Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

TO Northwest Texas' Greatest Want- Ad Medium BETTER OFFERS BETTER CIRCULATION BETTER RESULTS YAY YIY MY MY MIL HERE CAN YOU get more for YOUR money than Classified Advertising space purchased on THIS PAGE of the Daily TimesRecord News and Sunday's Times? This Page Is the FIRST and NRA Last Page to Place YOUR Classified Ad! TO TO 19. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED five-room house, 2. 3 or room apartments. Bills paid. 2-0405, 1307 Fillmore.

NICELY furnished three rooms, kitchenet, private bath, garage, to couple. 1660 Lucile. BRICK APARTMENT, 3 rooms, nicely? furnished. Garage; $5.00, 2800 Holliday. Also 3 rooms furnished, $6.00, and 2 rooms, furnished $3.00, 2210 Ninth; bills paid.

20. HOUSES FOR RENT LOVELY clean places, unfurnished houses, 1522 Westlake, $20; 1518 Westlake, $25; 1512 Westlake, 1504 Westlake, $27.50. Furnished house Avenue F. $35; furnished apartments, 3111 Ninth. $25; 3105 Ninth, bills paid.

Ammann-Jordan. FIVE ROOM PAROLES 1107 Polk, $15; Apply 1713 Ninth. 9839. FOR RENT-Five-room house, 2005 Monroe. Phone 7292.

SEVEN ROOMS, 1410 Polk, $20; newly redecorated inside and outside. Day phone 3009. night 9182. cile. Redecorated 6-room house, 1506 REDECORATED 5- 5-room house, 1638 LuEleventh.

King, 1407 Ninth. EXCEPTIONALLY nice 5-room home, furnished. Immediate possession. Phone 2-2617. 28-A FURNITURE WANTED (VANTED-Secondhand furniture.

Get our prices before you sell. Riley Furniture com pany. phope 7123. WE HAVE plenty of cash. If you have used furniture for we want to buy it.

Gilmore Furniture colon 609 Indiana. Phone 6991. 29-B. FURNITURE REPAIRING FURNITURE TOP GLASS--Mirrors resilvered, glass novelties. Auto glass headquarters, Malacord's.

1106 Scott. Phone 7288. TAYLOR Furniture Repair Shop, upholstering, refinishing. Modern methods, moderate prices. Phone 4054.

1007 Ninth, next to Elk club. 30. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Ford composition shingles. $4.50 per square. Fir wall board.

$4.50 per square. Guaranteed house paint, $2.20 per gallon. Galvanized iron, $4 per square. Linseed oil 90c gallon. C.

D. SHAMBURGER LUMBER CO. FRESH HOME killed hogs. Try those country sausage once; and hams. Phone 4995.

DRIVE to Byers or Call Dave Houston, Wichita Falls, for "Spelce's fine pecans. ROBERTSON Wrecking Co. pays cash for all kinds of buildings wreck. Phone 3422. A.

monds, HARRIS watches, COMPANY guitars, radios -Bargains and in Christ- diamas gifts. 800 Ohio. CHRISTMAS CANDY POUND Vinegar 20c gal. Spices Coffee 17c lb. 710 Tenth Street Market.

PICTURE framing, a beautiful line of moldings in all widths. to select from, good work and most reasonable prices. Wilhite Paint 815 Ninth. Phone 2-0828. 30-A "LET'S SWAP" FIRST CLASS heater and gasoline cook stove for trade: will trade for good wool rug or gas range.

Box 571, or 311 East Summit, Electra, Texas, 31. AUCTION SALES SIX MILES north and mile west Electra Thursday, Dec. 20. Sale starts 10 o'clock, 10 head horses and mules, 16 head good cattle, farm machinery. 2,000 feed.

Wright and Moore, owner. Ray, auctioneer. 32. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BIG DISCOUNT on all new and used upright and grand pianos this week. Easy terms.

Cox Music Co. 33. RADIOS AND RADIO PARTS BEST RADIO programs at Christmas time. Insure perfect reception. Call Ro5g Radio Service, phone 2-4904.

34. WANTED TO BUY WANTED- Cutting and welding combination torch complete. See Pleas Brown, 604 Travis or call 6581 nights. 37. OFFICE SUPPLIES CLOSING out at sacrifice; during next few days, several used office desks, tables.

chairs, safes, typewriters, adding machines, show cases and other equipment. 913 Eighth. Phone 2-2838. 41. MACHINERY AND TOOLS ONE 16-INCH Papee feed mill, 1.

30 h. p. electric motor. Peonts Grain Seymour, Texas. 43.

POULTRY AND PET STOCK SUPERIOR copperback strain-bronze turkeys. Write us for prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Zethel Emerson, Bowie, Texas. QUALITY bronze turkeys.

Guaranteed stock selected by Judge Branch. Mrs. J. E. Lutz, Henrietta, Texas.

WORM CAPSULES, Cresco disinfectants; Lee's, Russell's, and LeGear's poultry and stock remedies. Maricle Seed Feed 812 Eleventh. Phone 4351. 50. FLORISTS AND NURSERYMEN EVERGREENS, flowering shrubs, shade and fruit trees, roses and floral stock.

Home grown, adapted, state inspected, low prices. Downings Wichita Nursery, 2206 Brook. Phone 8354. KERR QUALITY fruit and pecan trees, shrubs, roses, strawberry and grape vines. 0.

L. Phillips, 2011 Grant street. 52. MOVING AND STORAGE LOCAL and long distance moving, perienced men. Expert packing and ping.

Riley Furniture company, 514 Indiana. Phone 7123. 53. PLUMBING AND HEATING CALL CASTLEDINE 1420. to get your plumbing ready for winter.

Information on National Housing Act. C. M. SPARKMAN- Your plumber, emergency any time, $1 cash. Phone 7995.

58. CLEANING AND PRESSING NEW POCKETS put in, 25c. Suits cleaned and pressed, 50c. Busy Bee Cleaners, 606 Seventh. L.

LOEVY, tailor, with the Innovation Shop, 815 Indiana. Suits cleaned and pressed. Expert alterations. Phone 8573. 60.

MATTRESS RENOVATING YOUR OLD mattress made new. Cheapest prices ever made. Bell Mattress. 9412. WICHITA MATTRESS FACTORY, renovetion, new tick, $2: same tick $1: new mattresses.

Furniture exchange; 2-1067. MY MY MY WICHITA DAILY TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1934 9 3 3 4 old old c. corn 001 an of $1 4c 00 00 03 wheat May 0014 lg 4, 0 Dis bushel. Skin only 0 0 TIMES' DAILY MARKETS FOREIGN SELLING IN COTTON OFFSET BY TRADE DEMAND NEW YORK. Dec.

17. (A) Cotton opened quiet, unchanged to lower with moderate foreign selling offset by A fair trade demand. Dec. 12.50 bid; Jan, 12.50; March 12.58: May 12.07. July 12.59: Oct.

12.41. Trading was quiet At the start and there seemed to be some selling from the South 8.3 well A8 through houses with foreign connections. The small -offerings were absorbed by the trade within a narrow price range, however, and the market was ing fairly steady at the end of the first halt hour. After selling at 12.58. March worked up to 12 or back to Saturday's closing quotations with the general market ruling about 3 points lower to point higher.

Buying on the setbacks was encouraged by the early action of the stock market and continued favorable reports on general bustness conditions. Buying on the prospects for tion of the Bankhead cotton control act appeared to be restricted by uncertainty 85 to the allotment that might be made for tax free cotton should the act be declared effective for 1935. The market continued quiet later in the morning. There was A little selling of May, thought to be against operations in pool cotton. however.

and after selling up to 12,61 for March 011 the early demand, or about 1 point. above Saturday's closing quotations, prices eased slightly. The comparatively small offerings were absorbed on setbacks of 3 or 4 points, however, with March ruling around 12.57 at midday when the general list was about 1 to 3 points net lower. Futures closed steady, 6-10 points lower. Spot quiet; middling 12.70.

Open High Low Close Dec. 12.51 12.53 12.45 12.45n Jan. 12.50 12.51 12.43 12.43 March 12.58 12.61 12.52 12.52-53 May 12.57 12.60 12.53 12.53 July 12.59 12.60 12.51 12.51-52 Oct. 12.44 12.44 12.33 12.33-34 n- -Nominal. Spot quiet; middling 12.70.

New Orleans Cotton NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 17. Cotton opened steady today. Liverpool cables were somewhat better than due, but aS there were some overnight selling orders in evidence at the start, first trades were unchanged two points down. When the selling WAS absorbed prices railled in sympathy with cables and on A firmer opening of stocks, recovering two points.

March traded at 12.58. July at 12.59 and October at 12.44. or net unchanged to two points up compared with Saturday's close. with market ruled quiet all morning narrow price fluctuations. There WAS A sight rally around mid-morning on shorts covering.

prices gaining 4 to 5 points from the early lows with March at 12.61, May at 12.62 and July at 12.61, or 2 to 4 points above Saturday's close. Towards noon prices eased off to 2 points from the best on long liquidation causing the price level to rule 2 points up to 1 point down compared with Saturday's close. Futures closed steady at net declines of 2 to 7 points. Open High Low Close Dee. 12.49 12.49 12.47 12.43n Jan.

12.47 12.51 12.46 12.4 in March 12.56 12.61 12.53 12.54 May 12.60 12.62 12.56 12.56 July 12.57 12.61 12.53 12.54n Oct. .12.42 12.44 12.35 12.35 Dec. (1935) 12.33n n- Nominal. Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Dec. 17.

(INS)- There was moderate demand for spots cotton at the opening today with prices steady. Receipts totaled 200 bales, all of which were American. At noon, middling WaS 8.17d, strictly good 7.77d, good 7.47d. strictly 7.27d, midding 7.12d, strictly low 6.97d, low 6.77d. strictly good ordinary 6.57d, and good 6.27d.

Futures were steady, with Jan. at 6.81d, March at 6.79d, May at 6.75d, and July at 6.72d. Livestock OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec, 17. (P)-Cattle -Receipts calves trading steady to strong; only package lots and odd head steers and yearlings offered, mostly $5.00 down: odd head of good choice matrons sold $3 0 3.25: calves dull due to inferior quality, good weighty calves in -between grades uneven and weak, $2.50 3.00; fancy veals $5.00 5.50. Hogs -Receipts 10c higher, packer top small killers took select few at bulk $5.25 up; light lights down to $3.50 4.00; packing sows sold at $4.95 5.25.

Sheep--Receipts 500; lambs 25c higher; bulk $6.00 upward. CHICAGO, Dec. 17. (INS) -Hogs -Receipts 10 to higher. Holdovers 2.000.

Top $6.25: bulk $5.30 6.00; heavy $5.70 8.25; medium $5.70 6.25; light $5.25 5.85; light lights packing BOWS $5.50 5.85; pigs $2.50 4.00. Cattle- Receipts 16.000; steady, Calves -Receipts steady, Beef steers: Choice common $4 8.00; yearlings $7 9.75. Butchers: Heifers $3.50 4P 8.50; cows $2 0 4.75; bulls $2.50 0 4.00: calves $3 0 6.00: feeder steers $3.50 4 5.00; stocker steers $3 5.00; cows and belters $2.25 3.50. Sheep--Recipts steady. Choice lambs $6.50 7.25; common $4.50 6.00; yearlings $5 6.00; choice ewes $2 3.00; feeder lambs $5 6.00.

FORT WORTH, Dec. 17. (A) (U.S.D.A.) -Hogs--Receipts truck hogs 10 15c higher than Friday's packer market; top good under weights averaging 150- 180 pounds $5.00 6.05; butcher pigs $3.00 3.25; packing sows steady $5.00 5.50. Cattle--Receipts 1.200 commercial, 3,000 government; calves 1,100 commercial, 1.100 government; slaughter steers with weight lacking: sausage bulls 15 25c higher; general trade in other classes cattle quotably steady; one load medium to good light weight 2-year-old steers well finished yearlings up to few sales destrable medium weights $4.50 to around including several loads $1.25 1.50; odd head weighty bulls up to fairly Rood welghty fat calves in carlots 83.50 3.60. Sheep--Receipts 700; few sales fat lambs and wethers steady; medium grade fat lambs $5.00 5.50; good aged fat wethers $3.50.

KANSAS CITY. Dec. 17. -Receipts 4,000: fairly active. uneven; desirable 220 pounds up very scarce, steady to.

10c higher than Friday's average; lighter weights 10 0 25c higher; ton $6.10 on choice 230 pounds and up; good and choice 140-350 pounds $4.15 6.10: packing BOWS 275-550 pounds $4.75 5.90: feeder and stocker pigs, good and choice 75c 2.25. Cattle-Receipts 9.000. calves 1,000: 2,500 drouth cattle and 500 calves on government account: killing classes of cattle active, strong to 25c higher; choice 1.177 pound steers steers, good and choice, 550- 1.500 pounde, $5.50 9.15; common and medium, 550 pounds up, $2.75 0 6.50; heifers, good and choice, 550-900 pounds. $5.00 Pr 7.75; cows, good, $3.25 0 4.25: vealers, milkfed. medium to choice $2.50 5.50.

Sheep--Receipts native lambs around 15c higher: no fed lambs sold early; odd lots sheep about steady; best native lambs fed lambs held above lambs, good and choice. 90 pounds down 0 7.10: yearling wethers. medium to choice. 90-110 pounds. $4.25 5.75: ewes, good and choice, 90-150 pounds, $2.25 3.00.

Quotations based on ewes and wethers. Spot Cotton DALLAS. Dec. 17. (P) -Cotton 12.30; Houston 12.65: Galveston 12.70.

Chicago Cotton CHICAGO, Dec. 17. (P) -Cotton futures closed: Dec. 12.55; Jan. 12.64; March 12.62; May 12.62.

NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 17. cotton closed barely steady 3 points down. Sales 781: low middling 12.09: middling 12.74: good middling 13.19; receipts stock, 735.578. Boston Wool Market.

BOSTON, Dec. 17. Most of the current demand for wool in the Boston markel was centered on the 648 and finer grades. Some nalls were being received on 589, 608, half blood, and medium grades were very quiet. Occasional bids were received on 488.

50s, quarter blood fleeces, but offers generally were below the level of asking prices which were about on the basis of 27429 cents in the grease for graded strictly combing Ohio lines. Estimated receipts of domestic wool at Boston, reported to the Boston grain and flour exchange during the week ending Dec. 15, amounted to 436,000 pounds compared with 306,000 during the previous week. the list of to Counter Service Want Ad Counter. Times Building, cornel Seventh and Scott avenue, 1s open from 8 a.

m. to 9 p. m. weekdays; 4 p. m.

to 8 p. m. Sundays. MEN 00 Wichita Daily Times (Evening) Wichita Falls Record News (Morning) Wichita Sunday Times Largest Circulation in Northwest Texas and Southwest Oklahoma CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES AND INFORMATION (Effective January 1, 1933) 24-Hour Service 15-word minimum One Time .350 Two Times 700 Three Times $1.05 Four to Seven Times, per 20 Eight to 15 Times, per Sixteen to 30 Times, per White space, per 100 Caps, per line. 15c Local readers, per line.

...200 One mouth (31 days) 15 $7.10 Rates are based on consecutive insertions. Irregular insertions take onetime rate. An abbreviation, words, initials counted as full words. We do not assume responsibility for more than one incorrect insertion of advertisem*nt. All corrections in flea advertising should be made imme diately.

Outside Texas and Oklahoma Rates for advertisers outside of Texas and One Time, per word. Sc Four to Seven Times, per Eight to 15 Times, per Sixteen to 30 Times, per word. 2c Orders for out- advertisers are cash with order. Ads start in either afternoon or morning paper. The foregoing rates are for the dally combination of The Times and Record News or the Sunday Times.

All classified ads taken to run in both papers, with the exception of sified display, which is optional. Phone your classified ads to 4391 All classified advertising 1a cash in advance. Accommodation accounts will be accepted overt the telephone where credit has established. Such counts are payable upon presentation of bill by the collector. Our courteous ad taker will receive your classified ad and help you to word it, then our collector will call the next day.

These accounts are modation accounts' for the convenience of our patrons to transacting business over the telephore. Cancellation and adjustments garding errors should be telephoned to the classified ad department between 8 a. 10. and 6 p. m.

CLOSING HOURS Ada accepted for the afternoon paper up to a. m. same day. Morning paper up to 9 p. m.

for the following morning. Sunday paper up to 9 o'clock Saturlay night. Same copy in both papers. THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT IS OPEN ON SUNDAYS From to 8 p. when telephone orders for classified ads to be Inserted or to be discontinued will be accepted.

Exceptions: Want ads will be accepted over the telephone for all eXcepting the following classifications: Wanted," and "Wanted to Rent." Ads for these classifications are cash with the order and cannot be accopted over the telephone. The Times reserves the right to classify all ads under the appropriate headlines and to revise or to withhold from publication any ads deemed lectionable. FLACONAL PHOTOGRAPHS, Xmas special, 49c and 98c. Shamlians Studio, Indiana. Closed Sunday.

Sweaters for Xmas, large assortment. All colors: at cut prices. THE SHOE MARKET, 10TH AND SCOTT D. R. SAENZ, expert auto body worker, wishes his friends to know he is now at United Auto Service, 603 Scott.

Your business will be appreciated. BEAUTY PARLORS RINGLETT permanents $1.50, $2.50 and $3.50, shampoos and wave sets included; Ex-cel-cis Xmas gift sets and perfumes; open evenings until Xmas. 1006 Burnett. Phone 9881. MARCELL and ringlett permanents $1 to $4.

Mrs. Eula Dawson, 902 Austin. Phone 7716. JANE'S permanents, $1 complete; oil waves, $1.50 up; shampoo, set and dry, 35c. Phone 8717, 1503 Monroe.

CHILDREN'S push-up waves, others $1.50 to $5. Caraway Beauty Shop, 913 Bluff. Phone 2-4359. GUARANTEED croquignole permanents, 75c. 011 waves, Opal's Beauty Shop, 400 Travis, 2-1410.

XMAS. SPECIALS--OIl wave permanents, $1.50, 2 for $2.50: $2.50 waves, 2 for $3.50. 721 Indiana: SPECIAL prices on oil permanents, $1 up; set and shampoo, 30c. Ask for other prices. Mrs.

Braddock, 205 Elm. Phone 7980. XMAS Duart oil permanent, $2.50. Finger wave, 15c. Turner's Beauty hop, 15135 Monroe.

8531. MALONE'S Christmas special. Permanents $2.00 up. Open 8 mornings to 9 evenings. Basem*nt Staley; phone 5873.

MRS. M'KISSACK'S BEAUTY SHOP AIL new equipment; soft water shampoos; Mrs. Olin beautician, 1600 block on Twelfth. Phone 2-0646. MRS.

formerly of Turner's Beauty Shop, Brook and Eighth, is now 10- cated with Mrs. Kilgore, 711 Van Buren; phone 2-2003. FINGER wave 10c; shampoo and set 25c; permanents $1.00 up; manicure 10c. Orval's Beauty Shop; phone 9681; Basem*nt Staley, TURNER'S BEAUTY SHOP, 712 Brook, holiday $1.00 specials; $5.00 permanents $2.00. Experienced operators.

Phone 4203. 5. LOST AND FOUND LOST--BIll fold contaning statement papers; reward. Phone 3740. LOST -Friday evening, geography and speller.

Finder please call Academy for reward. LOST Large English brindle bulldog named "Pat." Has ears trimmed, long tail. Phone 2-1912. Address 1107 Taylor. Reward.

EDUCATION and INSTRUCTION SALESMANSHIP and advertising by home study, latest methods. If interested write Anderson, Box 27 Times. WE WISH to select mechanics to train In Diesel engineering or air conditioning. Small fee covers training, tools, books, employment service. interested see A.

H. Anderson, Kemp hotel. MALE HELP WANTED SALESMEN--Fast selling line men's neckwear, belts, suspenders; large commissions. Bear Wholesale, 38 West Thirty -second street, New York. DO YOU WANT to learn to fly a plane at little expense? If so join the Wichita Falls flying club.

For particulars write to Box 29 Times. FEMALE HELP WANTED VAN BUREN BEAUTY SCHOOL issues diplomas and qualifies fo. state Jon. 1817 Ninth. 2-4771.

17. BEDROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT--Nice large front bedroom; close meals optional; garage. 1200 Burnett. Phone 5752. LOVELY bedroom, private entrance, close In, very reasonable: gentlemen preferred.

Mrs. Igo, phone 2-0572. 10. APARTMENTS FOR RENT CHENAULT 1114 10th. Phone 9902.

CLEAN, QUIET furnished 4-room apartment: private drive: garage; adults only. 1813 Seventh, NICELY furnished apartment, frigidaire. 713 Warford. VICTORIAN APARTMENTS- Three-room furnished apartment, bills paid, Frigidaire. Apply, Apt, or call 4680, WOMAN BURNS TO DEATH IN FORT STOCKTON FIRE DESTROYING PUMP HOUSE FORT STOCKTON, Texas, Dec.

17. A woman was burned to death and her husband was injured seriously when flames razed an Aero-Gas Refining company house, 25 miles north of Fort Stockton. A leaky pump threw hot oil on a stove near Mrs. Mary C. King, 49, starting A fire which spread 80 rapidly she could not escape.

Her almost cremated, was not recovered, tin until walls the of fire the had building burned had cooled. Her husband, A. King, pumper for the company, was burned on the back in the slight explosion following the fire Saturday night. He was brought to a hospital here and is expected to recover. The couple had been married for two years.

Funeral services for Mrs. King were held today. Three Fort Stockton men. Bill Goff. Herbert Carmen and Harry Durham were cut and bruised when their car overturned as they were speeding to the fire.

The car burned. Higher Courts Amarillo Civil Appeals AMARILLO, Texas, Dec. 17. (AP)-Proceedings in the seventh court of civil appeals: Motions submitted: City of Panhandle V5 J. H.

Byrd, rehearing: Carolina Ins. Co. Vs. J. C.

Christopher, certiorari; 0. S. Shaw, et vs. Roy L. Main, for mission to file second motion for rehearing: First State Bank vs.

National Bank of Commerce, to file substitute transcript and to postpone submission: Robert H. Sean. VS. Jack Reeves, et rehearing. Motion granted: First State Bank VA.

National Bank of Commerce, to file substitute transcript and to postpone submission. Affirmed: co*cke Braden, et Ve. Ewell J. Ayer, from Gray; Great Southern Life Ins. Co.

vs. Joseph L. Williams, et. from Moore: B. F.

Williams, et VA. R. A. De Fee, county judge, et from Hartley (temporary restraining order dissolved.) Reversed and remanded: J. I.

Case Co. VS. Laex Laubhan, from Lipscomb. DEATHS J. W.

Kilgore CHILDRESS. Texas, Dec. Funeral services were conducted here Saturday afternoon for J. W. Kilgore, 61, who died at his home here Friday night following a brief Illness.

The funeral was conducted by the Rev. Joe H. Hankins and the Rev. C. W.

Ferguson. Kilgore born Rome, and has been a resident of ChilargarvfoormanY years. widow: one son, Robert Kilgore of Childress: two daughters, Mrs. Joe West of Childress and Mrs. Jim Vallance of Memphis, three brothers and one sister.

Pallbearers were H. C. Preslar, Sam Keith. Claude Holland, Bob Bowers, Luther Albertson and John Scott. Federal Bonds NEW YORK, Dec.

17. (P)-Government bonds (in dollars and thirty- seconds) Liberty Sales High Low Close 32-47 ..109 103.26 103.21 103.26 1st 32-47 45 103.20 103.16 103.20 4th 33-38 28 103.24 103.22 103.22 Treasury 47-52 2 112.15 48 44-54 83 108.12 108.7 108.12 8 46-56 .160 106.20 106.18 106.20 40-43 50 104.10 104.10 104.10 43-47 1 103.26 103.26 103.24 41-43 March 78 104.12 104.9 101.12 46-49 32 101.20 101.15 101.20 3s 51-55 15 100.18 100.16 100.18 '52 .738 99.13 99.4 Cottonseed Oil NEW YORK. Dec. 17. (P)--Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed easy; spot unquoted; Dec.

9.90 bid: Jan. 9.95: Feb. 9.95 bid; March 9.96 bid: April 9.96 bid: May 10.05-06; June 10.06 bid. Sales 41 contracts, including 2 switches. NEW ORLEANS.

Dec. 17. (P) -Cottonseed oil closed barely steady. Prime mer yellow 9.65 9.80; prime crude 8.75 9.00. Dec.

9.68; Jan. 9.70; March 9.78; May 9.87; July 9.98. 102. LEGAL NOTICE lows: Being the west one-third of lot five (5) in block five (5) of Curlee's addition to the city of Wichita Falls, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in volume 2, page 104, of the plat records of Wichita county, Texas; the lot herein described being a lot 50x150 feet on the north side of Victory avenue, 150 feet east of the east line of Deerwood street. Dated this the 5th day of December, A.

1934. -G. Dillard Anderson, substitute trustee. Classified Display I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Give a Used Car Here is the nicest, most reasonable Christmas present of them all a good Used Car. Our reconditioned cars will give you thousands of miles and many months of happy, carefree motoring.

We have a car for every pocketbook. 1934 Chevrolet Coupe $565 1934 Chevrolet Coach $595 1932 Ford V-8 Coach $285 1930 Chevrolet Sedan $265 1930 Chevrolet $95 1933 Long Wheel Base Chevrolet Truck in A-1 condition $425 G. M. A. C.

Terms FOX CHEVROLET COMPANY 2 LOTS 2 LOTS 6th and Scott 9th and Lamar Phone 8164 Phone 8164 New York Stocks NEW YORK. Dee. 17. VA' Sales. closing price and net change of the 15 most active stocks today: Radio Corp 544 up McCrory Stores 10 up Cerro de Pasco 43 up North Amer 13 up Packard no change.

General Electric up C'elanese 10,100 up Am Wool pt 9.900; up United Gas up Sperry Corp 9.400; 944 up General Motors 9.300 up Anaconda 9 200, 111, ND United Store A up Kelvinator 9,000, 17 up Radio pt down A Sales High Low Close Air Reduc 109 1 1091 Allegh 113 11 Al Ch Dye 132 132 Amerada 471 47 47 4 Am Can 16 1061 106 1061, Am Car Fdy 174 171 Am For Pow 39 Am Int Am Loco 171 Am Metal 14 15 Am Rad St 8 51 13 Am Roll Mill 26 201. Am Smelt Ref A6 371 371 374 Am 811 Fdra 10 17 161 17 Am Sugar Ret 66 66 Am Tel Tel 30 10616 1051 105 Am Tob 80 80 4 Am Wat Wka 31 14 Am Woolen, 71 91 Am Woolen pfd 98 144 46 1 Anaconda Cop 92 111 Andes Cop 4 Armour 1111 37 54 At Ref 16 Auburn Auto 3 25 2419 24 Aviation Corp 39 Baldwin Loco 01 6 51, 13 1414 Barnadall 61 Bendix Aviat 11 1644 Bethlehem Steel 30 301 304 Bahn Alum 57 56 Borden 23 23 Briggs MfR 30 25 251 Bulova Watch Burr Add Mch Calif Pack 3 361 Calu Hee 10 3 3 Can Ale 1514 Can Pac 26 Case I 11 52 Cerro de Pasco 154 4414 431. 437 Ches Corp 44 4314 43 4 St pid Chrysler 78 39 Coca-Cola 159 159 159 Col te Col El Coml Soly 47 Comwith Sou 58 11 Congo- Na 32 32 Con Gas 95 23 Con 011 30 Cont Bak 12 Cont Can 61 80 60 Cont Mot Cont Oil Del Corn Prod 63 621 Corn Prod pid 3 1501 15016 Coty 6 5 Curtiss- Wright 13 3 Pfd Du Pont 41 Eastman Kod 15 10914 1081 Eaton Mfg 15 17 18 Elec 17 3 3 1 Fox A 18 134 Freeport Tex 10 2416 Gen Asphalt 8 16 Gen Elec 117 201 Gen Foods 34 311. 315 Gen El A Gen Mills 61 60 60 Gen Mot 93 31 31 31 kg Gen Pub Serv 21 21 Gillette 133 13 134 Cold Dust Goodrich 'Tire 11 101 10 kg 0Godyear Tire 33 24 24 Graham- Paige 21, Gt Nor Ry pfd 46 174 Gt West Sug 10 28 273 Houston new 13 Howe Sound 26 51 51 Hupp Motor 5 I Illinois Central 3 Int Harvester 33 391 Int Hydro El A 6 2 21 Int 58 80 Johns Manville 12 Kan City South 16 8 14 Kelly Spring 11 Kelsey Hay Wh 61 Kelvinator 90 17 Kennecott 50 Kresge 8 13 Libb 0 Ford GI 21 28 Ligg Myers 2 101 101 Lorillard 22 Louis EL A 17 12 13 Mack Truck 6 Magma Cop 9 20 20 Math Alkali 22 McKeesport Tin 90 Miami Cop 31 Mid Cont Pet 32 12 Midland Steel 6 6 6 Mo Pac 2 1 Mont Ward 80 29 Murray Corp 6 61 Nash Motor 29 17 Nat Biscuit 59 28 27 Nat Cash Reg A 14 17 Nat Dairy Prod 18 Nat Dist 40 271 271 Nat Lt. 52 71 Nat Steel 17 45 45 Central 36 21 NY NH 35 North Am ..129 13 0 Ohio Oil 28 Otis Elevator 2 14 14 14 Pac El 12 14 Packard .126 Panhandle Penney 36 72 72 72 Penick -28 Ford 61 611 Penn 21 24 Phillips Pet 21 Plymouth Oil 13 11 8 Procter Gamble 10 Pub Serv 27 30 30 30 Pullman 18 47 47 Pure Oil 27 Radio 231 0 60 21 Reading Co 43 43 43 P.em Rand 10 Rep StI 24 14 Rey Tob x450 50 50 Royal Dutch Safeway 47 474 9t, San Fran Seab Oil 24 25 Sears 40 40 Shell 6 614 Simms 15 Socony 77 14 14 South Cal Ed 12 111 11 South Pac 43 South Ry 11 16 16 9td Brands 42 Std El 36 Std Oil Cal 42 301 29 Std Oil Ind 59 25 Std Oil 25 40 Stewart 11 Stone Web 5 5 Studebaker 75 2 11, deP Ry 3 2014 20 Texas Corp 45 Tex Gulf Sul 14 333 33 Tex Pac 3 Tex Pac Tr 21 Timk Det AX 6 A Timk Roll 11 Un Carb 40 46 45 46 Un Oil Calif 8 15 Un Pac 5 1051 106' Unit Gas Im 61 13 124 9 Gyp 10 474 48 8 Ind Alc 9 Rubber 14 17 8 Steel 63 38 Util Lt A 2 2 2 Vanadium 5 Warner Wess 0 West Un Westingh Air Wright Aero Wrigley Jr 39 14 33 33.

10 341 33 4 33 4 14 241 233 52 01 51 3 74 Yellow Trk Cab 2 Bar Silver Easter NEW YORK. Dec. 17. (P) -Bar allver easier, lower at STOCK LIST HOLDS IN NARROW RANGE TRADERS CAUTIOUS NEW YORK. Dee 17.

The metals, some of the utilities and scattered epe. clalties found followings in today a stock market. but EAR whole, held rather narrow TanKe News incentives and were scarce operations highly cautious character The close was steady Transfers approximated 920,000 shares. NEW YORK. her 17.

14 The stock market showed signs of climbing out of the rut today. although the majority of dealings were of a hugnly selective nature. Scattered spectaltica developed strength. along with some metals, and few utilities displayed a better tone than in eral weeks past Improvements throughout the remainder of the list, however. was only moderate and the trading volume was not greatly enlarged There was little change In the mar ket picture, generally A number of prime bonds edged into new high ground for 1934 or longer, but price changes in this list were email Most of the grains were 1n- clined to dip and cotton did virtually nothin Foreign exchanges wete mived Ster.

link WiLE heavy, while the gold currencies were bit improved. The Shanghat dollar was reactionary on rumors that the Chinese government was considering devaluing this exchange 25 per cent. New tops for the year were recorded by shares of Philip Morris, McCrory Stores and Interboro Rapid Transit with advances of about A point each. American Woolen preferred moved up nearly 3 points, U. 8.

Smelting WAS 2 higher, and American Smelting, Cerro de Pasco and Howe Sound were fractionally to more than point firmer. North American and Consolidated gas were around a point each better, while American Water Works, American Telephone, Public Service of New Jersey and Western Union were improved. Celanese, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, Hudson Motor. Westinghouse, Montgomery Ward Loew'8 and Likkett Myers showed modest xaina. The rails were almost unchanged and the were easier.

Attention WAS attracted to several of the power stocks following application of the Consolidated Gas organization for creased rates to take care of a substantial increase in emergency taxes. Home activity In the metals was attributed to a mild revival of Inflationary paychology based partly on the belief the next congress, at least, will give this subject serious consideration despite efforta of administration leaders to tone down radical currency talk. Local Markets The following prides were being paid by producers in Wichita Falls Monday afternoon: spot Cotton Range 10.43-12.33 at Wichita Falls, Add 10 points to above prices for 15-16 staple. Price based on March New York al 12.47. nuttry (Quotationa by Noble Poultry and EgI company) Hens, light Hens, heavy .90 (Quotations by McKinray Barton Pro- Hens, light Hens, heavy MC Eggs (Quotations by Massey Produce baby).

Hens, light Ge Hens, heavy 9C Springs Roosters Priers, up to 2 pounds Bakers 9e No. 2 turkeys, underweight 9c Hen turkeys, No. 1 16c Old hen turkeys 16c Young toms Old toms 8c Guineas, each 15c Ducks 7 Geese 7 Eggs, No. candled 25c Pecans, orchard run 11c (Quotationa by H. E.

Lucies. Produce market.) Guineas, each Light hens Heavy hens Friers Milk and Milk Products (Quotations by Lebrack Ferguson Dairy Products company) Cream, per pound, sour Cream, per pound, sweet Grade per 100 Ibs. per cent basis $2.00 A 3-cent differential paid for every point above 4 per cent and 3 centa off for every point below 4 per cent. Grain (Quotations by Wichita Mill and Elevator Company) Oats Barley 70c Wheat 88c Cotton Products Quoted f. o.

Wichita Falls by Wicnita Falls Cotton Oui company: Mixed feed $24 Hulls, per ton $15 Meal, per ton $45 Cake, per ton $45 Produce Market CHICAGO, Dec. 17, (INS) -Butter- Recelpta 5,303 tuba; steady: old cars 4, new 8: extras standards 27 extra firsts 0 firsts 260 seconds 25c; specials 29 0 c. Eggs 1.160 cases; steady: old cars none, new 1: current 23c; fresh extra firata, less than cars cars fresh firsts, less than cars 26c, care dirties 18 0 checks 16 Cheese Twins 0140: single daisies longhorns 144 Live Poultry- Turkeys 20c; old toms 14 6 16c: hens springs 10 16c; roosters 10c; ducks 90 16c; geese Potatoes -Receipts 152 care; on track 273: U. 8. shipments 667: Wisconsin round white 85c: commercial 70c: unclassifled 65c; Michigan rural russets 85c: Idaho russets $1.521 1.60; No.

2, asking $1.05 Money Quotations NEW YORK, Dee. 17. -Call money steady; 1 per cent all day. Time loans steady; 60 days-6 months per cent. Prime commercial paper Bankers' acceptances unchanged.

30 days 1: 60-90 days 4 months 5-6 months 1 Rediscount rate, New York Reserve bank, per cent. DECIDED WEAKNESS ABROAD LEADS TO WHEAT DOWNTURNS CHICAGO, Dee. 17. 1AM For the first time since Dec. wheat today dropped to below Liberal imports Canadian feed wheat, together with a disappointing exhibit made by the United States vinible supply total today had evident bearish influ ence.

The visible decreased 702.000 bushels, against 1.750.000 bushels decrease week ago and 2.372.000 bushels decrease at this time last year. Wheat closed weak At the day a bottom level, 14 92c under Saturday's finish, May 99 091, 1 1 down. May c. cats 10 to 2c off, and provisions unchanged to an advance of 2 cents. Wheat Open High Low Close Dec.

99 99 DR .98 1 1.00 Dec. new 00 9M .981, May 1 1 001 90 .99 July 91 93 .931 60. MATTRESS RENOVATING OLD MATTRESSES made new, 18 years' experence. furniture exchange. Patton tress.

402 Indiana. Phone 9930. MATTRESS renovating. 14 years knowing how: new ticks $2. Jimmie Eddina, 210 Scott.

Phone 2-1319. 63. FINANCIAL MONEY to loan, business and residence property. Carroll E. Sherman, Waggoner Bldg.

63-A. COIN MACHINES OPERATORS- We handle all kinds marble machines. Watling slots. Tell us your wants. Lone Star Coin Machine Eighth; phone 8214.

64. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE, TRADE OR LEASE- -Tailor shop, dry cleaning plant; only shop in town. A good business. Have other business. R.

E. Porter, Bellevue. Texas. Box 160. FOR SALE -Drug store already stocked and doing business.

Cash proposition. Box 30, Times. FOR SALE OR TRADE Filling station and tire shop. Low price. Thirty -second and Holliday streets.

EIGHT rooms' of boarding house furniture for sale; house can be rented. 1004 Twelfth. 68. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOOD STOCK cars. Priced below value.

Easy terms. Trade at Kirk's Car Lot, Seventh and Lamar. 1932 CHEVROLET coach, excellent condition, new tires, $350 cash. Call 9788. 1932 DE SOTO sedan.

6 wire wheels, new tires, excellent condition. It's cleaned and would be a good Christmas present for the family; $448. Henry Hamilton 606 Scott. 1932 PLYMOUTH Deluxe 4-door sedan. Motor has been reconditioned, new paint, good tires and priced from $445 to $398.

Henry Hamilton 606 Scott. 1931 CADILLAC 8 town sedan, 6 wheels, trunk and trunk rack. Just like a new car mechanically and in appearance. Buy ury at a cheap car price. Henry Hamilton 606 Scott.

SPECIAL sacrifice for Monday and Tuesday, 1929 La Salle sedan, good condition, every way, $95 in trade or cash, and your first note due Feb. 1, 1935. Henry Hamilton 606 Scott. TRADE YOUR used car as down payment on one of our reconditioned used cars. and make your first payment Feb.

1. Henry Hamilton 606 Scott. CHRYSLERS. Plymouths, Chevrolets, Buicks, Cadillacs and La Salles. A good variety to choose from.

Buy now and pay later. Henry Hamilton 606 Scott. 09. AUTO LOANS AUTOMOBILE loans, cars refinanced. R-F Finance corporation, 823 Staley building.


Phone 6686. AUTO LOANS, cars refinanced, able used cars. Fulton Webb 508 Scott. Phone 2-2442. SEE W.

A. WATTS FINANCE COMPANY for automobile and personal loans, 239 Harvey-Snider building WICHITA LOAN COMPANY for auto loans with lowest rate, quickets service. Indiana. Phone 7169. 71.

AUTOMOBILES WANTED HIGHEST cash price paid for used cars. Fulton- -Webb Co. 508 Scott street. Telephone 2-2442. 71-A.

BICYCLES BOYS' AND girls' bicycles. All sizes. New and rebuilt. Cuns; safes. Hallmarks.

911 Ninth. 6358. 75. AUTO REPAIRING BATTERY service until 10 p. include ing Sundays.

Expert generator, starter and Ignition repairing. Ford, Chevrolet replace. ment parts and accessories. Auto Electric Service 908 Ohio. Phone 4464.

BRAKES adjusted and relined. Wheel and axle alining. Hoffman Wainscott, 1003 Lamar. Phone 6383. 75-A.

BATTERY SERVICE USL BATTERIES: used batteries, priced right. speedometer, generator service. Ruby-Howard, 1200 Eighth. Phone 2-1777. 82.

HOUSES FOR SALE 1709 LUCILE STREET Completely renewed, nice and clean, ready to live in. give the family a home for Christmas at 8 bargain, price. Open Sunday afternoon, 800 It. STATON STATON Radio Bldg. Phone 5328 FIVE- cash, balance house, easy.

1903 Frank Holliday, Parrish; $850. phone 3244. 102. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE- The state of Texas, county of Wichita. Know all men by these presents: That, whereas, by deed of trust dated Sept.

16, 1929, and recorded In volume 100, at page 162 of the deed of trust records of Wichita county, Texas, E. C. Hall and wife, Alma M. Hall of Wichita county, Texas, conveyed to Jesse R. Clark trustee, the hereinafter described real estate to secure the Union Central Life Insurance company in the payment of a debt therein described, and whereas, default curred in the payment of part of said indebtedness' secured by said deed of trust and on account of which default the Union Central Life Insurance company, the holder and owner of said indebtedness, declared the whole principal amount thereof due under the provisions of said deed of trust, and the original trustee named in said deed of trust, being unable to act as such truatee, and having refused to act, and having resigned, said the Union Central Life Insurance company appointed me, G.

Dillard Anderson, as trustee in the place and stead of the said original trustee. and requested me to advertise and sell said real estate for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, which on the date of the sale herein will amount to $2,518.65. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the first day of January. A. 1935, between the hours of 10 o'clock a.

and four o'clock p. 1 will sell said real estate at the door of the county courthouse of Wichita county, Texas, in the city of Wichita Falls, Texas, to the highest bidder for cash. Said real estate is situated in the county of Vita, state of Texas, and described as fol- Corn Dec. old .91 .91 .00 T6 Dec, new .911, 91 .90 May .881 AT 1 July R51 .85 Onta Dec. Dee.

new SAL 54 May .52 July 181 18 Rye Dec. old Dec. new 80 50 78 May 77 761 .764 July .76 .75 .75 Barley Dec. 64 May Lard Dee. 11.32 11,32 Jan, 11 32 11 37 11.32 11.

32 May 11.75 50 11.72 11.72 Bellies Dec. 14.75 Jan. 14.85 New York Curb Am Superpower 22 Cities Service Elec 8 51 Ford Mot Ltd Gulf 011 Pa 541 04 54 Humble Oil 45 44 44 Niag Hud 24 34 St Reg Paper Stand Oil Ky Texon Oil United Founders United Gas Unit A 12 Cash Grain CHICAGO. Dec. 17.

-Wheat--No. 2 ref $1.031 0 1.04: No. 1 hard $1,09. Corn Old. No.

1 yellow No. 1 yellow a 93c: No. 1 white $1.03. Oata -No. 1 white 58c weevily.

Rye--No. 2 8. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 17. (P) --Wheat Receipts 77 cars: down.

No. 1 dark hard No. 2 hard $1.04 1.04½ No. 2 red nominally 4 1.03. Closet Dec.

May July Corn 107 cars: down; No. 2 white nominally 01.04½: No 2 yellow No. 2 mixed nominally Close: Dec. 981c; May 0 89 July C. Oats- Receipts 20 cars: 14 11c down No.

white nominally 64c. FORT WORTH, Dee. 17. --Demand for grain here was only moderate. The day's receipts were: Wheat, 8 care; corn 43; oats, 4, and sorghums Price: quoted: Delivered Texas gulf ports, esport rate or Texas common points: Wheat--No.

1 hard $1.121, Barley--No. 2 nominally 98 99c; No. 1 nominally 97 0 98c. Sorghums- No. 2 milo, per 100 pounds nominally $2.106: 2.12; No.

3 milo ly $2.08 0 2.10: No. 2 kafir nominally $2.01 2.05: No. 3 nominally $2.004 2.03. Delivered Texas common points or grout three: Corn- No. 2 white No.

yellow $1.41 1.15. Oats No, 2 red 66 0 No. 3 red 61 65 c. RAILROAD TIME TABLE M-K-T LINER 32 ---18 X88 Special Kansas Arrivais PromTrain No. Spectal, St.

Louts Kansas City, Galveston, SAD Antonio, A Austin And Dallas 2:00 p. 53-Forgan. Wellington and totermediate pointa 7:35 p. Departures ToCity, St. Louis.

Dallas Austin. San Antonio, Houston and Galveston 4:15 p. m. 04-Forgan, Wellington and 10- termediate points 7:15 a. F.

W. D. C. KY. Arrivals Train No.

1-Dallas, Fort Worth ADG 1n- termediate points 1:10 p. 1-Denver. Amarillo and termediate points 4:55 p. 1-Dallas. Fort Worth and intermediate points 2:00 a.

Denver, Amartio, Lubbock, Plainview and intermediate points 3:25 1. Departures To- 1-Amarillo, Denver And turmediate points 1:25 p. 2-Fort Worth. Dalias and intermediate points 5:05 p. 1-Amarillo, Denver and termediate points 2:10 a.

8-- Fort Worth, Dallas "And termediate points 3:35 a. 01 WICHITA FALLS SOOTHERN Arrivals From Breckenridge, Gratam, Olnev and interme. WICHITA VALLET Arrivals From112-Abilene and intermediate pointa .11:45 a. Departures To111-Abilene and Intermediate pointe 3:55 D. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Physicians and Surgeons Attorneys DR.

M. H. GLOVER A. H. BRITAIN Skin Diseases Lawyer 414 Hamilton Bldg.

Phone 3629 825-26-27 Hamilton Bid g. WALTER B. ADAMS, M. D. Phone 2-1119 Eye, Ear, Nose Throat Clinie Phone 7411 BULLINGTON, HUMPHREY KING Third Floor Hamilton Butiding Lawyers Ninth Floor City National Bank CHARLES R.

HARTSOOK, M. F.A.C.S. Phones 4361-4362 OTTO C. EGDORF, B. 8., M.

D. Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat Diseases E. C. DEMONTEL 420 Hamilton Bldg.

Phone 3163 Lawyer DR. G. T. SINGLETON 404-405 City National Bank Bidg. HOLLAND Phone 6602 DR.

L. B. Surgery, Obstetrics and Diseases of Women 407 Hamilton Bldg. Phone 2-2144 Chiropractors PAUL L. MYERS, D.

C. Clinics and Hospitals Consulting Chiropractor THE NORTHWEST TEXAS CLINIC Neurocalometer and Spinograph Service 306-11 Hamilton Bldg. Phone 7151 212 Staley Bldg. Phone 9298, Res. 3361 J.

A. HEYMAN, M. F. A. C.

8. Burgery, Rectal Diseases Osteopathic Physicians Diseases of Women DRS. PETERSON KROHN THE STEVENSON DIAUNOSTIC CLINIC Osteopathie Physicians 411 Hamilton Bidg. Phone 8288 325 Hamilton Bldg. C.

W. Stevenson, M. F. A. C.

P. Phone 5664 Wm. L. Powers, M. D.

Clinics and Hospitals J. Obstetrics, E. KANATSER, Diseases of M. Women, F. A.

C. Children S. WICHITA FALLS UROLOGICAL SERVICE 411 and 405 Hamilton Bldg. Phone 7138 Diagnosis and Treatment cf Urological Diseases HARGRAVE CLINIC--Phone 4117 J. D.

Hall, M. D. 0. T. Kimbrough, M.

Dr. R. L. Hargrave-Dr. Robert Hargrave Suite 402-4 Hamilton Bidg.

Phone 7301 Phone 2-1182 THE WICHITA FALLS CLINIC-HOSPITAL Phone 2-1182 Completely Equipped for Diagnosis and Treatment Dr. Everett Jones, Surgery. Dis. of Women Dr. A F.

Leach. Medicine. Diseases Dr. Q. B.

Lee. Surgery Diseses nt Women Dr. W. B. Whiting.

Heart Hay Fever Dr. 0. B. Kiel. Diagnosis.

Medicine Dr. P. K. Smith, Nervous Dis. Dr.

J. C. A. Guest. Obstetrics.

Children Dr. J. R. Reagan. Urology Dr.

W. L. Parker, Obstetrics, Children Dr. C. R.

Lanphere, Dentistry Dr. J. B. Nail, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Dr. F.

R. Landon. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Dr. C. A.

Wilcox, X-ray, Electro- Therapy Dr. D. R. Venable, Pathology.

Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.