 kQUSEWORK Single colored flrL 1523 llt4 at HOUSEWORK Olrt ThieEirllngton3033ltht LACNDRE83 82 RI avenw VMRSLABaiJISSEi 1211 CONN AVE Whitecooks 325to338 waltresses andcham bermaldiwal treases white and colored 320 to 330 7 i ocSO tl NURSEiand help siround llat No cooking or laundry efa lDli at2swAtiiV 4 KORSE Waiti awtst lncan vtitih cbfldrein Vltug iko wimiMH mm AyM BERVANT Por doctora ihouaoj atao dtfnrashtng 605Pstnw 4 STESTOQRAPJIER Efficient good aalary exeel lentnpportunltr SethiCHaIyrTh Stanton lZS Ost 3 STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST HAND TO ASSIST IN OFFICE WORK ADDRESS IN OWN HAND WRITINa i STATING WHERE PREVIOUSLY EMPLOYED SALARY WANTED ADDRESS BOX 833 THIS OFFICE 4 STENOGRAPHEH puWle In offie during day free use of desk typewriter and office 1340N Yave nw WANTEDr Ejpertenced sewer on womens coaia apply tefore 10am Julius Girflaile Jb Co I3thand Fistai oo2s tr WANTEDi Lady to care forachelor apts Address BEAD BAOr Contalningcknlfe sectaclea bet Uth aaTl3th sts on Rewara Call aJter jo 133 Uth at ne 4 LOCKET Gold heart ahaped monogram on back photo Inslda 1127 14th itnw 3 CHILDS LOCKET and chain locket enrrayed with name Tlrglnla AptZOSEcklngtoni tilone 3357 3y DOO iWhtte answers name retura to iI128tht ne Tiny Reward for a PJAhiO Chtckerlng bahy grand Jlne case tone ana conmuon Koo 453 Laray pia awya 4 OFFICE desk chalr N8wMoat3S laoijthst sw Apt 8 rM5C3feiJSvVA4 INVAUDCH4IB Hoase4oriretlJ0wtl3V 1203 art nw S53iarjry 4 OVERCOAT New meainmalMfieoatJlWiiell JtlS no dealeraWl32a3thVet5aw SSSK4 PAID up contract intFlorlda ETargtadea Land Company 3235 77 Randolph place nw 4 REAR wheel for bicycle with coaster brake an tire 31 308 at ng 1 BOOES Slodera law llbrarr Ufolomes cheap 801 st ee ii COUCH Leather Turklsht Ukaraew worthJ22 take 310 1429 Ames place ie 4 OVERCOAT Oachirana largaalsaifalrly gopd conaition isw 703 Knoae isiana are-aw-ORAY overcoat 33 cadet suit 35 dark jult 3360 slies 3S and 38 good condition jl JK KITCHEN ruge No 7 In good condition price 38 76Gresham place nw i i ii i i i HEATER small err and eaa radiator both of i if 13160 43 Mass avenw fs 4 STICKPIN Pearl dlamona center 11th st car rNawYork ave car or on 7th at SewaraVfor retumtoI212 IrTlng st WHITE fox terrier Spotted face name Dan tagNoKsa Reward 2d4F st nw phone1W 100 8 WATCH Ladya gold at aw Rpward Room 718 mo A OLOVE Whlte fcld Apt 3 14T5 Col road 8 DOGS MDZZLEBUck with attachedrNe 7723 on Dupont circle Return to Mr Pre monf 1803 19th at nw DOG Old Royal Spaniel brown and white Reward If returned to 1788 31st st nw phono 7261 PRESS BADGE No 87 somewhere In northwest section of city 1635 17th st nw i 8 BRACELET rCameo probably between Jth and and jGa ava and Fairmont st nw Reward for return toj 2443 6th at nw 8 BANDBAOr Cqntalnlng change and glasses Da ppnt circle Reward for return to 1303 Conn ave 3 BTmNITURE Contents of six finely fur irooms entire or eeparate 1341Oafc aUttw t4 COMPUTING SCALES Newt cost 3140J eell Hot 380 426 et ae 4 4 VAtUUM CLEANER Electrlo and hand Phone BOXES Large eight also pair lo skates and boys orercoat Jnllor 3143 Mount Pleuant st HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE carneta rugs and brass bed 1112 Girard at nw phone Col 2MZ WASHSTAND marble top tad eak rofllterJlt each call between 1ft and 4 oclock 813 BtH i OVERCOAT Good eondltlon3S 14J3V at nwt4 phone tt 25tVY 4 fft SIDEBOARD Handsome golden oak 119 also china closet 13 2 chairs solid oal I4M PhoniQl 746 4 SUITS Full drear and tuxedo perfect condition alao business saca suit site 38 Phone CJoL3 4687 Mr 4 HARP Double action ftrst clua condition 8150 9C st ne 4 Bachelor Bor 341 this oftce 2 ANTEPr A portrifordrugiatorejat once Apply VDapont Pharmacy 8 WiANvFED Shoe salesmen none but tfiose thoroughly eijieri en with city trade need apply fehnsitiandiK 3 HELP WANTED FEMALE APPRENTICE To learn wlgmaklng and hair work wnue 4 manicuring young girl wanted paid lseaflhy 708 13th at nw APPREfmcES to leahfrnininery and dreasmak lngi paid after Jeaialng you caa learn In three Wfeka lllitr st 4 LWQMAN to do plain sewing apply mornings BUtmore st Apt 63 APPRENTICES to learn French dresscuttlng dress makihg Ldeslgnlnr and millinery good positions furnished i after learning New York Millinery Acadamyf 1115 0 at A ASSIST InAltchen wprk for lunchroom Oood girl aUrouad 318Cedar stjrakoma Park 3 ASSIST with general housework Young colored girt 836 Ket nw 3 Baughmans College for Ladies Tailoring and drMimailng pattema cut te order T2JUtheU nwiMaIaj72 oc38 16t yBVJREAUOFSOCIAlREQCIRIIlMENTa 24 17TH ST iW Want cooks tend kltehenmalda white references c3 tr BUSINESS WOMAN Middle age for permanent ergartnieEt wtthleadlag flrm executive ability wllli Insure promotion Adflresa Box 505 this oei BOOKKEEPER ASSISTANT STATE WHERE PREVIOUSLY EMPLOYED STENOGRAPH EROR TYPIST AND SALARY WANTED ADDRESS BOX E23 THIS OFFICE iV BUREAU iot Domestic Requirements 1325 Cooks 40 chambermaids 1825 waitresses 330r cuTsea butlers 360 references noS57 CHAMBERMAID tor rooming house store 343 PC ave nw Apply at 8 CHAMBERMAID U44S Maes ave CHAMBERMAID aad walrreaj flrtt claaa MaesL are 1443 CHAMBElftMAID sad waitress Whit woman et pertehced andlurlshrefar 316 room atfd board 1224 Uth 3 CHAMBERMAID and i waitress Colored woman stay nlghta reta 1760 Corcoran 8 suUpressl6nlor vlctaaionsT Indlanafbat that oonatofMthl moneys appears tobe usedln tfernprancework Jfcjf 5 22irfiEC SHaserstpwn 3Bdr Jov 2 Thei new concrete church building of the Seventh Day Adventlats 4wksdedfcate4i this aft etnoOhsProtB Wilkinson offTa korria ParlcMdfDresiaentsotltherColuin hla upjon leont erence and formerly Dresidentot therlatln Jimlon conference CHAMBERMAID 32SPa ave nw COOK WhltA latprlvate nnstltuUoh tor about Ja peouier references iJ30 per month Lock Box 9fRockrtlle Md 5 COQKrand iouaeworlt Refa AptlO 2415 30th st nw a COOKwaah amllnm Middle aged womaa 3141 8tn COOK taadi housework Small family 447 Luray pl nearPark rd and Saldlera Home 4 COOK 1761 Park rd nw COOK and do general ioueework Reliable woman no launcTnriWork 2510 Woodier place 6 COOK First das white experienced stay nights beat wages 1718 iNewton at Phone COU509S J4 COOK and housework The Bherman 18th and ti Apt 40L 4 COOK and homework Must stay nlghta rtfs 1378 Irving at nw COOK and laundress Family ot three apply between 13and 8 Sunday only The Ashley Apt 3C 4 COOS CoIpreajfeUy nlghta Primrose jfijVChevy Chase phohe CleT54a rt COOKwashandi Iron Neat colored girl email fimllytrstay flight 18o2 Kaloramard 4 COOK White or colQed downstair housework i llghtwashlng taynlghU 820 month oevBat teratttfsiVvTakomaiIarlu i4 COMPANION YcBngTglrl tor room andtoard AptLThOBwego 1326 tlat hw Sj DDSING ROOMVQHtLS NeatwUirnghlUi to asslatln clnlng room 121J sC nw 4 DISHWASHER 313307rConnyav DISHWASHER andf asMst TOQk 1303 Clifton tr4 OENERALJlaU 30 a month 2422 itaw WANTED White girl German of Swedish pre ferred1 for housework rood plain cook best references rehired CaH Apt 60S The Wyoming Apartments to 1 Monday 4 OObwkBD oiOTHRGP Require-saleswomen for Jewelry Silverware Stationery Perfumery and other departments Appty Employment Office Seventh Elpor 5 1940 3 WOMAN Tocleanflatby the dayr rf required Apply Suhijar alter 3 503 13th st 2d floor WOMAN Cojored for all ronnd work must stay nights Ruppert Home Harrison st Ana eostia 3 WOMAN Colored settled 1523 Uth at nw 4 YOUNG white woman Help with housekeeping br gentleman with thTee children references requited iBox B45 thla office 4 PERSONALS Bradf j6rds Detective Service Reinoved to 81dSoT4theni Building iBbnavM4a2525 Open evenings Expert secret service Intricate investlgatiana delicate negotlai tlona trouble of a boslneae or personal jiature promptly adjusted Consultation and advice free Ltcenaed bonded Founded 1885 Night phones Columbia 1924 and North 775 i FATE has It in for some people while others sVulle and cheerfully spend a cent for a postal mallttotus we calland cheerfully pay up to 810 foremen worn suits or overcoats 50o to J250 for pants Jusths Old Stand tl Have Your Band Read by Mr Daoud THEiWELL KNOWN SCIENTIFIO PALMIST RSADINOS ONE DObLAR 1 Phone North 1130 for Appointment Studio 1823 fQ at rnwi Hourstl a to 7 ra HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN clothing ladles cents land childrens shoes and hats send postal or phone will call any hour JTARSHES 1308rJth st nw Phone North OK 4u36 tf Slightly used visible typewriters Monarch and Remingtons latest models also some blind machines cheap Capital Typewrite Repair Phone Line 400o 1114 Sth it a ae8 S0t TOUR FCTURBroRETOLD MMCDE LAINE3004 aw The worlds greatest clairvoyant and palmist Consult ithe beat Tba tnost girted clairvoyant eqdspsychlo card reader Unequaled en business anil4oveatraira Learn the secrrttauccets and control of others 85 rtad lngs 31 31 readings 80c Hour it to 8 ocS tf Guperfluous Hair Wart3 Holes Permanently removed electrolysis MIS8 MAT THEWS Room 34 M6Uerott Building 1H0 st rnone iw NOTICE All pawn tickets caahedat 8150 at opposite Patent Offlee WILL CALL IN MY XTNLETTERED WAGON city or subtirta and pay yen the highest cash prieea for ladles gentlemens tnilcnndren a discarded clothing of all description Address postal or pbone and 1 will call RICE 1332 7th at Phone 1765 PASSAGE ANNA BJpENS0N1614l5ti8t ttw Mastagarall branches TheUmatJsm poor olreula Hon nervonsntss appointment by phonaN4E35 F0RTHE U0ES PURS repaired altereoV cleaned and rellnedall kinds satrsfaCtlon guaranteedrVRosgo 91314th if nw FhQPQjMala 417 1 34 GENERAL H0USlSW0RR 7amilyyU 3 hdma nlghta god cookr city references JloAptJl 1333 CIlftOnSat aw 4 OENSRALk ihouMworfc Competent girt In small family stay nights good wagaa tl31T Decatnr stJnwArnr 3 ki 7i MRLSeUable honest to assist tasjmaUfaav lItt Et4ypllghtaA H2o Xuclld atcaw rv 8 CIRL for jdlnlng rooninrqd pantry 923 1 ataw 3 GPtLWhItetroomiAd boardiglven lot housed wjnfe 3g th JStAawt if a GIRZrcFOT neraIh3useworfc and cooklmrrreood aES aniall lemiJy Apply WfUC ave se i-X vT at uHr i 4 1 VACUUM CLOTHES WASHER VACUUM IOAUNDERINQt No washboard Com pressedalr suction vwateraoapdo alUiHalf your TraaIubIe gannenta saved yearly Waleta llogerleIeaTeturned wlthtnU houVACCUM CLOTHSaWASHEIS ttll8 3 wUryrKS Vt 187 WATCH FOB nltlaled 8 31 reward ReturnReturn to Forest Service Room 604 Atlantic Bldg av COATJJtttTwo longt black and brown also coat sPKnTArtss and nwM jrfcM fn auwsitfr no dealers Tha Brunswick rftWV JwrAfni Wi 11M rtthmt fl APt rr 4 1 1 BARPLN Set with pearls astenid to black satin tSS0 rS wfJSs ottw fuI1 bow between 18th and and 21st and 5 ata Return tto 210T et 3 JL tore 2100 Pa ave aw 3d floor BROOCH 9mall gold marked Zaida on lth st Thursday morning reward The Berkshire Apt 58 PIN TurquoUa matrix oval Shape set to silver reward 1833 Monroe st phoiw Col 1868 4 SCARF White spangled at Uth and eta re ward1303 Clifton at 4r BRACELET Gold lions head set with flvedla monds between Stbneletgb Court and Bt A Ryr reward Etonelelgh Court Apt 308 4 PURSG Small flngtr purse containing Tale key ana letter boi key Ths Atlantic Apt 408 ETEOLAfiSES Green Saturday Pleasant can 1743 Ktlbourne pi on Mt BUrtON Two Inches long oil coat 1740 Riggs VELVET tb4uK rtolet white aigret Pleasant reward 1710 Lamont st Mt BAR PIN Gold Mt Pleasant car lino or shopping district October 25 1761 Kllbourne pi SIGNET RING Childs Jnltlals Reward if returned to 829 st se 4 DOG Small white female brown ears ward if returned to 1112 Sth st ne LOCKET an4 chaln Ladys valued as giftj evening of October 81 3017 PortneT pi 4 HANDQAG Green velvet Friday night October 24 near 8th st and ave se 108 that ne DOG FortsrrleTrtagjro 7013 reward aoa st nw 4 FOUND DOG Bull male owner may have same hy aerlWng 213 8thst na 8 BAR PIN rGoldv VUla Madonna Academy Kendalls stne PURSE Thursday 8 80 Wlndow l6CltyP 0 8Sth and sts LOCKET SmaHTheart shape near Uth and Ken yon ats about 8 weeks ago 1401 Monroe st nw UMBRELLA October 27 on east bound Pa ave car Owner caa havo asms by calling at 229 Miss ave ae 3 DOG French poodle small white mile J2d ana Douglas sts ne Pbone North 4312 4 itAT LadyJ on Lamont st nw The Lamont Apt 33 4 CUFT BUTTO Oola two initials Harry Broad Branch rd Tannallytown 4 UMBRELLA Phone 7287 OPERAGLA8SES Left in Loverys antique shop Owner may have same by calling 4 FOUND At the Washington Terminal Company the following srtfclesi 3 bafa 1 bunch keys 3 coats 3 piss Jjtoy lbox 13 umbrellas I ring lfpalr TUbhers leans laultease I pair glasses Spocketboks 1 pair gloves 1 packages MISCELLANEOUS FORSALE M0TORCTCLE Indian 1818 twiaj eyerythlng completaj 1150 cash 818 3th at ne CANARIE3 Choice young singers home raised from selected stock 34 st aw 3 SAFE Large fireproof best make one third costf also entailer dnes Smiths Auction House 533 La ave 3 WATCH and chain New thSn model filginlJ site great bargain 1418 Park rdnw Monday i FOR SALE SOUUlre diamond ring 398 17 etone diamond horseshoe pin 3100 3 stone diamond ring 85 Address Box 537 thls oflce7 FOR ALE Big bargain solitaire nsnd cluster diamond Ting 818 11th sf nw 3d floor4 FORiaALB Sol ttalre diamond rlng weighs near VA carats pertectr handsome color 3825 fAd dreae Har 838 this tofflce rr i FARLORsuiti andr eectric lamp bed pictures cheap vApt 10n323 13th at BW 4 RUfi 9x13 tt Call alUr 5Tnt vS40 Cstya Apt 8V 15 HATe wlthttwe iwillovr pinnies 38 PhoneMaln COA7 Lon8 heavy bluer to fit girl 14 1 or 18 ln lotaa dresses 1125 10th at nw Act YK OYERCOAT rGray liroolf sllgUy TOrnl 38 3917 ava nw size 4 COAT Heavy winter for girl II years of age 1 cost 814 sell reasonable The Concord AptJOi TABLE COVER Large red and green tapestry 31T2S 1802 13th st nw Apt1 4 EVENING COAT Light cloth braided 3380 alsof handsome black broadcloth gown 33 1308 Kea 1 fer yon st nw A i ASH SIEVE Cylinderj plada Mt Pleasant cheap 1738 Kllbourne FURNITURE Bed springs snd new mattress gas stove 1 plates and oven 3LE4 1023 17th st nw 8 BOT 3 OVERCOAT Good condition age 12 years reasonable 1312 Fairmont at vnw I RANGE New Improved Baltimore No araew 815 8528 ava 80S good S3 BUREAU and two waahatands also Easy Metbodrr music outfit cheap 1310 Shepherd st nw 3 -WOOL COAT iGlrrsr black slxat 18 3L5J 1308 Park road phone Col 948 3 1 BALL GOWN and slippers cost 358 sell torf312 409 st nw second floor 3 DRESSING CASE1 for barber Four chair also Jbarbera chair 1312 st Jiw 3 HAND VACUUM CLEANER Newf Everybodya 3350 808 Uth at nw FURNITURE Two parlor suites sideboard fithetr furniture 488 Ret nwr Janitor 3 RUG Moquette dark red tad gold 12x34 deep border nearly new 815 Apt 408 The North tmberland I ETOEBOARD Bolld etk with plate mirror 11th st nw floor 75 8 yiOUS and caw cost sell for sej 830 8d et 14 COATS Long white and blackv else 88 shoes size 5 good condition cheap 807 A at third apt 4 MATTRESS double gas stove marble top tor washstandjcall morntngs only 801 st i mlStA SUZTCA8E Fiber snd satchel new 4338 Uth at aw Apt 8 8 ta 7 only 4 SUIT Black cloth medium slsedmaa good conditioncondition 35 Call after 8 207 st se V4 COLUMBIA graphophone diss and 13 records 3101 also Columbia recorda 702 it nw 4 COAT Long black broadcloth coat 330 aellffor ia Phone Cot 4383 4 HIGH CHAIR Childs 4tX bentwood witt tray 33 1330 Uth st av 4 CRATE For open are complete1 with hearth piece and blower 1008 ave nw 4 COAT Heavy winterf tor girl 11 years line ma teriai nauumig ruooo riono nil AS iv i i ELECTRIC VIBRATOR Nearlr new i alteraatlnr -current cost 350r sell for 310 SOS 8th st nwifr ie --DINING TABLE 8 ft extension perfect order 33 xt API jise Kuaojngwn ife a COAT SUIT Ladys smoke grays stia 88 latt model 913 9th st nw 3d floor Mala 7358 i 4 COAT Girls Iongv grayj aire II or 17 years ft 3817 13th st nw i CARPET Handsome greea velvet else about UX 13 Mt 358 The Portner 4 8HOTGLN Nearly new a 13 gauge Hagle bar rel target signts automauc ejector i North 4313 COAT Black cloth all dress perfect a adltloai cheaa 908 3d st nw 4 SKIRTS Blue and green broadcloth 50o and 73c light brown skirt add jacket 3211 ta st ae i 4 KITCHEN Uble and othey things Jll gtltst ne 4 OVERCOAT Paddock sllk llned broadcloth sire 4035 ost IP SIT 7th 8taw RADIATOR Six section gas 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